White people can't behave like nigg-
White people can't behave like nigg-
those aren't "white people", those are radical leftists. they are sub-human by definition. they need to be shot. it's the only way to stop them.
Those are americanized kraut niggers who praise hip hop nigger culture. These are not the same youth that rose up for the reich 70 years ago. Sage
>commie scum
shiggy diggy
So you're saying that culture is important when it comes to race behavior but you don't apply the same thinking to black people. Also funny Portuguese people acting like nazis when everyone says you people are moors.
Black "people" are nothing but animalistic stocks. Using the term "people" in their case would be an insult to real people. They have always been. Like I give two fucks about what some subhumans say on pol.
Not everyone is equal. Niggers are underneath us. Your problem is you judge everyone equally or think they have the same intelligence.
I like how you avoided everything I said. Reminder that the subhuman meme is based on IQ-proves-success and Portugal is one of the poorest countries in Europe
If niggers are subhumans why didn't you notice that I'm 20% nigger? If subhumans can pass as humans what's the difference really?
ah yes, no true scotsman. got it.
no true scotsman is in itself a logical fallacy, but more importantly you're taking my comment too literally. get checked for autism and try to have less of it
also it's worth mentioning that if you asked those people if they personally identified as "white", 100% of them would almost certainly answer with resounding "no"s
Thats a commie for ya..."I'm gonna gits mine! ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME !
the far left literally believes that race doesn't exist, it's a social construct, and even without that belief, "whiteness" doubly doesn't exist.
so yeah, aside from the fact that "no true scotsman" isn't really inherently a logical fallacy (eg, you wouldn't call someone who supports every conservative position a democrat), it really doesn't apply here in any way.
for all practical purposes they are not "white people" in that they don't identify as such and they've essentially likewise been disowned by white culture
>If niggers are subhumans
Not if. They are.
OK so what's the difference between subhumans and humans when you can't tell the difference?
these things only happen in 3rd world shitholes like Germany
Toppest kek, Achmed.
>literally unironically claiming that you can't tell the difference between a nigger and a white
Commies aren't White, let alone human.
>not niggers
He talked to me like I was 100% white but I'm mixed.
>white people
>those aren't "white people", those are radical leftists
Can't have your cake and eat it nigger
I'd like to point out that they appear to be looting food and drinks not big screen TVs like niggers normally do.
The store isn't on fire.
>Indoctrinated lefties act like indoctrinated lefties POL BTFO HAHAHAH
you're on the internet you fucking halfmonkey
no, radical leftists literally don't believe in race, or the existence of "whiteness", and as such likely wouldn't even identify themselves that way. and they actively try to destroy white society and everything it stands for. in likelihood, a majority of them are actually jooish. so yes, i can.
I'm more intelligent than you guys. I know this for a fact.
>one example of niggerfied whites doing something bad
>against millions of actual niggers from all socio-economic backgrounds chimping out
days without jewish tricks on pol: 0
But YOU Believe in race do you not?
Europeans south of the Baltic Sea don't count.
>autistic boy being too autistic to understand what is happening around him
yes my child, you're a very special snowflake and no one else in the world is quite like you
Why do you faggots get to pick and choose whose in your race. I'm a black guy with a high iq but I don't have a say in my race.
You guys don't even like white people.
I've read more books than you. I know more science than you. I know more languages than you. I know more maths than you. I know more geography than you. I've watched more movies than you and etc..
Why don't you answer the question?
>muh no true scotsman fallacy
Your flag designates you as an albino-nigger at any rate.
We should kill them too. Problem?
No people, communists
damn bro u just BTFO'd me so hard
Of course its a potato-boozer.
So say you are a regular office on patrol and walk by this mess. Do you have permission to mow every single non-compliant person down?
how much math do you know?
>nigger culture is pervasive
>dumb white people begin to behave like niggers
>White people
HAHAHAHAH holy shit get a grip, go outside, rethink your life choices, rise above your race nigger
What does that even mean? Why do I have to do? I'm already good. I like to learn and read and I'm relatively good financially. What else is there in life?
Black people wouldn't even accept me as one of their own.
>I know more science than you
God damn rekt
Pick one