Let's look at some qualities of a red pill: >after years of delusion you learn the truth >can make you depressed >you're made fun of/hated on >very few people swallow it
Let's now look at religion: >prejudiced against anything that jeopardizes religious belief. has a history of denying science. >"I believe in god because it makes me happy!" >makes fun of atheists (haha fedoras how sad) or openly hostile toward them (kill the infidels!) >billions of people follow religion mostly because they're taught that bad things happen if they don't (sheep mentality)
I know Sup Forums, I know. I know it's hard. I know god makes you happy and I know you want to believe religion magically fixes societies. But it's the 21st century and we have science. It's time to face the facts: God is dead.
Zachary Myers
Let everybody believe whatever religion they want. As long as they don't affect your freedoms in any negative way.
Kayden Harris
We can't let people believe in lies or there will be chaos!
Nathan Ward
No. Turns out there are many gods. That's the redpill.
Anthony Russell
Liam Brooks
Being surrounded by muslim animals is the true red pill.
Ian Wood
You believe your ancestor are fish... i think you took the retard pill.
Ryder Thomas
yes, because that's freedom of expression. It sucks that people believe lies, but we can't deny their right to do so.
Kayden Wood
Ethan Gomez
>non-communist serbian atheist noice
Leo James
Read a biology book, ignorant
Alexander Barnes
Muslims aren't really any worse than the other goyim, just less cowardly and more forward with their antisemitism.
Lincoln Young
They are the worst as they are violent inbreds who take the metaphor "exploding with anger" and make it true.
Adam Torres
Logan Cooper
Generally being an atheist just means you don't understand symbolism or transcendency It's basically a blue pill in a red wrapper
Tyler Morris
You really prefer European coward faggots who cheer dead Jews when the Arabs "explode" while being too fucking weak and cowardly to actually fight you openly?
I prefer an open enemy who has the courage to fight me to some fucking bitch who hides and will only kick me when I'm down.
Gavin Watson
> Not believing a literal virgin birth makes you dumb because you can't get symbolism or transparency > So does believing in an omnipotent all-loving god even with all of the logical contraditions that come from that > tfw to intelligent to be atheist
Camden Mitchell
You can't stop jew lovers from being coalburners of the soul, user. There's only one cure to this disease.
Asher Cruz
Most muslims are killing themselves nowadays. That's how barbaric they are.
Elijah Williams
Agnostic is master "religion"
Ryan Perry
Andrew Robinson
The Europeans are killing themselves too, and also because they hate us so much.
They're literally willing to let Europe become Eurabia because it means the Jews in Europe will die.
Same shit, more cowardly and despicable package, imo.
Muslims are okay by me for the most part as long as they're not in my face with their antisemitism or anti-Zionism.
Western Europeans on the other hand seriously deserve to be exterminated.
Jayden Roberts
Canada really reminds me of the Arab nations. Makes most of its money on exporting oil and gas. Maybe Trudeau is right to import as many arabs into Canada.
Jordan Richardson
>believing a literal >you can't get symbolism >Literal >Symbolism >Logical contradictions Told you you were dumb
Mason Sanchez
truly based *tips*
Cameron Flores
christians are just cucks(male)/cockworshipper(female) for muslims.
Non-religionism is goint to evolve into pro-muslim genocide in coming years, so yeah Atheism is far far better than blue pilled christianism/islam....etc.
Jacob Walker
There is no god in heaven, so we ourselves must make heaven on earth
Landon Foster
God is not dead. You just think you can fathom the entire mystery because muh science and muh genetic IQ. Leviticus 26. Think you know the book? Enjoy becoming food for the cannibal niggers.
Hunter Turner
Non-theism > Atheism
Jayden Sanchez
“I have criticised the appalling misogyny and homophobia of Islam, I have criticised the murdering of apostates for no crime other than their disbelief. Far from attacking Muslims, I understand – as perhaps you do not – that Muslims themselves are the prime victims of the oppressive cruelties of Islamism, especially Muslim women,”
>misogyny >homophobia >muh opression of women
blue-pilled trash
Eli Clark
Literally the same thing your retard.
Isaiah Fisher
James Rivera
It's a meme but it's true. This is really the final redpill that pol refuses to take.
Aaron Torres
>Atheism is the true red-pill >very few people swallow it
It's so fucking unimportant and irrelevant that its almost cringe worthy.
If you want to criticise Islam, then just criticise Islam and be a man about.
Levi Long