Say something nice about the country above you

Say something nice about the country above you.

Other urls found in this thread:

The good guys won

You're fat


Some of you I assume are good people

amazing country.
gorgeus and nice people

Max Payne is my favourite game of all time.

You have oil and great women
I like spurdo memes

Greatest Empire

You're cute

youre cute

Paradox interactive.

lots of yellow stars on the flag. Nice!

WTF, flagfag? WTF am I supposed to do with this?

>Good job with sacking Constantinople?

-Carolous Rex
-Viking legate
-Arian cute girls
-A great Freedom
You swedish,are te bests

Whitest country in the world

Secretly housing hitler

Simo Hayha f**ing Soviets cowards

Rumoured to Harbour the should-have-been saviour of Western civilisation.

your drunk tourists give us a lot of tourism money.

I'm rewatching Mr. Bean at the moment and having a great time. You guys do some decent comedy to be h.

you leaves are actually pretty alright. y'all make some good-ass maple syrup

Your shitposting isn't all that bad

Whitest country in South America

about America or the country north of me?

America is nice but not white enough, Northern Ireland is a lovely shithole and Scotland is an even more lovely shithole with mountians. Iceland has nice women but there's not much there I don't think

Was a very nice location for my Norman ancestor (Raymond FitzGerald) to conquer.

I don't mind spaghetti. Oh yeah the roman empire was ok

we're the longest standing allies in world history

and fish and sticks is pretty good

>Mr Bean

Try some real brit comedy

that's ireland, not italy you dumb twat

jesus fucking christ and we complain about burger...


You're technically white

I like kangooroos

best country on earth

You, however, are a beautiful rainbow nation. You stand out to the entire world as a perfect melting pot model.

-Iron Maiden
-The Beatles
-Cute Redheads girls
-Scotland,the land of the Braves
-The most beatifull lengugage in the world:The English


bife de chorizo.

You forgot the Welsh. How is that little Welsh colony in Argentina going?

The lungs of (smoker) Earth.

Where is Macedonia?

Your money looks pretty dope.

You're probably the ultimate whites. You have a great tradition of humor and music. I'm Irish so it's hard to say this.

Adriana Lima.

Liberty for all was a good idea on the paper of the constitution. Not in practise, unfortunately.
>imagine King George of House Washington of the United Kingdom of America


You're really good at white genocide.

Holy shit I looked up Macedonia and you people look like me?!

>Are Spaniard/Italian the same as Macedonians?

Good soccer players

Good cheese

Produce fantastic kings.

I disagree. Liberty doesn't work out on paper when you think about how moronic the average person is, yet in America's case it's been working out reasonably well relative to the rest of the world.

Top bantz, aside from aussies

awesome language and one of the kindest people I've met so far

You guys have a way cooler history than us

It's about to get cooler after these 2 months are over.

Best anons


The wild west was a god-tier era

many americans have a borderline fetish for your accent

greatest country on earth, in all of history

Guns are cool I guess

I like how you don't care how retarded you look from Australia, the actual greatest country of all time

You have much healthier food

You guys have cool wildlife

Thanks for protecting us geopolitically, burg. You've allowed us to turn into virtue signaling cucks with zero awareness of the real world.

You have Texas, the greatest country ever conceived

> mfw.dogsizespiders
> greatest country

You're not Muslim

I mean we're all in South Europe, but macedonians are slavic people.

Ikea is a cheap place to buy some poorly made things and helps poor people think they aren't struggling as much as they really are. Thanks Sweden

good at shitposting and keep my flag on there's :)

I played risk with one of you guys. Said you were stockpiling weapons for muzzy invasion. Pretty cool.

please tell me that's fucking CGI

Thanks for keeping us safe UKbro

Thanks for the neat souvenirs.
And the candy.

Can't find the article right now they said it was real

I think that was the species

you had nazis

you made some good rock music

Fucking die all of you.

your flag is a nice t-shirt


David Attenborough is boss

You taste nice


Always have love for Malta

You have teeth

good old times

Amsterdam seems fun

Land of Freedom and Cowboys

You're white

one of the greatest countries ever if not the greatest

Not as big a shit hole as Canada

tnx bro thats good to know

Best country in the world, and I say that with no bias.

Hot girls! God damn!

Not anymore

Good food, great women.
Probably best down there, worth not nuking you.

was able to get a toilet installed in my home from call center gibs

nice food