If you exclude the south full of spics and the east coast it's mainly people of German/Norwegian descent
Wtf burgers are actually aryan
>if you exclude the parts that aren't Germanic America is Germanic
Only the racist will survive.
>ISIS flag
European confrimed
NY reporting in
>tfw your neighborhood is being overrun with third world hispanics who have 6 children and dont pay taxes
>0.3% eastern european
I know that feel
This was 17 years ago.
He's a turk that does this every day
>including undocumented immigrants
haven't you heard the good news?
Greetings, my European friend. I see that you're on a streak here. Keep it up! As a counterpoint, have you considered that America has several million more white people than any European country?
> Ancestry with largest population in county
> American
nice try amerimutt
Are you a little buttmad that your countrymen are being ethnically replaced by mudslimes who take over your neighborhoods?
>tfw just graduated from a SUNY in Jew York but can't find a job because I don't qualify for affirmative action
You probably studied liberal arts faggot
the great majority of the americans are from the british islands
germans settled in low demographic areas, mostly farmers
>Greetings, my European friend
He's not European, he's a Turk
Im mostly german Irish and native american plus a couple of other wtf am i
Germans ruined the US with their naturally servile instincts. The US would be better if it was made up almost entirely of Anglos with a handful of Scotch-Irish and French-Canadian exiles.
This is a Turkish woman in 2017
And this is an "aryan" Swedish woman in 2017
>Turkish woman on a holiday in Serbia/Bulgaria
Seems legit.
But it shows the population of Shites which has decreased since then. So it's still a good rule of thumb.
Scum, Germans improved America. Italians, Irish, and Jews ruined America.
you are what your father is
i dont even get the comics, i live in a midwestern town where literally everyone is german or polish and have been for 200 years
>17 years ago
thanks to king nigger were now filled with somalis and trash shitkin degenerate dumb fucking apes
Aryans are from Iran/India.
Mostly Northern Irish Protestants, IIRC. Americans call them "Ulster Scots".
Yeah, outside of the Southwest(spics), New England(potato niggers) and the black belt we are predominately Germanic(lowland scots, Scandinavian, German, English).
That's a funny way of spelling Hyperborea
No, Americans call them Scots Irish, but we use Ulster Scots in an international context. They are from Lowland Scotland/Northern England so they are still Germanic.
But the American is probably a mix of Ulster Scots and English with some German(there were a fair amount of early german settlers, particularly in Pennsylvania and some in the Carolinas)
Aryan just means Indo European. So Iran/Northern India and Europe
>Aryans are from Iran/India.
>t. my high school history teacher is the smartest person I know
The area's above the dindu's are "Americans". Not Norwegians.
Not sure what "American" means exactly.
White Americans from several generations of White American settlers I assume.
I bet most of those "Germans" are predominantly British in ancestry, and have just opted to mention their "exotic" component.
The "American" identity is obviously British too. Being an old fusion of English and Scotch, often with a brief sojourn in Ireland, they've created a new ethnos of their own.
The Mormons intrigue me. I expect to see them expand in coming decades and take over the West from Nebraska to the Pacific.
Other than Italians,the whites in the US aren't that bad.
Since the founding of the US it's constituent quality has steadily declined.
US should have been an Anglo nation, imagine what was lost.
If an American ethnicity did form it would be interesting what it would look like.
Anglo is an under-reported American ethnicity due to the fact that it's roots are so deep that they're not as obvious, most just consider themselves "American".
It would probably be 1/2 British and the other half would be predominantly German and Irish as well as other ethnicities constituting smaller amounts like Scandinavian(Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish) and Italian.
That's very white and is respectable.
they improved it with genuine protestant work ethic. I've noticed WASPS are always leaders, but the workers and innovators are German
be me
see blonde hair blue eyes daily
nothing new in the midwest reich
Pretty sure this is a 'muh heritage' survey.
A lot of the "Germans" and "Italians" have have Irish and British heritage. They just prefer that ethnicity because they don't want to be a "WASP."
>tfw you're German ancestry is confirmed on a map
TFW Ubermeschen American
>tfw you're a from a Finn pocket.
this is very true. my family refers to themselves as having Italian heritage (at least on my moms side) although the only person with Italian parents is my grandfather. The rest were all English with an irishman in there somewhere back