Why is youth unemployment so high in Europe?
Why is youth unemployment so high in Europe?
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Not enough migrants to grow the economy, obviously.
All of those alleged NEETs here are foreigners.
same reason why they are high in America. Keynesian economics does not work.
now you know why
I'm pretty sure were are well over 40%
Greeks are literally crippled with austerity because they were not allowed to go Keynesian you fucking economically illiterate inbred
I think those statistics include students.
no, they depend on Germany to bail them out. Fuck learn something about economics ha.
Dumb spending like the Olympics really harmed Greece economy.
No. They don't even include NEETs, just people who get registered at the unemployment office
of course, and when the economy is more of a central planing than free market bad things always happen.
Our economy in Italy is way too free market is a certain sense. We have no protectiong from huge foreign competitors and buyers, but we have extremely though barriers for small/medium business owners. Makes no fucking sense
That is why the EU is a joke correct? From what I understood from Nigel (I could be wrong) the EU created a lot of dumb laws for small businesses in Europe.
The EU definitely contributes to this retarded system, but our government makes its fair share of stupid regulations on its own
okay, that is what I figured. Of course open borders is just adding gasoline to the fire.
Of course, especially considering that most low qualification jobs have already been outsourced to Eastern Europe or even of the EU years ago.
If a guy who comes out of uni can't find a job, imagine an african who never spoke one work of English or Italian nor did he do any specialized work in his whole life
*or even out of the EU
Everywhere, here it´s literally like this
>Now look at Greece, they weren´t good EU students and now they are in the shitter
>Do you want to be like Greece or you want to be the good hardworking goy?
>Remember, unemployment is good to bring companies to our country, it means available manpower
>Procedes to make it impossible for companies to hire instead of cutting state expenses and refuses to lower taxes
just wondering do you know what is the average degree obtained in the EU?
For example in America I believe business and communication is at the top of the list, and people can find work with that of course.
the goal of merkel was to bring in brown people so they can lower the cost of labor thus helping out the average EU citizen.
The funny thing is merkel thinks Africans are like Mexicans. I have my problems with Mexicans and I want to build the wall but the Mexicans actually do the work unlike the lazy Africans.
>lower the cost of labor
Correct there
>thus helping out the average EU citizen
Don´t know if you saw Sargon Arkad debating Destiny online, it was summed up in one sentence "Free IPHONES", another case of entitled middle class kids larping as poor
There would be no steam for the argument "they do the jobs we don´t want" if we got raised and offered fair prices for our work, and if there was a real investement in modernizing our industries with machines, living cost did go up after all
>work 12h/day for a full month only to get a 35% tax on your 800 eurobucks and not being even able to pay rent
>let the government pay for all your shit
Unless you're earning 3k a month, working isn't really worth it here.
I dont like the idea of cheaper products because it involves slaver labor, I wish Sargon would have said that.
What pissed me off during that debate was Destiny compared carpet cleaning to the skill set of carpenter work.
Destiny is an idiot who has no morals and all he cares about is himself and winning that argument.
Also there is nothing wrong with those grunt jobs destiny talked about. Those grunt jobs are so important to develop a work ethic and to help you get to that next level. The problem is a lot of people are lazy and want to start at the top. Life doesn't work that way.
really education that low? I am in education and that is going to be a golden field soon because no one is entering in that field in America.
pretty much similar to America, interesting.
the west is fucked ha. I love how the left wants free health care but you will never be able to have a great free health are with numbers that low graduating from medical programs.
>I dont like the idea of cheaper products because it involves slaver labor, I wish Sargon would have said that.
I think he was impliyng that to him, those jobs are the perfect thing for a kid to go working
>Scratching it´s balls in sumer at home, no money, if he had, he alredy spent it
>Goes to a storage or a factory to see if it need people
>Get´s minimum wage to do lowest job, but earns respect and confidence
>Get´s money starts buying cloths, saves for a car, goes to parties, becomes a chad
>Over time gets used to the schedule and becomes better and experienced and gets raised
>Get´s a fiance and leaves daddy and mommy without having to be kicked out
Mim wadge jobs were never meant to be long term jobs.
Also the the deviation of most currency's and inflation on the rise people need to make 60k a year just to be comfortable.
Sargon did make a good point about the cultural problems that occur with open borders but density over looks that.
destiny lives in the whitest part of the nation and he says diversity is good. Fuck that guy.
The are allowed to but they just ran out of people willing to lend to them
>living in italy
>19 years old at the time
>trying to find a job after highschool (liceo) for some spending money and to help my parents out with expenses, and maybe build some experience
>apply for a supermarket cashier job
>8 hours a day
>6 day workweeks
>monthly salary 370 euro
when I arrived to the place where they were conducting interviews there were at least 1000 people there. i wish I had joking. the plaza in front of the building was full there was barely any place to stand.
I talked to some people who were waiting and made conversation with them
>so why did you apply to this job? are you a student?
>well I'm a industrial engineer and I can't find anything and I can't afford a postgraduate program, at least this job is something...
>...I have a MBA
>...I just finished my degree in math and can't find a job
>...I don't have a degree but I have 20+ years experience and I need something, I have a 8 years old daughter
nearly everyone there was more qualified than me, older than me, had a degree in something and more experience, and there were all applying for a job that paid 350 euro. it was surreal.
anyway 4 hours later a lady came out from the building and told us they had interviewed enough people thank you for coming. so we just left.
very depressing.
All that extra cash is going to the refugees now.
I would love to see a pay stub from an EU citizen.
Pretty much in America we pay more in social security tax than overall taxes.
For my after school program that I run I made about 180 per two weeks and at the end of the year I had to pay 1000 in SS. I was only there for like 2-3 months.
>Unless you're earning 3k a month, working isn't really worth it here.
this is the mindset many have here,and I'm guessing in the other countries in the same situation.
out of those 21%, 10% are probably people who rather not work than to get some 500€ shitty 9 to 5(state programs might help too),and out of those 10% ,5 % don't want to do jack shit because "muh I have a degree but it's useless"
>destiny lives in the whitest part of the nation and he says diversity is good. Fuck that guy.
Assuming all his friends are like him (tell who you are friends with and ill tell you who you are), he is /ourguy/ so long he convinces the rest to commit suicide to
We have to get used to the fact some price should go up, stop turning a blind eye to china and pakistan and their hordes of slaves and embargo them and the industries of the west would revive in 1 year, it would also kill consumerism culture
Well, fratello, if italy would finally get its metaphorical shit together by getting rid of the mafia, negers, cutting down on government expences and organizing that shithole of a country, italians wouldn't flee from italy.
Yeah, why break your back and kill yourself when you can earn more by doing nothing?
that is why the EU states have not created anything of significant value.
I mean the EU states created western civilization and now the EU has become a dumb of ideas and progress.
in Spain is impossible get a job.... 20% unemployment rate since 10 years ago
we are fucked.....
I have never have. I am just stating the economic truth. You will never truly solve this problem till you kill lefty ideas.
Prices will go down with more innovation, The left always says muh robots but they want in more refugees for cheap labor, this makes me laugh.
I have no idea how Spain works. That is sad, because my ancestors came from Spain.
How will people innovate if the solution to the problem so far has been imigrattion and cheap asian labor?
These guys with the vote of boomers have gave us a minefield for the future, when they talk about robots it shows they never worked a real job
>Thinking farmers need robots when they ask for machines
>Failing to see they meant trucks
It´s like the meme of a town boy who thinks milk come from a store
Farming user, many of us are going back here, many deserted villages, nice subsidies, self reliance, i want to make and sell homemade wines and licours and shit
The biggest issue is inflation.
If I made 7:50 an hour at the factory line I could easily survive if inflation was low and the dollar was strong.
The main reason why Asian labor has taken over is because of big unions, bad regulations. and high taxes. in that order.
By the way I hope you can achieve you goal.
Because working in Europe is for cucks.
NEET living, easier to say you're autistic than work for some MLM that hires you.
no one in italy has this mentality since there is no welfare. any job is a good job.
young people have two paths in life
1) be related to someone who can get you a government or union job (sit at a desk and browse facebook, 3000 euro salary, benefits, pension etc)
2) be NEET
3) emigrate
i even looked at joining the military because I really wanted a job, and their recruitment procedures say those candidates who can show proof that their father was in the military have priority over candidates who don't have military families
also getting a license costs 1500 euro (i haven't checked in years, maybe they increased it since then) so moving around trying to find a job is difficult, this makes things even more difficult for people who live outside the cities. btw the 1500 euro don't get you a licence, it gets you a chance to take the exam, and the examiners like to fail people so they can collect the money multiple times.
NEET lifestylism is the future
and the leaf comes....
Because you need a minimum of 3 years experience to even be considered for the lowest jobs possible like dishwasher.
Eternal NEET here, care to explain how he's wrong?
they were raised by millennials
I'm calling bullshit on those stats.
They probably include people still in school/college as "unemployed" becasue they work less than 30 hours a week.
I'm going to move to Europe.
I was a dishwasher for 4 years.
Live the way you want to, I could care less.
Nice meme.
Share it's utter bullshit or you'd have a convenient excuse to be a neet.
It's even higher, but if you aren't registered at institution for employment you aren't registered as unemployed. Even those who got a job work contract based jobs, where salary can go even below minimum payment, since it has a cap on how much you can earn, then you have supplementary jobs, who like that can go below minimum payment, then you got jobs through job organizations, who pick up more than usual tax for giving you a job, they are intermediary and once again you will get less money. Those aren't even real jobs, may be seen statistically as jobs, it's wageslavery.
it's the opposite actually, older people, the media, government etc encourage young people to sign up for school so they don't have to count them as unemployed.
I wonder if that is similar to America? I know you are counted employed in America if you are not looking for work.
>I could care less.
Well, a Morrocan like you has never had to go to a job interview, so you wouldn't know, Rachid.
People register as looking for job because they want some benefits. If they are prostitutes then i guess that's a real job or if they are mafia. Of course you have to take the job they give you if you are a seeker, else no benefits.
This user. I agree with my countrymen. Us southies live in a region where everything we plant will grow.And if it won't we are now able to make it so.
It's beyond me why the government doesn't invest more in the interior,that is on actual development(communications,transportation etc),not throwing stupid universities in the middle of nowhere so niggers from Angola can go study there and impregnate thots.
I would gladly work in that sector but doing so right now means you will be sort of secluded from civilization.
We saw that in the recent fires,where everything that could go wrong ,went wrong.I was surprised airplanes didn't crash.
Let the poopskins slave away, meanwhile the NEET man (white) will spend his days in luxury, funded by the govt. and his parents' savings and investments.
>Unless you're earning 3k a month, working isn't really worth it here.
the kraut is sadly right. I used to work really hard 60h weeks for 600 euromoney. I got the kind of tired that doesn't go away with sleep. now --I'm not really lazy- I always study and work out but even without a job I am a lot happier.
Because the Muslim "youth" doesn't work. Everyone knows that
funny, next time put a time stamp.
>boohooohoo Moroccans took all the jobs I'm too lazy to do.
They are the only youths not finding jobs.
Why do you think we consider them a problem, domme Belg?
do they count the Muslim youth? Also when was that data taken? If it is pre 2015 than your comment is irrelevant.
Moroccans don't actually work though. It's much easier to live on brown people benefits, a luxury us native white people don't have, because we have to pay an insane amount of taxes to sustain their lazy shit-encrusted asses.
You would go to jail and pay a hefty fine if you'd dare to say that in the EU, friend. Remember, Europol is always watching.
I have to pay an insane amount of money to fund your country through the EU.
If I know how the left thinks I would assume that it is very similar to how we treat brown people in America.
this story got me fucked up,mostly because I might be facing the same fate as you.
It's not as bad here,but pretty much the majority of people my age have at least one college diploma,and I don't.
it's insane that this is the state of things and niggers are being brought to your shores by kike NGO's. I pray for all of you.
A license? what license? wth here you just go the recruitment center,fill some papers and wait. If you do get accepted you are paid around 750 clean euros to walk around with a gun.I've considered it too.It's plan B for now.
So glad I don't live in the EU. When do you guys think that civil war will happen?
What is the average EU person saying about all of this? I know a lot of EU people are scared because of the 1984 vibe.
Probably because they're a bunch of whiny cucks that are not willing to work for a bit less than what they think they should be making, look at this shit 17,508 new job listings just last week on Indeed Spain, there's plenty of opportunity but these niggas think that just because they have muh MBA they deserve millions of euros every month.
It's worse than whatever you can think of, trust me. We're a socialist union, never forget that.
Getting taxed on your welfare checks isn't exactly you 'paying', Rachid, because it was never your money to begin with.
mediterraneans are lazy
it is not a good idea to have them in the exact same economy
It was the right-wing who imported them to work the factories of rich men because they didn't want to pay Dutch workers a fair wage.
It's the left wing who now tries to keep them employed.
srry I meant a drivers permit.
Their credit isn't worth shit anymore how are you blaming the monetarists for finally cutting them off before they got as bad as IL just did?
I figured that. If America ever pulls out of NATO the EU budget will bust with the cost of military spending. In some ways I wish Trump would pull out of NATO for it can cause a chain reaction to fix the EU states.
First Brexit will have prove to be a success.
Then it's Nexit.
right wing EU thinking is not right wing thinking. I mean Le pen was considered far right and she was a socialist by American standards.
Tuk er jerbs
why dont you want to donate your organ user? we pay you good
would a Nexit impact the EU union that much? If France would leave than the EU would die for sure.
they took the welfare and don't put back into the system.
Employers can now ask for your social media details so they can see if you said something mean about migrants, after which you get fired. Police in Belgium have also started to vet social media accounts to ban people from public events, like music festivals. They've also opened a hotline where you can report fellow citizens who said something 'islamophobic' etc, and apparently it's a huge success, with hundreds of Belgians ratting eachother out. In other words, if you publicly say ANYTHING that goes against the 'WE LOVE MIGRANTS' narrative, you will be literally cast out of society.
blackpill: minorities are vastly overrepresented in youth compared to population
as such it's relevant for belgium and france,...
>can't say bad things about Us Dutch.
>secretly worship Dutch master race for being superior to dumb Belgians.
>Ahmai, let's pretend he's not Dutch.
Damn it feels good to be Dutch.
Domme, domme Belgen, Haha.
Ga maar huilie huilie met je falende nep staatje zonder geschiedenis.
>why dont you want to donate your organ user? we pay you good
Which organ? wtf does that mean
Yeah and they were supposed to go back after the contract had been fulfilled. But guess what, they found out the welfare is amazing and they've just been leeching for the past 70 years
Because all the jobs young people used to do are being taken by adults now, both due to influx of immigrants and growing population
>would a Nexit impact the EU union that much?
Hell yeah.
Without easy trade through Rotterdam Germany would collapse.
Yoof. Europe needs more yoofs since white people aren't reproducing. They do the jobs Euros won't.
well under the Obama admin we cant even access how many ELL (English language learners) we have in the school system anymore.
My blue pilled colleagues dont understand why this data is not released to the public anymore.
good to know, good luck in that. How are the polls?
We kinda invented 'your' language and exported it to you Frisian-speaking cheese-farmers when tens of thousands Flemish migrated North, away from the Spanish occupation.