Aryan thread






Taylor Swift is not a nazi.


what is she?
fuck off monkey

She is a musician, creating music geared for young and teenage girls, not nazis.


>doesn't contribute to the thread
i hate sharing a board with retards.

>She is a musician, creating music geared for young and teenage girls, not nazis.
offtopic garbage
no such thing and no explanation as to what is supposedly wrong with it
no such thing and no explanation as to what is supposedly wrong with it
>>doesn't contribute to the thread
how so?
>i hate sharing a board with retards
fuck off monkey


PS is going out of hand.

negro posting interracial porn on the politics board

Literally a Jew. Feel free to fap but she is NOT Aryan.

>Literally a Jew.

Is blonde hair a requirement to be Aryan? I had blond hair when I was young, but now it's dirty blond/light brown. I have blue eyes.

Why does she consort with Britbongs so much?

that's me getting my dig sucked/entertaining for $ at a bachelorette party. that's the bride suckin me. gave her a good stretching out before her big day.

Taytay is /ourgirl/

I'd spend hours licking tay tay's quivering body from head to toe as if she were made entirely of sugar, then I would satisfy my raging urge to feel her from the inside, and finally I would expand her womb like a water balloon as I squirt her full of baby juice.

u triggered stormweenie?

>taylor is shilled hard on the board
>taylor then does something to contradict how Sup Forums views her for positive press

Like clockwork.


it's against the rules and has been deleted you moron
she made a mistake by accepting an invitation to drake's birthday party
i know you like to think she is an inter-racial gangbanging whore
but that is not the case, christkike
go write your fanfiction elsewhere you dirty pervert

>she made a mistake by accepting an invitation to drake's birthday party

How fucking delusional are these taylor posting cucks? I mean this shit is cringe

what's your explanation, then?
taylor swift is a gangbanging inter-racial whore for jewish and black cock?
that she is illuminati slut who fucks niggers all the time?
you'd like that, wouldn't you, sven

Uh huh.

Taylor Swift is a hollywood whore who has zero problem with race mixing and she is not a whtie nationalist. That is my explanation. You cucks are pathetic

>literally no other celebrity in existence that is more controlling and anal retentive over their public image
>photographs of her in a slutty dress, drunk as fuck, rubbing up on brownies and jews for photographs was entirely unintentional

Taylor Swift is spectacular
Aryan Goddess made flesh

>Taylor Swift is a hollywood whore
hollywood is acting, you moron
>who has zero problem with race mixing amd she is not a whtie nationalist. That is my explanation. You cucks are pathetic
stupid cunt
i said it was a mistake

>hollywood is acting
>stupid cunt

U wut m8?

hollywood is where movies are made

Yes and its run by the jews and Taylor Swift is a hollywood whore

>Taylor Swift is a hollywood whore
hollywood is a movie industry you stupid finn

And youre a faggot




Taylor BLACKED Swift


why do i fantasize about watching a beating with hammers then cum flying

jewish thread u mean

who is jewish?