What is your IQ? I want to find out what the average IQ is on Sup Forums. Mine is 129
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You can't do one IQ test and say that's your IQ. You have to do different ones with different questions and activities then take an average. Anyway mine is 112 on average which is pretty average in itself
my IQ is 132 and I voted for bernie sanders
between 105 and 120 I figure
my is 127
Hit the ceiling on the military's test in all categories so should be at least 130. Doubt it's much higher.
Did a few when I was in my early teens with some professionals because my parents thought I was a sociopath or something. It was around the high 130 to low 140 mark every time, which isn't terrible considering I never had tutoring and only did public schooling. My brain has definitely degraded since then due to all the alcohol, video games and anime, though.
This is a bait thread, by the way.
Been tested at 163
Lowest was 152
So somewhere in there.
But I'm a listless unsuccessful fuck who's self aware to the point of paralysis. So keep that in mind.
I know you don't know me. But I'm a solid 170, take my word for it.
mine was 167 in 2010
Came here to post this. I also have a 14" cock.
I'm really fucking smart. I don't know my iq but it's probably really fucking high. It's probably much higher than everyone in this thread. Let's just say if I was at the Nuremberg Trials I'd be a standard deviation above Hermann Goering.
If I had to guess, I'd say somewhere above the 150 range or the point that it stops to matter and your just a Gauss-tier genius.
over 9000
1st time 128, 2nd time 132
When I was 15 iq was tested at school and mine was 143
So I'm like the smartest person alive
But in serious, I took an IQ-like test in school and got 99 percentile.
194, at least that's what the gypsy told me after reading my palm
It's 1.
152 when they tested me after a head injury. Not that it is worth shit as i am a farmer.
mine is 1488
It's 9
I was tested at about 135 when I was maybe 13? It was for getting into honors classes. I was able to get through engineering school, however, I don't feel like I'm super smart. I feel like maybe I have an edge on understanding things faster than some others. Occasionally I'll get frustrated with others not seeing the heart of a matter. I have met people who are smarter than me, though, a lot smarter than me. Maybe I'm smart enough to realize it. I try not to be a dick to others. If I'm dealing with someone who I think is not as smart as I am, I try to be patient and understanding. Especially if they are not assholes.
Mine is 1488
110 before the seratonin syndrome and the coma
probably around 90 now
I actually maxed out Mensa's test at 156, so I don't really know.
Checked your full house. Have a (you)
Also fuck knows my IQ but I am smart as fuck
115. I took an in for vocational rehabilitation, to get money to go to college, when I was 18. Took my test at 8a.m. I wa hung over from drinking the night before. Not to bad for the mental shape I was in that morning.
Tested in HS at 170, scored 1550/1600 on SAT, and 33 on the ACT. That said, after 20+ years I can say those tests mean jack shit. Of all the high IQ people i know, the richest are all lower IQ, Why?
146. 20 yrs USAF, spent time working for NASA, and i have 8 college degrees. I voted Trump.
IQ tests are bullshit though, i was a UKIP parliamentary candidate this election. My brother has an IQ of 92 and is designing submarines for the British navy.
sage this
I averaged at 129, I should say. I've had scores ranging from125-134, but most often in the high 120s range
Why? bcuz IQ doesn't tell the whole story.
>develop a battery of tests for a creativity quotient(CQ)
>not being 2 standard deviations above Hjalmar Schacht
fucking pleb
How the fuck would they datamine when half the people here are either lying or memeing?
I have taken 12 IQ tests and my average is 198. Pisses me of because it's only two away from a perfect score.
140 no lies
I'm German and Scottish. The average German IQ is 102 and the average Scottish IQ is 97. Average those together and you get 99.5. The standard deviaton between the two is 2.5, so I probably have an IQ that's greater than 94.5 but less than 104.5.
That's okay I guess.
> tl;dr 94.5 < my IQ < 104.5
I wonder if it would be possible to integrate IQ scores, emotional intelligence scores (EQ), and creativity scores in to one large overall intelligence-creativity score. That might explain why some ppl with average IQs are so successful, and why some geniuses are not.
my average is 134
14. i voted hillary by the way. Cant wait for that orange cheeto to be impeached. Hillary vote the popular vote, she deserves to be president and not that russian bigoted puppet
I took sixteen separate tests within 1 month and got an average of 200,from this I can deduce my iq is much higher than the maximum and probably extends into other dimensions.
the jew
>high iq but never developed a nation of its own. lives parasitically off whites. hates physical labor bcuz magic sky wizard
>low iq but never developed a nation of its own. lives parasitically off whites. hates physical labor bcuz cotton
both nigger tier; both low CQ
>they think they know how to interpret IQ scores
200076 tested IQ by Hypermensa
Currently being recruited by the Bogs for potential mind-merging.
My dick is 6.66 inches when flaccid and 9.99 when hard. It's a real beast.
That was adjusted for age, Goering was the highest if you just look at it plainly.
If Goebbels and Hitler where there it would be interesting.
I'd say Hitler would get 145-150 and Goebbels 140.
>The standard deviaton between the two is 2.5
EQ correlates too highly with agreeableness to be useful, and agreeableness is by no means a purely positive trait. You don't find that shit in management.
Is a crapshoot, and pretty strong correlation with openness. Probably has to do with the framing problem. 0 correlation with success in graduate students.
What? It is. Type it into a calculator.
You have to be pretty smart to conquer most of Europe and gas 6 million Kikes. But if he were a 160 he would have done better.
>mine is 129
>kekistani flag
First test was 122 and second test i took at uni was 130.
>Is a crapshoot, and pretty strong correlation with openness. Probably has to do with the framing problem. 0 correlation with success in graduate students.
not necessarily. students who show an advanced approach to problem solving and boredom with inane curriculum are quickly snatched away to the G & T-category; where they can be suppressed and controlled.
translation: creativity is neither carnal nor material but both
Also 129....
65 iq reporting in
Mine is 7.5x5.5, thought I had a small dick until pol convinced me I'm a member if the 7" master race.
I tested twice enlisting in the military(still enlisting), 129 and 133 were my scores, in the past, I have tested thrice and got 132 every time, but those were 2 online tests and one i took in school, pick one.
It's not. Those 2 data points are themselves aggregates with their own standard errors. You have to take their standard errors into account or you end up calculating the standard error of national averages, and you're not a large congregation of people.
It's gonna be ~15.
>first test as a kid showed 145
>later test as a teen showed 142
>last test in college showed 133
I don't want to take more IQ tests
American who was born in Nigeria who wants to hopefully go back and unify Africa as a global superpower and assume the glory it was always meant to have. Also I boast an IQ of 145 so get on my level you fags
he had the right idea; but he was an underachiever
>military IQ test
>in america
You had me up on the seat for a second.
I pick 75.
unless you take an official iq test, you all are believing a lie
I wish gifted education was legal here.
Good try Leaf.
Out of curiosity... do you know what test you used? I got 129 eight years ago. I don't know what test it was, only that it was administered by a Doctor of Psych., who told me it was very reliable.
Give me a reliable test and I'll post the results.
To be honest, I can't remember which tests I used, it was a long time ago, sorry
And again, honestly, the results probably were bs to some extent, but it is the best measurement I have
>given a sailboat by an ex-schoolmate
>can't understand how sailing works so; too many moving parts
>the vessel sat there looking nice
dafuq good was his iq?
Also Hitler did nothing wrong.
Well, I've been tested anywhere from 130-168 through online tests, which I obviously think is bullshit. Most of them give you a false reading if you rush through it and just randomly click on answers.
is there a stereotype about the American military I test that I'm not aware of?
implying 129 is high
I don't know how I'm still alive.
Actually, I have whatever the highest is because no one lies on the Internet.
It says my IQ lies within a range of 127 up to 143, but i am fucked up on ketamine right now.
Does that mean I am intelligent? I always found IQ scores pointless.
I got 135 on an online test with Raven's progressive matrices, but I think it overestimated because I majored in math and have experience with mathematical matrices. So idk, cut off 5-10 IQ points, maybe I am 125-130 IQ.
This is decent. As far as online tests go, at least. test.mensa.no
They have reasonable EQ, act before thinking, are not self aware and therefore not self conscious, they fit in with each other, easily coerced into blind discipline, quieter minds make less distraction, different concerns/interests more in tune with societal norms, easily amused and fulfilled, etc etc.
125, as per last test I took a year or so ago
>Got tested at age 8
>Parents wouldn't divulge the number
>Kept asking, they finally gave a range
>Few years later, find results in closet
>Just realized school shrink had to be the only tribe member in that part of the state.
Trust no one.
Mines 124