I'm aware this site seems to adore her and follows her and watches all her videos. So I'm willing to provide answers to as many questions as I can. I'm not sure how I would prove this. But you will just have to trust me because her and I still keep in touch and I won't be revealing much about myself outside the fact that I live on the West coast. AMA
I dated Lauren Southern for 6 months in 2013. AMA
Other urls found in this thread:
Is she a virgin?
>I'm not sure how I would prove this
gay and fake
No. She submitted to the BBC while were dating and that's why I broke up with her.
Does she have small petite nipples, or huge plate nipples?
fake & gay kys
>nazi flag
>it's the lauren troll fag
fag, please, don't you have anything better to do with your time than spewing some bullshit on lauren every fucking hour?
Show real flag
Nice thread lefty/pol/
saged and reported
Well chap let's get this off to a good start, is she kinky as fuck in bed?
Asking the important question
Is her ass jiggly?
>using a meme flag
Yeah, no one is going to believe you.
Get the fuck off this site lefty e-celeb thread spammer.
Also what colour are they?
hello leaf
Kill yourself (((Moarpheus88))) Get a life you kike trash
>I'm lying: the thread
She doesn't like nigger dick and everyone here knows that. Only shills start that shit because the left is threatened by her and wants us to quit liking her. Sorry about your luck
Seriously, what do you think?
I can assure they are normal looking breasts..
It was fun. I will just say that.
I will use my normal flag then
Does she have an innie or roastie pussy?
How is she in bed?
t.lefty/pol/ shitskin
Already fake.
>I'm not sure how I would prove this
literally zero effort into this bait, kys
kurwa, co za ciota
Kill yourself (((Moarpheus88))) you cuck twink faggot kike
prove you are not larping by posting a unique pic
laura is a feminist. all her old shit was about feminism. shes just a attention whore who doesnt have a patreon any more
she supported garry johnson in the election of 2016
Friendly reminder that @Moarpheus88 is a goon kike shill
>innie or roastie
The only question that matters.
You all don't believe me anyways. So I will be completely honest with you. She has a great vag. Nice lips, taste good. Wouldn't let me cum in her, even with a condom on, didn't swallow, said cum is gross. She's a smart girl and has a very independent attitude, it's a little intimidating when the girl you're dating is vastly more popular and successful than you. I still believe to this day that's why it ended.
Say no more. she's a fucking crypto jew and if you trust her then you're an idiot.
>But wer ist der proofs?
thank but no thanks
>She submitted to the BBC while were dating and that's why I broke up with her.
>her and I still keep in touch
You're either lying on the internet to impress other miserable faggots and are very bad at it or you're a cuck.
I dont know which is worse.
Does she swallow?
How do you like your pancakes?
i almost beleived you untill this post . fucking leaf
You couldn't even make it last for two posts. Sad!
Or when she has a bigger dick than you...
What are you? Swedish? Must suck that we have åland and you don't sven.
u fags blind, it's a different id.
Did she make you go to temple with her every week?
if you dumb asses would pay attention to the IDs, you can tell who the OP is (ME) by clicking on my ID and you can see all my posts. Holy shit. Is this everyones first day on this site?
>didn't swallow, said cum is gross
Wait, shit. I didnt even notice the IDs.
Fuck me.
still no proof, your the real faggot here. if you don't post proof after this your the summerfg here.
Show your flag pussy
I'll become a living meme on Sup Forums someday too
Are you white? And how big is your dick?
unless you have some scandalous shit to say about her, or have nudes to post, get the fuck out.
Kill yourself (((Sinead))) you ugly kike nigger loving schizo roastie
Who is this bitch and why are fags constantly talking about her. Nobody cares about e-celebs.
>Being intimidated by a woman begging for shekels on the internet
Pathetically beta
Christ Almighty, this thread is out of hand.
You better be a rightie that's just having a laugh for bait, because if you're a leftie that thinks anyone here is dumb enough to believe you that's literally retarded
How did you meet?
Fuck off larper.
...her attitude towards cum makes me question her blowjob abilities. Every bad blowjob I have ever had came from women with cum related issues. She's very pretty and looks fit but bad blowjobs are the genuine real deal deal killer for me. There's nothing more disappointing than a bad dicksucker after a $100 dinner and $50 movie.
How many nigger dicks do you think (((Sinead))) the insane flat earther kike whore sucked in New York before settling for her cuck nu male husband?
Does she dye down there? From what former african colony are you from?
We went to the same school for 3 years. She was into politics since grade 10. She would ask me my opinions on current world events and I would always give cookie cutter answers because I wasn't that knowledgable in politics and you could tell she wishes I knew more. We connected in different ways. She was used to be a big gamer and movie girl and we bonded that way more than anything.
No yall probably broke up cause you're a beta cuck. I mean really, you let her get away with "ew cums gross"?
larpfag. gtfo and stop wasting people's time.
So this was back in high school? What kinds of events did she ask you about? Ironic that you ended up here
>I'm not sure how I would prove this
Post a picture of her that has never been published before. You must have one with you and her together, crop yourself out if you want. It's easy to check if a photo exists anywhere else on the internet.
Would you please never post here again? e-celeb threads are cancer
I took her virginity , for true.
>800 threads attacking Lauren Southern
>AMA I dated her before thread pops up
Sure thing bud.
Side Note: No right-minded male should be groveling at the feet of any woman, regardless of how 'right-wing" she pretends to be. They follow us, not vice versa.
GO TO 12:45 AND THEN LATER 18:29
I have a feeling you're not white. I dont think you're black but I think your a brown.
Believed me, I told her I wanted it, she refused. She's not a push over girl that will let you do whatever to her, if she says no she will stand her ground. I wanted to so badly eat her ass but I was always afraid of asking and it never got brought up. I got peaks of it tho whenever we fucked. I think the idea of anything anal related just didn't cross her mind.
Well, I live in my home town still while she has moved away and has a large following. I guess I wasn't meant to be successful and that's why I here.
>not a virgin
post unique pic or gtfo
What does she smell like?
This is you admit it.
post her kik faggot
holy shit how did you get this picture?
not him, but I know who that is.
That isn't even Lauren
post unique pic or gtfo faggot
Did she fugg him?
AMA. I also fucked Lauren.
Met at a party in Mexico, she couldn't resist the BBC
Ruined the LARP instantly. Fuck you
We know things. Lauren had sex with him. Who the hell are you then and how many men has lauren slept with?
Lauren Southern is roastie trash. Cannot sage this thread enough.
Seriously. I would swap oral with a chick and girl spunk is hot. Also watching a girl squeeze your fat load out of her pussy is hot
this is fucking hilarious
did you convert to judaism and hang yourfamily for beeing nazis ?
just sayin
Is she only after the shekels
>not him, but I know who that is.
It's him
How big was her Cock?
been always trying to place why she seems so familiar or something besides being her
>mfw she looks exactly like my sister