oi cheeky cunt my mum says are (insert family member) and she isn't a paki
David Flores
well they are the only one's right now calling out the jew, every other party to the right of may is a muslim bashing puppet
Blake Phillips
tfw no pikey gf
Tyler Clark
And Ken is funding UAF/Hope not Hate, that attack white people and rape young white girls.
Adrian Murphy
iktf bro
Dominic Howard
Is that the one where he got a tattoo of a little balloon because he thought tattoos were tough?
Camden Parker
Landon Reyes
>muslim bashing puppet
Jaxon Myers
I'd take down her particulars
Henry Davis
Everyone who isn't white is the enemy. The most pressing of them here and are the sand rats. Sure, Jews are behind quite a bit, but they're not the ones outbreeding us in our own homeland.
Jaxson Peterson
kek i love that vid
Bentley Cooper
Hope not hate are essentially a terrorist organisation
Carter Campbell
sure but i mean they're just pegida tier shite,
Luis Richardson
It might be lad, sounds about right for the humor of the show
Logan Martin
>tfw Hitler was elected democratically and remained in power legally under the Weimar Constitution
Mason Hall
tfw cant live in uk because im not a gay nigerian im just a white brit in america
Jacob Kelly
As are UAF but the government does nothing about them. The government likes white people suffering, they get off on it for some reason?
Amber Rudd and May and Corbyn and the lot of them just hate us, maybe because they are ugly and we are beautiful? I don't know.
Josiah Brooks
Chase Barnes
>hitlers power was concentrated under the pretence of legality
non allied propaganda translation
>hitler was a legal head of state
Christian Murphy
I didn't praise Cromwell... I said he was a useless cunt. But what he did could have been great had it been done properly.
>Fundamental aspect of our constitution We don't have a constitution, and it's not fundamental if it isn't being used. The monarchy have been less than useless for living memory and for a while beforehand.
Oh okay fair enough, I thought I had seen it before.
Loads of people do it, but our schools and government don't promote it. Wish I had known about it before I cucked myself into a life of tedium and debt in the UK
Justin Lewis
You've been gone for a while.
Adam Sullivan
>Honest >Spends 40ish years saying the EU is shit >Campaigns (albeit lacklustrely) to remain
Cooper Rogers
I'd tarmac her driveway if you know what I mean.
Joseph James
Well, no. What I'm saying is that it was legal. Whether or not the Third Reich kept the Weimar Constitution around for a laugh.
Cooper Wood
>I fucked (you) so hard it took (((you))) 3 months to return to Brit/pol/
John Davis
Stop reposting your rudeness towards our Julius Caesar.
Brayden Garcia
Wait didn't he literally just admit to lying about student loans?
Andrew Fisher
deserves to be vandalised
Adam Price
Jews are probably on our side with this desu- Bastards own half of london, and if london burns they lose their home. Can see some of it by the way the press is slowly lurching against them.
Didn't he not kill as many irish as they say he did?
Brody Thomas
Haven't posted here in a while, how you lads doing?
Juan Cox
>Campaigns (albeit lacklustrely) to remain I honestly cannot remember 1 thing Corbyn did/said other than 'No, I really do want to remain'. Without Corbyn, Brexit won't have been voted for
Brandon Rivera
only cher lloyd is honorary
Blake Sullivan
Absolutely not
Alexander Taylor
>historian friend showing me around Norwich >found a mental hospital being bulldozed which was used as a field hospital in WW2 for Polish soldiers >after the war, the ones with PTSD were kept their, up until the 1980s and after >he took me to an unmarked cemetery with depressions in the ground all over (no coffins or embalming fluids) >told me the hospital sold their crosses in the sixties for scrap
I've been trying to contact Polish groups for a while, slowly making progress with it. I've been put in contact with a Polish military official who has an interest in it. It's honestly making me angry that they were buried in a mass grave in an industrial park and forgotten, and now nobody knows who's who. Hopefully, this time next year, they're memorialized.
Austin Bennett
>I didn't praise Cromwell... I said he was a useless cunt. But what he did could have been great had it been done properly. I entirely disagree with this. What both the civil wars and the Revolution did was what I've stated many times and the most important aspect of all them all were the Rex v Rex caselaws that preceded the civil wars (will find them Rex v < > for revolution) that ruled a monarch can be removed from the Crown but in this, they (he) made the entire act of removing a monarch utterly pointless and in Cromwell's case, not only did he assume more power than any king in English history, he usurped the system, and set the precedent for what happened in the Glorious Revolution which only furthered what I've already laid out. The supremacy of parliament did not happen over night and it still is not "legal" on a technicality but has simply been accepted since Victoria's reign. Likely because it was not an issue, until the outbreak of World War I then II.
Angel Scott
the joos just want division is all, they'll throw a few peasant jews under the bus but they don't care about low scum jews
>tfw hitler was completely misunderstood that he meant jews as in the bankers and not jews as in all jew people
Jeremiah Sanders
>tfw you realise there are people in this thread who unironically support free market capitalism
Ian Mitchell
Some user the other day said Christopher Hitchens was friends with Iriving. I've looked into it a bit but I can't find anything to establish they that close. This video however is quite interesting and does hint at that the possibility that they had correspondence to some degree.
And I said should, the English Civil War and the Bill of Rights 1689 provided nothing unique. They simply put into writing already existing laws that they felt had been violated by King James (in the case of BoR) or Charles I.
Oliver Hernandez
we're all gay here now, I hope you like mutual touching, because that's what we're into around here now ducky-poo's
Brandon Gomez
One of them actually did something for this country, the other has done the opposite.
Reminder that Mogg voted in favour of the Snoopers Charter, despite depicting himself as some sort of traditional conservative or classical liberal against increased state power and defender of British institutions and traditions. (publicwhip.org.uk/division.php?date=2016-06-07&number=13&display=allvotes)
Reminder that Mogg disavowed the ‘Traditional Britain’ group after he caved under pressure from the leftist media for speaking to a genuinely socially conservative group (bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-23617555)
Reminder that Mogg helped to campaign against UKIP’s Mark Reckless in the 2014 Rochester By-Election – a crucial make-or-break moment in UKIP’s history that would’ve destroyed the party’s momentum and prevented Brexit from ever happening had Reckless not been elected. (youtube.com/watch?v=c-7MbLwG0AU)
Reminder that if Mogg placed his principles and nation above party and career then he would’ve defected to UKIP alongside Carswell and Reckless back in 2014, back when there was significant UKIP momentum and it seemed as if UKIP could gain several seats in Parliament..
Xavier Ramirez
Lucas Phillips
Good luck user, I wish you the best in all that you do.
>Speaking as a white man, don’t we have ghastly complexions? Par-baked like those bread rolls you can buy in supermarkets, we look like not quite the finished product. Glancing at the person opposite on the Tube the other day, I thought “if only I could be that colour”. He was in his late thirties, maybe, south Asian, maybe Sri-Lankan; and his skin was that beautiful golden brown that whispers that this is how humans were supposed to look.
>White is just wrong for skin — a kind of mutation, as though some key pigment was missing from birth. It looks inbred. I met a girl when I was younger called Weetabix (she said her rural Nigerian parents had wanted her to have an English name, and chose one at the general store) who described sleeping with a white man as being like “sleeping with a skinned animal”: semi-transparent with the blood vessels visible. The awful mental image has never left me.
>And as you get older (if you’re white) you realise that a white skin is like a white carpet: it shows all the stains and blemishes. White youths enjoy a sort of mayfly summer, looking an enviable milky alabaster for about half an hour — before they blotch and smudge and scuff and smear and pimple and flush and rash and scratch and mottle themselves into shop-soiled old age. My number one colour would be caramel, closely followed by the almost inky black of the Turkana tribe I once travelled among in northern Kenya.
>Come on, admit it, whiteys: if you were God designing the human animal, your brush poised above the divine palette, would you really go for just-crawled-out-from-under-a-stone off-white? Sallow sucks.
Xavier Peterson
>have to stay up past midnight for the fresh council house list
>have work at 6
who are they trying to house, me or some neet?
Hudson Young
>Campaigns (albeit lacklustrely) to remain Comrade Corbyn was one of the few labour rebels that voted for the referendum.
Leo Davis
What meme is this? Don't post it, please.
A venerable pursuit. Please keep us updated.
Nolan Jackson
Looks good but still not convinced that there's anything I could get into with my grades, apart from African studies. Thanks for pointing this out though, I'll look into it further.
Easton Jackson
Ryder Howard
He's a Liberal Democuck cuck that should be stabbed. He is also pathetic looking, like Nick Clegg and Tim Farron. Why are all Liberal Democrats so pathetic to look at?
Nathaniel Flores
>Just a condom for being fucked by crony capital
Eli Brooks
Brit/pol has really stepped up in quality over the past few months despite the tripfags.
Much less bluepilling trite being pushed about the Tories, lots of OC being created, discussion about higher education oriented topics like constitutional and public law, less Nazis falling for the >we should have been invaded! meme, at the same time no boomer style Churchill lapdogs, and less emotional discussion of Mosley going on. You should all be proud of yourselves.
If the British can make a genuinely enjoyable Sup Forums general surely we can fix the mess we're in at the moment.
Well whatever him and Ming Campbell and the rest of them are pathetic cucks that need to be killed.
Asher Gutierrez
The day after the election all the elsaposters etc fucked off. It really did suprise me how fast they left, and it's them leaving that improved things.
Justin Green
>A cuck represents a whole ideology Nope.
David Mitchell
What the actual fuck?
Carter Williams
Aye but Paris is a Tory boy.
Michael Fisher
t. smelly socialist cockroach
Bentley Sanders
He's not a liberal. He's a """"conservative""""
Andrew Moore
It's a bit of a meme. I wish it were fully.
Luis Scott
Post unpopular Brit/pol/ opinions
This is the best Blackadder series
Charles Powell
He literally represents the orange book bum boys. >In b4 muh Vince Cable
Jonathan Adams
Just put my ballbag next to my my mates ballbag so they're touching then flicked one of my gonads and we've got a kind onf Newtons Cradle going, they've been clacking away for 10 minutes now, we're not gay just scientists
Aaron Williams
>how do I into moisturise, a healthy diet and going outside
Mason White
canada is gay and america is way better and more british
Jacob Ross
Yes lad.
Jaxson Mitchell
>Tfw you realize that every european expansionist empire, from Rome to the EU, always stops at two places: The British Isles and Russia >Tfw the EU will collapse in your lifetime
Blake Cook
>There's a wog actress called Cush Jumbo
Grayson Miller
Nicholas Reyes
Well he has that pathetic "just kill me and then rape my corpse" Liberal face.