People here post mexican cartel brutality as a proof that they are subhumans. How do you explain that whites aren't subhuman when this happened?
>He was dragged out of the court by observers and lynched in front of Waco's city hall. Over 10,000 spectators, including city officials and police, gathered to watch the attack. >There was a celebratory atmosphere at the event, and many children attended during their lunch hour. Members of the mob castrated Washington, cut off his fingers, and hung him over a bonfire. He was repeatedly lowered and raised over the fire for about two hours. After the fire was extinguished, his charred torso was dragged through the town and parts of his body were sold as souvenirs.
This is cartel-tier. Actually even worse: This was regular people while cartel are composed of psychos and rejects of society.
Liam Taylor
Anthony Martinez
Terrible bait. You didn't even mention his crime so I looked it up. He eyeballed a white women. A white woman!! So what do you expect? But clearly that incident didn't send a message.
Ryan Gonzalez
I know he committed a crime and he deserved punished. That's not the focus. The focus is the brutality that white people unleashed upon him. Similar to what cartel people do to other criminals.
That's not civilized justice independently of what he did.
Brody White
Nigger murdered a White Woman. Nigger paid the price. What's the problem here?
Levi Smith
100 years from being lynched for whistling at a white woman to interracial porn being broadcast into every household 3 generations of weak men is all it took
Blake Ramirez
"Listen and Believe" in action
I wonder if feminists realize that their rape policy is straight from Jim Crow South
Noah Parker
This just proves that brutality is not a subhuman act, it's very human.
Lincoln Hall
The problem is white people delivered justice just like cartel people. White people on Sup Forums use the style of cartel justice as a proof of why they are subhumans.
Chase Parker
Eyerape is still rape shitlord.
Jeremiah Turner
I'm sure his trial was perfectly just and colorblind
Kayden Thompson
>Washington was convicted of raping and murdering Lucy Fryer, the wife of his white employer in rural Robinson, Texas. He was dragged out of the court by observers and lynched in front of Waco's city hall.
I'm OK with this. I'll bet no black man was convicted of the rape and/or murder of a white woman in Waco, Texas for the next decade after ol' Jesse was made good. Killing this animal in such a public and gruesome way very likely saved many, many lives.
Liam Hall
Carson Bell
he literally raped and killed a white qt
Cooper King
>Implying cartels punish murderers >Implying cartels represent the public >Implying cartels have legal authority
A sick animal was put down. Cry more nigger faggot
Jose Ross
Mason Jackson
So that justifies the brutality? I guess South Africa was right after all when they used necklacing as justice. Who knew South Africans had the right concept of justice all this time.
Cartel punishes other criminals. They kill people who sell drugs on their area for example or someone who raped.
Kayden Gray
Some people deserve a terrible, public death, as has ALWAYS been acknowledge by every society throughout history, except for the West of today. The drug cartels are, of course, immoral in their actions and reasons for those actions. White people want to live in a peaceful and prosperous society. And that is what we will have.
Benjamin Campbell
>I'm OK with this. I love the smile of the guy on the right. feels good
Xavier Jackson
Let this serve as a lesson of things to come, white people are the last racial demo people should be targeting.
Gavin Miller
>So that justifies the brutality? he violated the NAP. he should of known what was gonna happen to him.
Josiah Nguyen
Oh course it doesn't you fucking retard but look at America now. I could not care less about some dindu scum.
Cameron Collins
Yes, the only thing you shitskin animals understand is brutal strength. White men have forgotten this, white women are e-learning it and as a result our race is slowly crumbling.
You are incapable of higher tier thought. When we are winning you say we are brutal when we are losing you say we are weak. There is no winning against you in your minds, until you are eradicated for good, and you know we are too good natured and compassionate at heart, our greatest strength and weakness.
Brayden Richardson
My argument is this: People use extreme brutality of criminals on criminals to justify the notion that they are subhumans. Here are these NORMAL white people committing just as brutal violence to this black man. Explain to me why they aren't subhuman using the logic you set.
Carson Perez
Cumskins are the most cruel and violent of all people.
Gabriel Martin
If someone ever killed my kids they would pray the police found them first, this is now it should be.
Juan Miller
My IQ is 120 and I've never committed any crimes. My family has a business and I don't even need to work. So fuck you, you savage.
Austin Nguyen
Cartel justice tactics were tactics used for thousands of years until very recently
The difference between Texans then and Mexicans now is that cartels will kill you for fucking doing nothing.
Those cartel sub-humans have a game where they sit at a green light, and if the person behind them honks, they get out and shoot the poor bastard. There's a reason that you don't have to stop at red lights in Mexico if there is no traffic. It's the sub-humans.
Isaac Butler
Quit your bitchin' nigger.
Dylan Sanders
>People use extreme brutality of criminals on criminals to justify the notion that they are subhumans. uhhh no? Theres millions of better reasons we call them subhuman dude. >Explain to me why they aren't subhuman using the logic you set. ??? You set up this retarded logic not me dipshit.
Anthony Rogers
We should have listened.
Chase Lewis
>I'm a typical strawman >I don't need to work
typical nigger millennial. Figures
Tyler Taylor
I'm doubtful it was rape. It's a well known fact that a lot of white women supported slavery because they were having sex with the buck slaves on the side. They had labouring slaves for working in the cotton fields and buck slaves to work in the bedroom
Austin Wright
You can't use arguments that's why you resort to memes. Thank you for proving that not every white have high IQ. If you had arguments you would humiliated my poor nigger logic with your superior intellect but you can't so you just go into LARP mode and post a rope pic and call me a nigger
Bentley Rivera
Killing Juan over a kilo isn't the same as killing Jamal over him murdering your wife. Fuck off kike.
Joseph Stewart
wow such brutality some fingers and his balls got cut off, then he got a swift hanging. then they continued to play with the body, but that's not brutal since he's already dead Cartels skin you alive, use rusty knives, leave you to bleed, cut off your face then salt the muscles, hang you by your intestines etc. What those guys did is fucking nothing
Bentley Richardson
>use extreme brutality of criminals on criminals dead is dead and the nignog needed to die. No fucks to give. A word of advice, whites can be your best friend but will burn your ass at the stake if you fuck up, dont forget it
Tyler Phillips
>uhhh no? Theres millions of better reasons we call them subhuman dude. You've missed the Mexican cartel threads then
Aiden Richardson
Shitskin confirmed. Gas yourself.
Nathan Kelly
Well here's a difference; we stopped and you didn't.
Jacob Campbell
Whatever you say you little faggot. Just dial the clock back 300 years which is enough to see any white nation curb stomped by what existed in Asia for the previous 7000 years.
Jace Mitchell
I don't need to work because my family is well off and I'll inherit all of it.
Austin Johnson
Lying shill. He didnt eyeball a white woman, he raped and murdered one and was caught with her blood still on his clothes.
Jason Rodriguez
You should know better. The fucking Vatican used to issue punishments like that right up to the thirty years war
Juan Lee
I don't need to worry because I'm not a criminal and all you're proving to me is that you're blood thirsty with a savage mentality. You're ok with savagery as long as it is committed by your own kind.
Jordan Wood
>autism the post The nigger killed a woman of course he is going to get what he deserves. The difference is cartels are doing it to innocent people.
Colton Sullivan
This was justice and nothing more.
All niggers deserve the same.
Christian Brown
A great shame we don't do this to all people who both murder and rape someone.
Lincoln Gray
>Disposing of broken tool I don't see the subhuman correlation
Blake Smith
Subhumans only understand violence. Niggers are too stupid to understand the consequences of their actions unless its made very very obvious. If you murder a white woman, youll be torn to pieces and then slow roasted alive. A nigger will understand that
Nolan Hall
Written by a true ignorant retard. Even if bait, you seem to forget the Japanese, the Aztecs, pol pot, Arabs, all of Africa just to name a few. If anything, white people are simply too generous and accommodating. Ask yourself this - if whites are so evil, why does the rest of the world fight so hard to live with them.
Joseph Rodriguez
Can you stop telling us what whites are like, you're a larping virgin.
Samuel Lopez
The next Hitler will be american. They are not used to be put into the role of the bad guy, they will realize too late that they have become the actual enemy themselves.
Andrew Bailey
Kek sure, keep pretending Asian dynasties are as influential as European ones. Which internet are you using again? The one invented by Asians or whites? Where did the harnessing of electricity come from again? Was it Asia? Hmmm. Dial the clock back and China is being wrecked by a little island nation called Japan.
End your sad life, shitskin.
Leo James
>having you nutsack removed is hardly fucking brutal
Nathan Rogers
The point is not justice is the amount of sadist violence >his charred torso was dragged through the town and parts of his body were sold as souvenirs. Explain to me how this is proper justice
Adrian Phillips
Yeah, exactly. Lazy Nigger. You'll have to work to manage your "wealth" as well. Not that you actually understand that. Good luck.
Figured you would skip 300 years to the beginning of the British empire? Or 300 years ago when Spain/Portugal/Danish were in power?
Kevin Cook
Benjamin Sullivan
Because we get angry at rape while shitskins just laugh
James Morris
>This was regular people No, they are invaders. Cartels are shit because they are drug runners doing shit for money. We have a higher purpose for our actions. The future of our people.
Michael Lewis
>thinking I actually took time to look up exactly why some nigger got tortured and killed in Texas in 1916. Dumbass
Jaxson Rivera
Are you kidding me? I've been effectively drowning in decades worth of shitty propaganda telling me that the US is a bunch of Nazis that murder and commit genocide. We've been put into the role of the bad guy by our own media since the 1960s at least.
Luke Price
No cruel and unusual punishment, regardless of the crime.
But hey, since he's black, he's not human. Fucking niggers. I'm I doing it right guys?
The bible belters are quite literally white niggers, born from the dregs of humanity. All the good whites were killed by the Union in the Civil War.
Jacob Barnes
Because the white countries are currently the wealthiest and provide the best Jon opportunities to raise their families. It's nothing to do with whites that's why so many immigrants still cling onto their language and religions of their motherland. Whites have been as brutal or worse than any other civilization V except maybe the assyrians. It's only been the last 300-400 years white countries even became more advanced than what existed elsewhere
Joseph Perez
Um excuse me but those raped
Nicholas Wilson
As long as justice prevails, Nigger killed someone and needed to be dealt with for the good of the people, a far cry from beeners cutting heads off because Pedro told the cops about the drug deal.
The problem with today is no one is punished for their crimes, It we got medieval on these fucks from time to time shit wouldn't be so bad
Adam King
We can post colour photos of nigger brutality.......
Liam Jackson
I can believe that.
Henry Taylor
Justice to whom? Justice had already been served
Go read Plato's Republic before you start crying about muh justice, no job having faggot.
Angel Foster
Show your flag leaf.
Jack Thomas
You're comparing a lynching from fucking 1916 to the gang wars of today?
Kinda dumb.
Noah Taylor
Ian Davis
you act like blacks are people. they're not. same with gypsies, kikes, indians, and even the french. >pic related another non-person who should be lynched for degeneracy.
Lincoln Rodriguez
That's what happens to rapists.
Jaxson Lee
>You're ok with savagery as long as it is committed by your own kind.
There is justified savagery. In this case, it was justified.
In the cartel's cases, it's not justified since they have no objective court.
Kevin Flores
Being savage is a good thing, especially if cultural and ethnic death is a remote possibility, which it 100% is right now for you dirty white devils.
>My brother has been killed by an illiterate! To his fortune, retaliation is below a gentleman of my refine and grace. Off with you, you murderous peasant, run away with your reputation and status in ruination! Surely, that is a fate worse than death!
Civility was a mistake and has become a hipster meme for spiritually castrated cucks. Saying that you want to be "better than your enemy" is no better than Trudeau saying "if you kill your enemies, then they win." If Europeans go extinct then it will happen because they were petrified into absolute inaction over the possibility that somebody would call their politeness and civility into question.
>t. Mexican (For real though white people please unfag yourselves before it is too late, I love you guys)
Anthony Smith
>whites do it too
William Carter
>since he's black, he's not human This is true. Quit being a retarded faggot.
Thomas Miller
>How do you explain that whites aren't subhuman when this happened? He deserved it.
Look at all those people gathered around. Your quote says there were 10,000 people there. Every one of them thought he deserved it. What do you know better about the situation that lets you say he didn't?
Zachary Fisher
>y-you are the same as criminal drug lords since you carry out justice fuck off shill.
Adam Lopez
>it's the same bro you can't point fingers
Camden Allen
>dead body gets desecrated >hurr durr so brutal
Jaxon Edwards
What people weren't/aren't barbaric? I'll wait. Judge a people not only by their lows but their highs. Show me other nations with greater highs than whites. I'll also wait.
Justin Hernandez
>whites are just as bad bro
Lucas Martinez
Is this the guy that tries to grab his own throat but forgets his hands are chopped off? I dont want to clicky. Tell me.
Ryan Nelson
Well the Japanese written language, their mode of mediaeval warfare, their philosophy, their style of architecture and their religion pretty much all came from China.
And yes the Asian ones have been hugely influential. The European design of monarchy states was modelled after the Achaemenid Dynasty which lasted in Europe right up until the 18th century. Christianity is a middle eastern religion. Read a book Amerilard
Chase Sullivan
>whites are the real subhumans
Carson Powell
>Yeah, exactly. Lazy Nigger. You'll have to work to manage your "wealth" as well. Not that you actually understand that. Good luck. Are you jealous pigskin? Don't worry I'll manage it. In your fantasy you think I'm someone who spends money like crazy and doesn't know how to manage shit. I can assure you it's just your biased notions. I'm not even black btw. I'm mixed with light skin.
Chase Phillips
Joshua Collins
Ah, it was a simpler time. A better time.
Owen Rodriguez
Uh, hello?
Levi Brown
>I'm mixed with light skin. Thats a nigger user
Jeremiah Myers
Basically age of enlightenment onwards. Before this Europe was pretty much always behind. The exception being Rome at its height. But Rome at its height was 1/3 slaves built out of looting all its neighbours
Sebastian Rogers
Thats a new one. Is this some chink in mexico?
Landon Brooks
>Achaemenid Dynasty which lasted in Europe right up until the 18th century What? The Achaemenids were the rulers of Persia until Alexander conquered it.
Evan Gutierrez
>that flag
Blake Robinson
Yepped and checked
Tyler Kelly
Good point. It is fairly certain that brutality is in all humans. We are animals, after all. Whites are just hated more now because they are recently more successful in the past few hundred years
Love to hear that whites are so evil because we killed off the natives in America. So what? You don't think they were killing each other once they needed to expand? How is it our fault that whites had to overcome illnesses and wars earlier in history? It's unfair to become stronger, and use that strength to survive? Bullshit. Natives were weak, and they paid the price.
I'm pigskin, remember? I used my family's wealth to start my own small business. That is why I'm calling you a lazy nigger. It doesn't matter if you're a neet that only uses his money to buy WOW subscriptions
Carson Watson
James Morales
Cartels kill cartel rivals or cartel traitors in brutal ways to send a message to them. White peoples lynch nignog to send a message to nignog community. It's pretty much the same, fear has always been a good method of control. Cartels are not stupid and they use that to their advantage just like white people used to use it against nogs. Humans are brutal creatures.