Who else was raised by single mom there?
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Raised by single moms THREAD
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Not precisely by a single mom, divorcee mom. Sucked ass in so many ways, that are painfully becoming more and more clear as I get older
did you ended up unenterprising, antisocial and bad with girls like me?
same but I'd honestly say it was the best thing for me. I feel like I raised myself
I was. I own my own business now. Life is great. All I had to do is work hard and be kind. It helps that my mom is a CEO of a Fortune 500 company but life is good
Mom got pregnant at 17, dad was 18 at the time and alcoholic. Dad wanted an abortion but mom wanted me, so they broke up. Surprisingly she was not a slut, although she still looked for a boyfriend (Actual relationship, not hook up whoring).
Since my grandmother helped out I didn't pass necessity, but still being raised by a young mother without a father gave me some issues. She ended up marrying after getting pregnant with my brother 11 years ago, I'm 20 now. Still working on the issues of not having been raised ''properly'', but considering how some people with similar backgrounds are doing right now I'd say I'm pretty well off. I was fortunate enough to know bullshit when I smelled it.
Not only that, but in poverty as well.
I'm probably gonna kill myself in November. I just want to see Blade Runner 2049 and play the Lotto one last time.
Single moms are degenerate.
List of white trash bringing shame to the white race:
>potato niggers
>Tfw won 2k $USD on Lotto recently
I'm not a nigger so I cannot relate
My single mom big a smoker/alcoholic, and just a all around dumb piece of shit person.
I dropped out of highschool, was a anime watching neet for 3 years. Went back got my HS diploma and joined the army to make something of myself. Had to do it all behind her back so she didn't know until it was too late.
Still a virgin because I compare every girl to my mom and turn down anyone that has the slightest similarity, shit sucks.
not op, but i did.
>map of poland
>ex german territories
how does that work? like literally what is the "dependence" in this stat and ex german territories?
My brother and I were raised by a single mom, Dad divorced when I was 4 and brother 2, she was a teacher and worked long hours as an NHS(US) adviser and graduation adviser, so I and my brother often had to cook, clean and prepare for the next school day on our own.
But she did what she could, and she did well.
Haven't seen my father since my freshman year in high school and it was an accidental encounter.
Never really though much about him, and never really had any need for him. I had no friends, cable television and a library card so I grew up learning on my own about things.
Yes an no, my parents were never married but they did fuck but afterwards were on decent terms even after my mother found out she was pregnant. My dad stayed around the house for me and was always there, still is. My parents dont talk and presumably are on mediocre terms but they're both here for me. So im /comfy/
This is gonna be too painful to read.
All the best to you, lads.
Divorcee mom.
She tried so hard, and I love her, but she failed hard. I grew up to be a 'just b urself lol' cuck. My sister's a purple-haired liberal slut and I'm an alcoholic.
Raised by single mom and the myself and wish I was dead, don't kill myself because my only purpose in life is to validate my moms mistake. as a blessing, though she is a great mom, and i grew up middle class,
however her sister is a single mom that has 9 kids, from 8 different men and its kinda a running joke that at least im not her.
didnt learn until I was 24 that my dad left her after she had him arrested for getting angry at her buulshit.
He moved to Korea because he was commisioned in the military and thought it better to focus on his carreer and raise a family proper with a wife.
He disproved of how my mother who was also raised by a single mother, felt she had all the rights even though she was on welfare and he wasn't.
My dad warns on accasion me to not date women like my mom. He banged her in college and tried to make it work as a family unit like his parents. didn;t work because she was already mindvirused and dependent on daddy gibbs
then again i wet the bed til i was 16 and at 25 I still wish i was never born
I want stories about your whore mothers fucking a revolving door of men in a small house so you can hear her moans of pleasure while the womb you spent 9 months in gets filled by strange seed.
Taught liberal bullshit values such as not to defend myself, which destroyed my self esteem and self worth so i never tried to be successful in life. Now i have a hair trigger temper and it has ruined many good aspects of my life.
actually yes, these three plus a few other related personality flaws. Can't lead for shit, insecure, can't make decisions. It's kind of hard to identify what things are a direct consequence and which ones aren't, cause there's been other fucked up shit in my life. But most of us need a father to teach us, lead us, help us find our place in life. I feel like I don't know who I am, cause I don't know who my father is - I mean I do know him, but I don't really know who he is as a person, as a man
Yep. Might just an hero. I don't see this as something fixable.
Thats a very bad way of asking "who is the nigger here"
Raised by a single mum? Fucking degenerates.
>overprotective helicopter parenting
>weird combination of simultaneous coddling and vicious verbal abuse every time I tried to take risks
>never been in a fistfight
>developmentally stunted and dependent
>neurotic, insecure
>afraid of and seek approval from women
I now use nationalism to teach me manhood and try to unfuck over a decade of development paralysis.
Redpilled single mom that had three girls before divorce and me. Not gonna type it out again but ama
no but I've dated girls who were raised by single moms and they're always fucking insane and liberal. the only friend I've had who was raised by a single mom turned out alright but his mom is a widow so she's mostly sane. honestly I'm pro abortion because of the girls I've known who were raised by single moms, as well as the whole niggers and spics having a shitload of kids thing
Same famalam, I'll see you on the other side. I'm gone in September though
Well hello, my Nazi friend and doppelganger. How's the struggle going? trying to make a man out of yourself when your parents neglected their duty to do so is tough. Personally I think there are minimal gains to be found in therapy... so what's the road for us? Job responsibility, earning? Lifting..?
I was raised by a single mom, a Mexican Chad fucked her and then she just left. He had no problem raising me but she fell for the "strong independent womyn" meme. She married some other Mexican when I was 4 and he was ok, but never a father figure. They had a daughter when I was 9 and I was pushed to the side. My mother never showed me any affection and now I have issues with women because of that. I'm 20 right now but I'm just gonna off myself in September. Oh moms Spanish by the way.
My man.
Also I didn't get any fucking Chad genes from my old man, I'm a 5'10 fatass with thinning hair and social anxiety.
Same here. I only saw my dad a couple of times in my life and all of those were before the age of 10. After that, my mom was too dysfunctional to live with anymore, so I had to start staying with family (aunt, sister) for a few years. I moved back in with her at 13 and it went okay for awhile, but I remember one time when I was 17 we had a fight about me not doing a chore I didn't recall being informed about or something, started yelling, she got fucking irate and told me she would call the cops and tell them I hit her (for the record, I didn't do anything of the sort) if I didn't gtfo of her house.
Left at 17 and never went back. I'm doing alright in life, but I struggled a lot with drug addiction earlier in my 20s. I've had reasonable success with women, but I am deeply distrustful of all of them now. I can't fucking stand liars.
Yeap me here. I was bullied at school until 14, I was physically weak and spend all my days in front of tv, honestly I didnt know any better, then my mom forced me to join martial arts club. After the first session I was loving it, I was very lucky my instructor is great guy who while definetely was not some father figure would scream and punch us (and me) if we didnt do what we were told. That kind of high test environment toughened me up (I done it for years, competed on national level, was literally obssesed with it) I am greatful for that.
While I didnt care about my father before (he is an alholic and a failure in life, possibly homeless at this point, maybe even dead) now I only have hatred for him be because instead of being a father who can raise his son properly he chose to abandon us.
Because of this I know I will never abandon my family and my kids.
Raised here alone by single mom since 9
>My father had drinking problems, and he wasn't Polish, he had to go back to his country, to a alcholism curing centre with english speaking staff.
>Unfortuently poor bastard has gone missing since he arrived and before he reached the centre, probably because of his drunkness
>Back at me, my mom hadn't got a stable job, her company failed, and so she raised me from her painting, english teaching and social benefits.
>I coudn't stand going to school, where everyone had better financial position than me, I didn't went social because I was too ashamed of my poverty, also I liked to discuss games,but I felt I had no right to talk about them because I had no way to play and relate to newest titles.
I was extremely shy, became a degenerate brony and was the school weirdo
>Around 14 yo I got addicted to LoL, ruining my grades, my mental issues, losing control over anger issues, worked it off after visit to psychologists
>I manned up in high school, socialised, probably because financial situation got stable
>Recently got accepted to most renomed university in my country, I kinda feel optimistic, that worst years are behind me
Come on dudes... get your feces together and man up. Get tough. We need Spartans not faggots. At least smoke a couple of gangbangers on your way out.
In saying this, my mother has a good heart and i learned a lot from her about having empathy for those who need it.
Good for you user. Fuck your dad. Best to you.
not OP but I'm gay and sometimes I wonder if that's what caused it
and im pretty antisocial
folks weren't married, they tried to work it out but my father was completely fucked in the head because of his gang lifestyle. She eventually remarried and things are fine now but I am definitely emotionally stunted.
I was. Now I'm on track within the (((music))) and (((radio))) industry,
Was, now I'm a social octopus.
>bad with girls
I used to be a really bad beta orbiter. Had a stint as a pretty bad man whore for a long time (30+). Now I'm with a beautiful girl who is slowly yet surely getting redpilled.
Its possible to bounce back fellas. Accept Jordan Peterson as your saviour and sort ur oats
I'm sorry bro. I hope you find a purpose that helps you snap out of this mindset.
Nigga anxiety is a meme. If you have depression that's kinda different but not by much. You just seriously need to find something that genuinely makes you happy, and pursue it. If being a neet makes you happy, you better get a shitty job (or code) so you can live that life. Being a bum sucks m8, and suicide isn't so great. (been homeless, tried kms twice, 1st time slit my wrists and passed out and woke up in an ambulance, second time I swallowed about 30 oxys and had regrets like 5 minutes in, ended up passing out and woke up in a puddle of blood and vomit).
Fuck ya bro. Sparta!!!
alot of my friends were raised by single moms and they aren't betas. they were the poorest though.
I was raised by a single mother along with my 2 sisters.
29, bi, unemployed, horrible depression, no motivation, fat, and angry all the time. I cry a lot too.
Right on man. Good luck to you.
This is interesting.
Parents split when I was 14. I couldn't take life with mom, left at 16. Traveled the world, worked everywhere. I'm highly enterprising, slay women. On my 3rd successful startup.
Younger Brother, 8 years younger. Many problems. Didn't leave mom's until 25. Failure at jobs. Failure with women. No ambitions. School dropout.
I think there's an important development stage where Fathers are critical. Single Motherhood ruins children.
I'll try out what you said bro, I've got nothing to lose at this point
Also checked
As bad as things seem they could always be worse. Try focusing on the good things you have and work on improving your life and yourself. I think your main problem is that you have a very poor self image and see yourself as shit so you treat yourself as shit and refuse to let yourself try and get better.
Conquering anxiety isn't east, but when you do it you'll feel a lot better. You just need to find what makes you anxious and force yourself into those situations. You're depressed and have no drive, you just need to get things going so you feel like things are getting better and can be happier.
Ok fellas, I am going to need to save this thread for future reference. How do I do this?
Single mom tale, here. It's long.
My mother is one of the most fucked up people I've ever known. While I don’t harbor as much resentment for her as I used to, I don’t associate much with her, because she’s constantly starting personal drama with folks. She shouldn’t have a facebook, but she does. She occasionally calls to tell me she’s thinking about killing herself, which she does for attention. I don’t pick up.
My dad left when I was really young. All I heard from my mom was that he’d been a terrible guy and didn’t want to be in my life, but just yesterday I started to wonder if that’s the case. My mother is a petty, vindictive person, so it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest to hear she made all that up just so I wouldn’t form a relationship with someone she hated. The thought is kind of upsetting.
Anyway, I grew up poor with my sister, until my mother decided to date again about 4 or 5 years later. We weren’t thrilled. She dated a black guy who had an OK job but no prospects of ever being promoted. He worked at a mall, or something. They’d had a long-distance relationship for two years before he moved in with us. Admittedly, I was a badly-behaved kid. My sister Nicole was worse, and had a learning disability. When he moved to New Jersey to live with us, we liked the guy at first. He was friendly and engaging.
Then he started with the punishments. They really weren’t that bad, and as an adult I think he was actually pretty lenient, but Nicole and I hated this guy for trying to replace our dad (which he didn’t bother trying to hide) and it sort of just came out when he grounded us for arbitrary stuff. Also, he grounded me for a month once for watching free porn. On my own personal computer.
Thank you, I'm doing pretty good, 2 children, stable marriage, and a $85k a year job in tech, I'm also the neighborhood handyman for when people need electronics or hardware repaired.
I only feel bad because my mom died 10 years ago and never saw what I became, as I'm pretty sure she would be proud of what I've become, with her guidance and teaching, I have my faults and my problems but I think I'm overall doing well.
>he doesn't know how to archive
sort ur oats
To all the people considering suicide in this thread, why are you letting your shitty parents have an effect on you when you know it's wrong?
well there are numerous websites that archive Sup Forums such as 4plebs
you could save the thread number (135805815) and search for it on 4plebs in the future
Me, but only because my father died of cancer when I was 9, because he puffed fags like there was no tomorrow.
Will do, thanks for the advice lads. I don't exactly have anyone irl to talk to so you guys are the closest thing I've got to friends and family
After about 5 or 6 years I’d finally learned to ignore the guy. Just ignore him. Then he cheated on my mom, got really emotionally abusive with her all of a sudden, and eventually I got so fed up with the constant emotional turmoil (they were on-and-off like you’d expect from teens and every break-up was dramatic) that I told her he had to go or I did. She chose him, but she never tried to kick me out after. She just didn’t care if I left. I don’t mean to whine about it, man, but that fucked me up in the head for some reason. It did something to my self-confidence that I've never managed to quite undo.
Whatever. Eventually they broke up for good. Way too late.
Then mom decided she was done with men. Yes, really. I hate explaining this to people who hear my mother is gay. Anyway, she starts dating women, and this is back when the LGBT stuff wasn’t so in-your-face, so whatever. I felt pretty angry at first, like she’d lied to me most of her life, but whatever. I got over it. What I had a hard time not being upset about was that she would date women my age and it would make me uncomfortable. I told her that. She didn’t care.
Eventually she settles on this manly-looking Mexican lady. She’s really abusive to me and her, but Mom bonds with her and when Mexican lady tells her I have to go, my mom doesn’t even hesitate. She goes to stay with the Mexican lady for two weeks and cuts the heat, electricity and cable to our apartment and tells me to get lost.
You're gay because you're a perverted guy with a mental illness
Says the zipperhead raised by an intact family to feel no human emotion and be a brainless slave. Nuke yourself this time Jap filth.
>Also, he grounded me for a month once for watching free porn. On my own personal computer.
I wasn't even raised by my single mother. She had me at 19 and threw me at my verbally abusive granmother. Life sucked but it wasn't so bad. I still got to see mom and dad in my life.
>Mom got pregnant at 17, dad was 18 at the time and alcoholic.
nazi flag
>Eventually she settles on this manly-looking Mexican lady.
>Mom bonds with her and when Mexican lady tells her I have to go, my mom doesn’t even hesitate.
>She goes to stay with the Mexican lady for two weeks and cuts the heat, electricity and cable to our apartment and tells me to get lost.
I'm so sorry, but this was hilarious
Does being raised by the child care services count? I can't remember seeing a man until I started school, and even there 90% of my teachers were women. Had one friend that I used to visit from time to time, and his father, which I spent like 5 weekends with (fishing trips) together with my friend, was the only male figure in my upbringing really.
At this point I have a breakdown, and end up in a mental health rehab program. I make a good friend who ultimately kills himself, and my only other good friend gets herself sent back to prison (for apparently liking underaged girls, which she never disclosed to me).
After two years of intensive therapy I finally get a job at a hotel, get off of “the system” (which the mental health program basically pressured me into) and stop accepting victimbux, meet a nice girl. We get married and have a daughter. My sister is currently a junkie. You don’t want to hear her story.
I made up with my mom somewhat. She’s still with the Mexican lady, who is abusive as shit but pays for all of her stuff and takes care of her bills. I know it sounds selfish, but as much as I hate the fucking wetback, at least mom isn’t my problem anymore. I talk to her at family parties, and associate with her a little on Facebook, but I minimize it. It’s the only way I know how to deal with her. If I cut her out altogether she has a meltdown, and my entire family blames me for it.
I'm still in therapy, by the way.
The end.
Seriously, guys. Think very carefully before you marry a woman (I’m not saying not to) and once you have a kid, DO NOT LET HER CUT YOU OUT OF THE PICTURE. Fight like hell to stay in their life.
>Sup Forums loves traditional families
>Sup Forums was raised by single mothers
that's depressing. It's unsettling knowing that there's so many niggers or half niggers here.
It's not really the parents. What it is is bad parenting and poor environments growing up leading people to develop mental illnesses. Horrihle parents usually are mentally ill to so it may also be in the genes.
Bro you do realize there are a handfull of female fortune 500 CEOs right? If you wanna make up shit online at least try to sound reasonable.
Pops was a dope fiend. Mom is a neurotic Yankee. Divorced when I was 5, lived with mom. Only child. Poor as fuck. Spent the last 15 years playing guitar, doing drugs, banging thots and engaging in general degeneracy.
Back at home, off drugs. Unemployed, no work history for the past 7 years. Now I lift and read Evola preparing for the coming race war.
Going to drop acid until my brain fries tonight.
I was but after getting through college and into a career I've started talking to my dad. My mom turned out to be the bad guy....
>dad was a banker
>he didn't like working in banking even though the money was good and decided to become a teacher
>mom decided she couldn't be married to a teacher
>she kicked him out, took his money, and made him pay alimony as though he was still a banker
>she spent the money putting me in therapy to teach me that everything was my dad's fault and my mom was the real victim
>she brought me in to the divorce lawyer and made me sign papers saying that my dad was dangerous and going to hurt me
>mom got full custody and child support, but blew through the money and kept going back to court saying she wasn't getting enough
>get a scholarship to a university and move out
>mom isn't happy that I moved away and fights with me on the phone daily
>she calls the school's dean, the director of financial aid, and the head of housing and I end up losing my scholarship (this ordeal is another story entirely)
>I get a job in that field even without the degree and stop talking to her
>get a call that my dad passed away
>he had saved up a lot of money by being frugal and inheriting some money from his mom
>my mom was cut out of the will entirely, but she says that's just a technicality and everything should belong to her
>get dragged into a legal fight that lasted five years
>end up getting the money, but now nobody on either side of the family will talk to me
Dating is difficult because I have to hide that I inherited money. Some of my friends got married and had kids right out of school and got divorced just as quickly.
you can grow up in a dysfunctional family and still be white
but can you grow up italian and still be white?
Father was there in body, but never in spirit.
Now he's into conspiracy theories about his family secretly hating him when it is obviously projection on his part. We all hate him, and he hates us. No talking since a few years back. The end.
Does it count if my grandparents were always around?
My dad suck-started his 30-30 rather than let my mom walk away with everything during the divorce. I was less than a year old.
She's been a workaholic ever since. She's a nurse practitioner; makes good money, but is rarely around. Remarried when I was ten. Step-dad's pretty cool. He's got MS, but he used to be a research scientist at INL. Doesn't work any more. He was encouraged to retire back in 2008, and his MS has only gotten worse since.
>t. chad
My mother remarried but I've basically never spoken to her husband despite living with him for 15 years.
Should've linked these together. My bad.
Feel free to laugh at my tragedy. It feels better writing it down, at least.
my mom always wanted me to get along with her boyfriends but I never gave a shit about any of them because I knew they'd be broken up in a few months. It was always awkward as fuck when she made me eat dinner at the table with them. Never said a word.
thanx dudes, never felt like saving a full thread til now
Yikes that is really fucked up. sorry to hear that. What the fuck did she do to you about college?
In terms of dating, how does that typically go?
I was raised by a single mom who was an opiate addict and shut-in. She had many sexual partners.
The saddest part was that I bonded with one of them (boyfriends) that relatively had his shit together. His name was Terry, and he had a son named Nick who I looked up to as a big brother. We used to actually leave the house for once and did things like go to the park, go fishing at the lake, drive around in the car (mom didn't drive), etc. Once they broke up after a couple of years, I never saw them again and never really fully recovered from that.
Are you all homosexual because of that?
>be me born in 92
>raised by a single mom with 4 other kids
>turn 10 & start to question things
>get shutdown by mothership everytime
>spend time reading & studying
>within last 2 years study everything on Clinton & Trump
>mothership has custody of older sisters 3 boys & my uncles 2 youngest girls
>research all libtard myths (wage gap specifically)
>try talking to mothership about this during election cause she wants Killary
>mothership tells me wage gap is real cause her job just hired a man who gets paid more than her
>try to explain that its because she takes weeks off work to take my oldest little brother to court (dumb shit)
>mfw mothership literally say "no, its cause im a woman"
>now redpilling my little sister (19) & attempting to get my brother involved (16) as i dont want him to be a cuck
Pic related
Alright, bro. Take it light.
so funny when I see you fags raised by single moms, it's so obvious you were raised by women, you're insanely insecure and beta and generally don't know how to assert yourselves with strangers.
I'm guessing most of you have some sort of nigger/shitskin admixture. top kek
Please tell about your sister
want me to be your dad? I make a mean toaster strudel and have 2 baseball gloves. you gottabring a ball though.
I'm so sorry that happened to you. Not all women are like that, but you're smart to hide that you've inherited money to keep the crazies away. I hope you live a responsible and fulfilling life.
Jesus H. Christ. I'm sorry, dude.
Lift. Run test. Get an engineering degree.
She does gangbangs with rich guys for cocaine money.
>laughing at other's suffering they had no part in
Sure, I wouldn't mind having a Canadian Lumberjack dad. Sounds kinda fun.
I cant stop sucking on cocks because of my single parent childhood. I just love cock in and around my butthole. Traps are straight and more hetero then real vagina.
what is said here Maybe a trade degree anyway.
Therapy can be helpful tho, just dont take any pills
>I was. Now I'm on track within the (((music))) and (((radio))) industry,
How the hell do you break in to this industry?
Pic related because shes got 5 kids, married 2 of their fathers, divorced both & had 4 or 5 different boyfriends by the time i left at 17. Am now 25.