Amerimutt Hate Thread

Amerimutt Hate Thread

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I love when you play hard to get UK

>50% Muslim
>40% Shwarma
>5% Acid attacks
>2% Binned Knives
>1.5% Quintessentially British
>1.5% British


>UK white population 56mil
>Proportionally 88% white

>Non-hispanic white population of The United States almost equal to the entire population of Eastern Europe
>proportionally 60%

There is no other purpose to make this thread other to release anger. Did an American hurt your feelings? :(
>88% white
Woah buddy that's being kind.
Most Russians I've met are mixed mutts with Asian ancestry. Good one, tatar.

>London is representative of the whole country


>Non-hispanic white
lmao pic related


>Americans cant into proportions

what in the fuck am I looking at here, why is Turkmenistan categorized as white and Australia is Pacific Islander, what the fuck even is this

>heh, if I exclude rural areas and jerry rig it into only cities then-

I don't think YOU understand proportions mate, unless you want me to start comparing the midwest demographics to London's demographics and have arbitrary lines in the sand and start cutting up and comparing parts of the countries to others, because I THOUGHT we were comparing the countries as a whole.

Kek do you really think the US is proportionately more white than the UK?

My kind of thread



London is not 60% white, mate. Non-whites form an absolute majority.





hello there DeShawn "Lee" O'Sullivan don't you have to celebrate black history month today and mourn over holocaust?




t. subhuman vatnik


uh fugun lief Cx

I hope every American pigshit soldier meets this fate


Going away free?

American here in London. Your capital is absolutely disgusting and I cant wait to go back home to the greatest country in the world.


The new face of Amerimuttland


kek, that National Geographic "new face of white people in 2050" article never makes me not laugh

Or this

Why are amerimutts so butthurt about superior europeans?


Or this

And why is this bad? Are you forgetting that the soviet union existed at that time and was using the KGB to try to advance communism. I thank every day for the military coup that stopped the commies from taking my country. If only we had another one to save this shithole.

"lol your sinking ship has more water in it than my sinking ship, I'm just going to continue to make fun of yours while doing absolutely nothing to fix the holes in mine"

>American soldiers


reveal your flag, roach

This is a "non-white" Turkish woman in 2017'état

Oh yeah, that charred, unidentifiable corpse is 100% for sure an American and definitely couldn't be literally anyone else.

That's a tourist.

Are you mearly pretending to be retarded right now?

And this is a typical "Aryan" woman in Sweden/France/Germany/USA in 2017


Why do americans throw a fit when people point out that their country is 56% "white" (if you count those "white" mutts as white)

This is the funniest shit I have ever seen

Or this

looks white to me

>UK hating on US


Do Bongtards think everyone in the U.S. is mixed? Why is this shit posted everyday?
In sheer numbers we have more white people than the UK and another few Euro-countries.
Shut the fuck up with this bullshit. Is this your last quip before you succumb to the sub-saharan tide? Is this your last boast before you're not even England anymore? Better learn Arabic between poasts user.
Enjoy I guess...haha

You're just jealous they he had a friend.

Stay mad

I'm talking about Brazil turkroach.



Why do we keep falling into divide and conquer tactics?

Why do we constantly murder one another in World Wars while the 3rd world booms into the billions?

This isn't 1776, things have changed and I would be more than happy to export murica' machine guns into the UK in exchange for some damn good chamomile tea.

Or we could have another World War and cripple ourselves again, whatever.

t. mongrel

>What is proportionate to population.

You have over 100 million niggers in your country as well. Stupid retard.

uhm try again sweetie

>implying any Western country is free of them

I love it when Canadians pretend to be relevant to anything. It just tickles my fancy.

>London is not 60% white
Yes it is, in fact it's higher. Read "white total", you confuse it with "white British".

And when we say "white" we don't mean North Africans like Malik Agar, we mean blonde hair and blue eyes, that kind of white.

Scum head.


The funny thing is you know we're the leader of the world and your country is doing jack shit about us

is it degenerate for anglos to race mix with indians, my neighborhood is full of them and their daughters are the only cute remotely traditional women around with low standards

Yes you also have more niggers, kikes and spics than us. How hard is it to realise that even if America was 20% white, it would still have more whites than the UK because its a BIGGER COUNTRY.

Like you're any fucking better.

Stupid faggot leaf

The important thing to do when you sage is to only do it if you're the first poster. If you're the first poster,

1) type sage in the options
2) type sage in the message field to signal others to turn away.
3) the most important thing to do is to hit the back button and then hit R. And VOILA! The post is gone.

If you're NOT the first poster to a shill thread, simply skip right to step 3.


Please nuke us most of the casualties would be niggers and spics anyway

Most mixed people don't identify as white, this meme doesn't make sense. The only brown people who claim to be white in the us are probably the ones that browse Sup Forums. That's why most mixed people claim to be fucking mixed

hello newpal
being constantly at eachothers throats here is a grand time, you should try it

Too bad any Turkish immigrants would still be alive

Why don't you go and have another Anarchist revolution in Catalonia? It would be better than what you have now.


All the Russians i met were blue eyes blond hair but the only Ukrainian i met was a tartar mongrel

Yea and they are all basically in the lower right states like florida the carolinas and shit, the state of florida alone is bigger than your island and there are 14 million whites alone in the one state, uk has what like 56m and decreasing, kys

These are the people screaming "you're not white".

Oh look, it's mad.
Does the truth about your spic infested shithole of racemixed mutts upset you so much you have to try to censor the thread?

>implying hispanics are purer than white americans
average white american is 98% white
even argentina's whites have residual admixture of 15-20%







You just regurgitated my point. So your claim to white-fame is that you're land mass is smaller? We have equal blocks of UK sized square-miles that are just as white. Do you not see your retardation?
I'd take 20% blacks being on your level of mentally deficient vs. a flood of ME/Paki shitskins and straight off the dingy sub-saharans which are WORSE than U.S. blacks any day of the week.
I know your'e just lashing out cause you know your'e butt-fucked right now so I feel sorry for you user. Despair sucks. Hope you guys figure it out before you're erased.
At least we still can speak out and say, "Hey we'd like to not be displaced" without being thrown in jail.

These are the people yelling "ALLAHU ACKBAR"