What does Sup Forums think of corporal punishment?
What does Sup Forums think of corporal punishment?
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nothing wrong with this, as long as you are not abusing it too much. You think the real world gonna give you a time out and take your things and your good, if you break laws and don't follow orders?
If it's clinical, orderly and for a good reason, it fucking works. youtube.com
Why was this ever removed from schools?
fully approve
>ywn be a teacher and paddle teenage schoolgirls
>more retro 80's stuff
Because of pussy faggots.
Ummm, they already did that shit when I was in primary school.
how is this not federally illegal?
remember when the internet was new and could easily find hidden cam spanking videos
shit was so hot wished I saved them
Beating illegal spic kids with a paddle?.... sounds good to me
80% of schoolkids in Texas is hispanic
Spanking is okay until junior high, then hitting is needed until high school. After high school just kick them out.
I was paddled in grade school, and I turned out okay.
But then, I'm not a weakling. Some people it traumatizes.
Because Americans are unitary faggots like you
Removed, we don't live in a collectivist White society anymore. These are just stupid Christcucks.
>Fourth post best post
i want to paddle:
>pic related
It never was entirely. It still happens, mostly in rural southern schools.
Why is it ok for a teacher to paddle their students, but not an employer to paddle their employees if they misbehave?
> turned out okay
> post on Sup Forums
The Teachers were paddling for wearing the wrong color socks.
Fucking hillarious, imagine if Mark Rippetoe went in a texas school to teach kids how to squat.Damn, i would love to see videos of that.
They need to bring back Trade Schools
Because hitting them in the wallet hurts more.
Complete bullshit.
Kids should be given detention and stuff like that.
Then get the whooping when they get home, from their dad, like god intended.
Nothing like a father's love.
I hope the paddle can be used up the backside of those little heads
You have to put the fear of God in your kid once or twice
Gen X here. My elementary school principal was a Vietnam vet and he had a big brightly painted wooden paddle with holes all over it hanging on the wall behind his desk. Everybody was afraid of getting sent to the principal. I remember we all used to talk about whether or not he killed any gooks in 'nam.
I bet not many millenials grew up in a school like that.
that's a paddlin
you shouldn't hit your child in an abusive way
but if you do not hit it at all it will get a lazy useless fuck
Niggers don't have the capacity to understand the past or future so pain is the only discipline that works.
Same reason jail is so ineffective, niggers can't even tell one day from another, so it's barely a punishment.
What we NEED is the lash.
We need to bring back the lash as a default punishment.
>from their dad
But they don't have dads, user. He left years ago
Start my ass it should read RETURNS TO
t. once juvenile texan who got his ass paddled on several occasions
"giving you a time out and taking your things" is exactly what prison does.
Ha, isn't removed from Catholic school. Anyone else who's been there knows what I mean.
Kid would run into street to protect puppies. Solved with Spanking.
Kid said You Don't Tell me what to do in 6th Grade, Solved with Spanking.
College kid, do what I say or get the fuck out, problem solved.
Because when an adult hits an adult, it's called battery, and it's illegal.
Was it for Minor Shit
True. Caning should be an option in this country. Not forced, but presented as an alternative sentence for minor offenses. Would you rather spend a month in prison or receive 40 lashes?
>What does Sup Forums think of corporal punishment?
Should be only allowed if used for all ages. You can't explain why corporal punishment is ok for minors but not for adults.
in the hands of genderqueer teachers in today's world, these faggots will literally jazz their pants paddling kids
>thinking this will be used on beaner kids by white teachers
>actually diversity hire teachers will be using this on white kids
Laquisha, womyn's studies degree, paddling your kids for not having the "right attitude" during Holocaust week or black history month. Dear god.
it always has been in school here, even for dumb shit
I got my ass paddled for forgetting the combination to the lock on my gym locker
Shouldn't be done outside the family, otherwise it's (((juvenile justice)))
same with the saddist fasicsts
they get off on that shit
The problem is that it conflicts with truancy policies. Kids who don't have the money for private school and home schooling isn't an option for most families because they either work or can't spend that time teaching (even stay at home moms need to spend that time going shopping, doing dishes, laundry etc).
So you are forced to go to school even if you don't want to then you are paddled and beaten because you didn't study or do your homework. Talk about not only an indoctrination center but now you are beaten when you don't even want to be there. Then they all end up in prison anyways.
We should end truancy laws and let kids who don't want to be there to not be there because they only make it worst for the kids that want to learn. Only reason truancy laws are in place is because of teachers unions. It keeps them employed. If a school has no students, it would get shut down --- or at least small closed would be closed and reabsorbed to other classes for efficiency. That means less job security for these crooked lazy teachers.
If the school used the paddle on my kid, I'd break it over the principals fucking ass.
I actually dont approve of this, and I come from a school that paddled until the state shut it down.
Our teacher who got it removed, was some big fat whore, every day she would come to school mad at her husband for whatever reason and would take it out on the kids. Normally for no reason, she would constantly beat them and berate them to have some power, your typical woman in power situation.
One day, she held the paddle straight, not side to side wide and hit the kid like a ball bat breaking his hip, whats more, she was also beating a retarded kid.
Paddling should be left to a man with complete moral constitution, and not a woman, but women are teachers, and now principles.
>You can't explain why corporal punishment is ok for minors but not for adults.
Minors are dependents and wards of their parents and of the state. They don't have the full freedom or responsibilities of an adult. They can be compelled to do things an adult cannot.
Honestly I'll take the month in prison over lasting physical damage/scarring.
Beat your kids, beat your kids, beat your goddamned kids
shortsighted 14yo spotted
>You can't explain why corporal punishment is ok for minors but not for adults.
Underage faggot detected.
Why is it okay to prohibit minors from voting and not adults?
Why is it okay to prohibit minors from buying tobacco/alcohol/pornography but not adults?
Why is it okay to prohibit minors from owning guns but not adults?
Why is it okay to not allow minors to sign contracts but allow adults?
Why is it okay to assign young orphans to foster families but not adults whose parents died?
Why is it okay to force children to go to school but not adults?
Women will likely be exempt
substitute teacher spotted
It's literally asking to get shot if you lay a hand on someone else's kids.
They spanked the weak for minor shit, the troublemakers got a pass because the Teachers were correctly afraid for their lives.
Beating your kids worked for thousands of years but somehow became harmful within the last 25 years
In my school it was the Gym Coach who never made it big.
So it's alright to physically attack a child, but not an adult.
Logic here? I mean, from a logical point of view, this is insanity.
Bear in mind I support beating adults here, not the banning of corporal punishment.
Hell, I say bring back dueling. The gentleman's way of settling disputes.
Modern society is full of itself.
>They don't have the full freedom or responsibilities of an adult.
Criminals have no full freedoms and responsibilities and are dependents and wards of the state too.
My dad was born in 1953. He got the belt just like anyone else. If a kid could be blamed for someone else getting the belt, they'd also get beat up by the other students. Corporal punishment doesn't work. They tried everything on me to get me to behave and it didn't work. I just wasn't interested in organized schooling. I hate normies too much. If they laid a hand on me, I would have started swinging. Hell, I'd have done it as soon as they implied it.
Certifications kick the shit out of trades and degrees anyway.
All these limitations of freedoms can be applied to adults too. Especially criminals. Try again.
if any teacher decided to beat my kids they'd better be expecting to get beat themselves
>So it's alright to physically attack a child, but not an adult.
Your error is that you equate slapping a kid's butt with a physical attack on an adult. If you can't understand the difference then I guarantee you have never had kids or even spent any time around kids. Spanking is harmless and kids are not grown adults that deserve respect. They are whiny little shits with undeveloped brains who respond positively to humiliation and slight pain. This is a good period to teach discipline so they don't turn into whiny little shitty adults who get murdered, or worse turn into a violent criminal or a millenial snowflake.
in addition to getting your ass "paddled"
The worst parent was the Divorced Dad who found out the Mom let the kid get spanked.
>All these limitations of freedoms can be applied to adults too.
Only two (guns and voting) can be applied to adults, and my little list is nowhere near exhaustive. Try again.
I'm not letting some communist kike get his jollies paddling my young child's ass.
>Spanking is harmless
So is getting your shit knocked in if you talk shit.
God damn it's hot as fuck though. I wish my school spanked. Holy shit of my gym coach was allowed to paddle my ass I'd probably have come my pants.
Hurr durr tough guy over here. Maybe if you raised your kid right he wouldnt need to get paddled you delinquent fuck.
Some of the teachers are seriously fucked up, shit family life, alcoholics, drug addicts, perverts, etc
O wait, I just described myself
>please big gov protect me from the mean strong man so I can hit his child
Real life has conequences, sorry sweetie. : )
employers would love to physically discipline their employees
Yeah, try to buy alcohol in prison, kek. Or not attended court ordered classes.
One time they spanked a hot Cheerleader. A female teacher did the spanking but it was necessary to have 4-5 male teachers observe.
Not as much as workers would love to beat the fuck out of their bosses I assure you.
Shit, I wish they could. I've had so many hot bosses.
Fucking nice. Even though I grew up in Indiana I sadly never got spanked at school.
but when an adult hits a kid it's called education?
this gon' be good
>milenial parents
>authoritarian right
>strong men
They're the definition of weak men wanting the daddy state to fill their boipussy void are you fucking retarded?
She got spanked for cheating on an English test the final week of School
>leaf calling others faggots
Max kek
Fuck my life. I would have gotten myself in trouble so much. Why was I born in the wrong place/time?! REEEEEEEE!
I meant to say aren't
>here's a list of things we don't let kids do cause they could easily hurt themselves
>and that's why a paddlin' is good to go
Naw, more like stockholm retard detected
spanking is hot
>O wait, I just described myself
>respond positively to humiliation and slight pain
That's not children, that's a horny adult.
>If I paddle my kid they won't be a snowflake
five decades of research says ur a retard: news.utexas.edu/2016/04/25/risks-of-harm-from-spanking-confirmed-by-researchers
But continue to be retarded. Don't let me stop you.
Mass caning of schoolgirls in South Korea: youtube.com
Imagine being the dude trashing their tender behinds in school uniform skirt - he probably would work for free just for the privilege.
>implying hes big or strong irl and does t afraid of anyone.
Kek. Go impale yourself on a stick you fucking fag.
because they started letting blacks in schools and after a certain age black kids don't take that shit from people were required by law to interact with rather than their parents who bat them also.
If a teacher paddled my child id tell them to get expelled by cracking that paddle over a teachers head so i can home school them.
homeschool it is.
They also could not get permission from the black kids parents, because the black kid was not living with his parents,
Fuck yes. Post moar user, this is my bread and butter.
Why don't you make me with a good bare bottom paddling, Daddy?
already have it over here