Stop romanticizing history.
Times have never been better in the past.
Stop romanticizing history
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gay washing history much?
Not gay if penis is feminine.
Yummy. :)
Ooooooh ya! Right in my butthole Heinrich! Ooooooh!
ancient bromans helpin bros out is that what you are trying to tell me here
M-ai minti mult, in pula calului de nenorocit? Nici eu nu te cred.
>implying the 90's in America/Japan weren't the best time and place to be in the whole goddamn universe
Even ayylmaos are probably jealous they missed on the 90's
90s were gay
I wanna go back to 1500s
crusades just over, new world to explore, Jews kicked out, inquisition in progress
sounds comfy
Fake and gay. :^)
Did you know that sodomy declined just before Christianity?
Even Pluto discouraged it because clearly we realized the negative consequences by that stage.
Yes actually, it's overly exaggerated nowadays.
It happened, but not that much.
fuck off kike. You cannot stop the fires from rising.
See There's a reason why it disappeared BEFORE christianity arrived.
When you commit acts on a child, you affect them at a crucial stage of neural plasticity.
yea and Hellenistic Greece collapsed shortly after their culture made that turn so what's you point again.
>sounds comfy
In reality you would've died within the first 3 years of your life due to smallpox, whooping cough, accidents, measles, tuberculosis, influenza, bowel or stomach infections. And if that didn't get you it was plague, poverty and malnutrition, war, or simply bad weather due to having shitty shelters.
That's a good show.
At least back it that timelime the worst that could happen is you'd be fucked in the ass by a bearded man while sucking some primitive dildo.
In this timeline a perfectly innocent DNC staffer named Seth Rich was murdered by the Trump Whitehouse in a deliberate attempt to frame the DNC for wrongdoing.
Colbert is absolutely right about Trump. Two scoops is two scoops too many.
exactly, like I said, comfy
>things never get better or worse!
This is literally centrist-tier thinking. Of course there have been better times like this. I would argue that we are perhaps living in some of the worse times in human history.
it's been worse tho, alot worse
"Times have never been better in the past," says the wise man to a peasant at the height of the plague in Europe.