>seriously not a slide thread here
Is this heeb the best Jew ever? I think so.
Ben Shapiro
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Still a little kike rat that's Israel first + pro war, anti-white and a massive hypocrite.
He can be very sharp but he speaks rapidly as if he is suffering from pressurized speech. He thinks its impressive, smart people talk fast, but it amounts to little more than a parlor trick, and one that costs more than its worth
Tiny ben still butt hurt the red rose belittled him. He's articulate and intelligent. I guess thats what matters when you argue with peasant retards all day.
how's he a hypocrite?
kek, ikr? highly weaponized autism in full force.
what's the red rose?
He often dismisses white nationalism as just reactionary identity politics and says it shouldn't have any place in America yet he is happy to defend his in-group, the jews and also to defend Israel. He also argued against national capitalism for the US saying that subsidies and tarrifs aren't good but he also thinks welfare for Israel is good. In short, one standard for the goyim, another for the jews. He's good at attacking leftists but I wouldn't trust him to lead the American right, let him lead the Israeli right.
Isn't he pro big Bank as well?
I love how he offers his height, completely unasked, all the time.
In fucking Prince heels.
no he is not even remotely the best joo ever. all joos are pieces of shit and he's really no exception. he's a very articulate person though, and he does great when he decimates the left, and people like cenk
What about the Jews in the SS?
America is mostly white. Get used to it. That doesn't make anyone racist.
>He also argued against national capitalism for the US saying that subsidies and tarrifs aren't good but he also thinks welfare for Israel is good.
>Israeli right
anything but leftist jews
just got done watching the cenk debate...btfo. i know, jews are jewy, but if you don't like him, who's the least bad jew? mel brooks is one of my favorites.
wow it's almost like the USA and Isreal are vastly different countries with different things being best for each.
Based Benyamin
Not by a long shot
who is this guy and why do i care?
no, it was just a joke. is that you herbert?
he's an anti-white kike
>inept understanding of conomics
>only specializes is SJW nonsense
He exposed himself debating Cenk w(en he claimed we have the largest GDP ever with a lower tax rate. He doesn’t realize that GDP grows inevitably because of inflation and even with no economic growth each year it will be higher.
He’s literally a useless kike.
a true contender. orthodox jews are definitely more based.
idk, he seems pretty Americana
how is it best for the usa to give israel $6 billion a year and import millions of third worlders while israel gets the opposite
you fucking retard
>how's he a hypocrite?
>Ethno state for whites
>Ethno state for jews
you're drunk. it's time to go home.
>giving away my money
yea fuck that noise
no, faggot, it's pronounced USA!!!
valid point, but only if you have some sauce.
>we have the highest gdp
>we have the lowest tax rate
Why don’t you look up y/y GDP growth vs tax rate you dirty kike?
GDP is more correlated to population size and GDP per Capita than it is to the top tax bracket.
You’re literally clueless about economics.
Like him or not we need him.
>Is this heeb the best Jew ever?
He's no Bobby Fischer.
Fuck off Shlomo. We ain't going to war for Israel.
>teleports behind you
>sorry niggah
>i is kekistan
i'm a christian btw. this isn't about me, but i agree with shapiro when he talks about things like reducing the size of government.
VALID point. Iraq was a stupid war, and shapiro supported it. I'm definitely against him on that. Also, don't call me shlomo you stupid faggot.
>he seems pretty Americana
so, anti-white?
how is he anti-white?
maybe i misunderstood. are you saying America isn't white?
I’m sorry you’re retarded.
Ban claimed “we have a lower top tax bracket and the highest GDP”
Literally the only thing that matters with GDP is whether it is expanding or contracting and what pace it’s happening.
In a regular economy GDP should experience periods of both expansion and contraction.
In a government controlled economy GDP, ie. Keynesian wonderland, GDP will always expand albeit at a lower rate so that contraction doesn’t happen.
Arguing we have the highest GDP and lower top tax brackets doesn’t prove anything with relation to economic growth.
Because since the Bush tax cuts expired, with a top tax bracket of 35, in 2013, and are now 39.6, the GDP has still grown.
So even in Bens retarded mind he just disproved his own idiotic theory. No one with any sense of economics would make such a ridiculous argument.
The only relevant measure is the change of GDP and top nominal tax bracket percentage, if you want to make the argument at all.
Top tax bracket : 35
GDP: 16.69 trillion
Top tax bracket: 39.6
GDP: 18.57 trillion
Is Ben Shapiro retarded?
yea, fuck keynes. i'm in favor or no taxes if possible, but what do you think about flat taxes? also, please stop using plebbit spacing. so annoying.
*of no taxes...
>how is he anti-white?
he's Jewish
>are you saying America isn't white?
not anymore, thanks to his tribe
This. Fischer gave the finger to the Jews and the Soviets. Truly based Jew.
i'm not here to defend jews, but it's a religion, not a race, not a lot different from islam. i agree america is getting less white, but it's still mostly white and i like that.
Pretty stupid.
If you agree the government has a purpose, i.e. Military defense, the only thing having a regressive tax or flat tax would do is give an excuse for big government crooks to increase welfare programs.
He's an old-school Republican, only cares about the rich and is smugly proud of it, clings to muh tax cuts as the holy grail of politics.
Jews are Satan worshipers. There are no good ones
gradually brosef, gradually
yes, i am not a jew
fuck yea. poor people only deserve hand outs when given voluntarily
Israel is a nation of immigrants and refugees. Israel needs diversity to survive.
>hands up dont gas
this post worst post
Jews have been historically very inbred. Jewish women need to date and have kids with Black men to increase the genetic diversity of jews. It is a matter of the survival of the jewish people
>huge porponent of the Iraq war
>gigantic jew neocon zionist
>is fine withthe browning of america
>blatantly lied about the michelle fields fiasco despite video proof all over the internet
if the goyim fall for this one, honestly the goyim deserve it
No, have you forgotten what he fucking did? Jesus christ I wish you fucking T_D faggots would leave.
>but it's a religion, not a race
wrong, it's an ethnicity
lurk moar
check his posts above, he is mad someone wants diversity for Israel, and he thinks immigration is fine as long as whites stay plurality lmao
either ebin troll or actual boomer