Is there a Alt Right personality alive who would not embarrass himself againt Ben Shapiro?
Cenk's audience is dumb enough to not know that he got housed, but if one of /ourguys/ turned in that performance the would be laughed out of the Alt Right
Is there a Alt Right personality alive who would not embarrass himself againt Ben Shapiro?
Cenk's audience is dumb enough to not know that he got housed, but if one of /ourguys/ turned in that performance the would be laughed out of the Alt Right
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1 a kike is no ones 'guy'
2 there is 'our'
3 back go reddit
That's what I'm saying, superstar reading comprehender
Honestly Richard Spencer would probably do fine, the guy was a PhD candidate.
Ben Shapiro remembers facts, but they're facts that support Neo-con zionism.
People think because Ben Shapiro talks fast and in a nerdy voice that he's some type of genius. Milo does the same thing, talks really fast so you think his arguments are awesome. Neither have good arguments and they know their audience is dumber than them so they get away with it.
That's called the Gish gallop, just talk fast and trot a lot of shit out so that your opponent has no time to possibly respond to it all.
I noticed him doing it a fuckton of times during the debate with Cenk, often Cenk would use up most of his time responding to shit Shapiro had said before even being able to get to his own counterpoints.
I don't know, broadly speaking the alt-right is poorly educated.
the biggest crux of the far-right/alt-right.
We should all be speaking like Jared Taylor, but we sound too much like the Daily Stormer
personality? probably not.
being good at debates is largely pointless though.
I like Richard Spencer a lot but I think he'd be out of his depth against Shapiro.
Calling out Shapiros hypocrisy over Israel would be easy but if they started talking economics, Ben would devestate him.
Jared Taylor
Spencer is motivated by his own love of his people. Pure emotions, not reason. Jared Taylor uses facts.
Honestly, what's wrong with Ben Shapiro other than his tendency to support Zionism and his boner for Israel? I think he's helpful to the cause of fighting leftism.
No doubt, I definitely think we're right and Shapiro is wrong, but when it comes to winning hearts and minds, debating is key. Yes he uses techniques that we can see through but he's still really fucking good at them and can put someone unprepared for it on their heels quickly while he unloads his script and his opponent scrambles to respond.
David Duke would wipe the floor with this kike
>started talking economics, Ben would devestate him.
Gee, who would've thought someone would lose a discussion about money with a Jew
Because if our movement keeps growing it's eventually going to eventually come to odds with the NYC NeoCon kikes and he is their golden boy.
Doubtful, Shapiro didn't even call Cenk out on the meme that taxes were higher in the 50s, he took it as accepted truth because he never looked into the concept of effective tax rates.
I don't know if Duke is enough of a killer to debate Shapiro. Before I was redpilled David Duke seemed like some mean old villain, but now that I agree with him he sounds more like a soft lovable old grandpa.
Everytime I see a normie bring him on he's always defending his reputation and apologizing for his klan membership a million years ago. Certainly not a cuck but he plays too much defense to really go for the jugular.
>ben shapiro
>his wife is an Israeli jew
What more do I need to do to spell it out to you?
Jew who the alt-light shabbos goys worship. If we had someone stand toe to toe with him and successfully argue our position, it would be huge.
Also with his "ill debate anyone anytime" persona and his "facts don't care about your feelings" slogan, if he didn't accept a challenge "from a NAZI" he would be exposed as a total fraud.
Holy shit what a guy hahaha
test nigger
Why not Jared Taylor. Ben does appear to be smarter than Jared, but Taylor has true poise and his logic while pushing for a white ethnic state is very sound.
Spencer is fucking retarded, can't even win an argument against fucking CHarles Barkley.
>Is there a Alt Right personality alive who would not embarrass himself againt Ben Shapiro?
Greg "Gut Grindr" Johnson or Jared Taylor.
The (((people))) responsible for propping up these e-celebs need to be handled. They already control tv, radio, publications, and everything else.
Yeah it's showing.
You all are debating about which white supremacists can debate a Jew about why the Jews are the synagogue of Satan........
It honestly doesn't say much for your critical thinking skills.
Also I will tell you another truth. It doesn't matter if your right. Truth is relative to the hearer so if your audience is full of degenerate cultural marxists it doesn't really matter how correct you are because in their worldview you are wrong.
The masses will never accept what they are not programmed to believe.
What you need is humor and propaganda.
I'm not worried about the minds of degenerate cultural marxists.
What matters is the minds of the alt-light and basic bitch republicans. They already don't trust the media, hate the banks, hate academia, and hate foreign influence. Most of us were there before our conditioning was finally broken. Theirs is hanging by a razor thin thread at this point. They can be reached.