Hey guys, IDF soldier here, I have an headache so im home for the day and will answer all your weird questions up until it gets boring, ill try to answer everything but please dont spam.
IDF Soldier AMA
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What's the best tactic against the IDF?
Nice try Egyptian
Why do you wear those pizza-size helmet covers?
why was I denied Mahal simply because Im not Jewish?
Israel was FOUNDED by Jews and non Jews alike. I would have loved to defend Israel from terrorists.
Why user....why.....
Pretty please?
It's not as if like we can currently pull off anything serious from our side right now considering the fact that our army has and still is so poorly-trained and lead that it is basically an over-glorified militia that only does a good job in defending.
It breaks up the shape of the human head, so that when you're looking at a distance you cant tell what it is. It's actually really effective.
(also not OP but a sad user who just wanted to shoot Egyptians)
Im assuming its a camouflage but I dont use them myself so I dont know
How pliable is the helmet cover? Can you make it look like a chef's hat? Do you all pretend to be Italians on occasion since it looks like an Italian hat?
Why are you hook nosed slomos so obsessed with destroying Western culture when the West is the only thing that keeps you alive?
How long would it take you to push Gaza into the sea?
Are the pictures of hot Jewesses in the IDF propaganda?
My old man was a US soldier that was stationed in Israel back in the 90s.
Is it really true that there are cases where some chick might be sunbathing on the beach with her hand on an uzi that's inside the purse next to her?
Or has it calmed down now?
This. Even though we know they are.
>Hey guys, IDF soldier here, I have an headache so im home for the day
I dont know if we'll ever form a foreign legion, Bibis sucking up western dick too much and I guess it would make us look bad if we'll let foreigners die for us.
ill be honest with you I know about our weakspots just as much as civies do, I guess that ganking up on soldiers on patrol would be quite effective since it would create a certain fear among infantry but in the west bank they dont really have weapons.
We dont actually but whatever
like 10 minutes, we can carpetbomb it if we really wanted to.
Does the IDF really let you take the day off because your head hurts? That's fucking gay bro.
How many palestinians have you murdered?
How many friends or family have you had that were murdered by palestinians?
Do you know of, and see any parallels between, the Troubles in Northern Ireland and the current Israel Palestine situation?
>I guess it would make us look bad if we'll let foreigners die for us.
I like your thread, OP.
>We dont actually but whatever
Why do you lie about it?
I'm actually curious about your views on Pol's view of Jews. Does it bother you, or do you understand it since many of the elite in our nations are Jewish? I feel like the average Israeli that comes here doesn't associate themselves with the globalist planners but idk for sure.
Not OP here, never seen somebody lying around and snoozing while they have a firearm with them, not even at the beach. Getting it stolen will fuck you up big time.
But it's not uncommon to see soldiers and sometimes off uniform soldiers carry an assault rifle on them while going on to their daily lives.
Ah, interesting.
Also, is it maternal or paternal lineage that determines whether you are jewish, which would allow one to join the IDF?
I met some cute chicks but considering im in combat class its a big sausagefest most of the time lmao.
they do use chicks for propaganda but most of the stuff you find on google images is legit.
only in troubled zones we have gunrights currently, in the other parts you can relay on cops I guess.
Considering im an israeli browsing Sup Forums it means im above 18 and was drafted into military, isnt that enough proof?
even though not everyone are combat soldiers, but I am.
I don't think ALL n million jews of the world are in on the destruction of civilization and whatever. I mean, it would be too complex to have such a vast network organized and in check and with no leaks and shit like that. I'm pretty sure just (((((those))))) reall high up are responsible for all this. I doubt mr schlomoberg from Tel Aviv is offering councel to the government on how to subjugate the goys better. Then again, he did deny it, although that IS happening, regardless if all jews are in on it or not. Really makes you think.
>I have an headache so im home
>tfw you served in army with broken ribs
I have no idea how your army still exists. 1/3 are pussies, 1/3 are chicks for propaganda, and the rest is JIDF.
The egyptians are the real jews
If your mom is jewish and you can prove it youre good to go, in cases your father is jewish but mother isnt you need to see a committee about your lineage or some horseshit, really fucking dumb imo.
It actually really sucks since in this saturday I was supposed to be home and instead ill be out there guarding some shitty ass base.
I was in a terrorist incident site but have never killed one myself.
my best friends sister was murdered by a palestinian
as a matter of fact I do, they claim we oppress us but in hamas ruled gaza they starve lol.
long live the UVF
im just a simple soldier why are you asking me about stuff that american jews do?
im well aware that my nation was in desperate times back in the day and had to exploit a little bit the holocaust to get money from the germans, but I dont think Israel itself had anything else with your elite jews that rule the media, since bibi is such a westernaboo.
Why does krav maga sucks so much balls?
Seriously though, I do sympathise with you guys. You might have the best military results of the past century
Well, I actually think there's something about the Jewish worldview that makes them think they're somehow doing good by attempting to destroy civilization, and most of them are too stupid to realize that if they actually manage to bring down the only thing propping them up, they'll be wiped out again. Like, those slimy kikes genuinely believe that once every generation or so there's a genocidal push to exterminate jews. Then they don't realize they're the ones bringing it on themselves.
But you're right that there is high up kikery bent on subjugation of all goyim. And then there's mid level kikery that focuses on things like writing anti-white newspaper articles, creating anti-white films, indoctrinating children in anti-white ideologies, pushing lawsuits that establish anti-white legal precedent. Then there's ground level kikery, where that jew on your corner is saying, "hey, us white people deserve to be exterminated!"
Also, there are leaks. The kikes just discredit the leakers. Look up Brother Nathaneal, for instance.
>im just a simple soldier why are you asking me about stuff that american jews do?
>I don't do that, goyim! Now us white people should feel guilty and commit cultural suicide!
Why do you pretend you're different from jews while saying you're a jew?
its more of a choice, and it sucks becuase again ill have to stay home for friday&saturday but honestly I couldnt walk straight.
krav maga is simple and cool, you dont need to teach more than krav maga to a soldier honestly.
What do you do when they rush b?
Quick question, I converted reform years ago, would I have to convert orthodox to move to Israel?
>I have an headache
Fuck what the fuck is wrong with you? Need to go home to mommy and dwell in your safe space because your head is hurting while masturbating to Anime? Back in the day your one armed aba would have fended off an entire Syrian mechanised division with a stick and a first sized rock. What the fuck has become of you. You're weak and a disgrace.
Also this.
Because you are also like the one armed aba and fought 100 battles and that just on land.
why do you westerners feel like they're so relevant to us? we wouldnt use our resources to destroy you when we're surrounded by so much shit right now.
call an airstrike probably
they check your ethnic backround rather than your religious backround
I've got through worse shit but if you unironically think its smart to go in a patrol day in the middle of the summer when you cant even walk straight into the west bank I dont know whats wrong with you. I much rather stay home in these 2 days rather than risk my life and my friends lives thank you.
How do we destroy Israel?
>why do you westerners feel like they're so relevant to us? we wouldnt use our resources to destroy you when we're surrounded by so much shit right now.
Because our resources are used to keep the shit that surrounds you from overwhelming and destroying you. But for us you would not be.
Now answer the question slomo. Why do you say you're different from the people you say you're the same as?
You cant, we have 200+ nukes ready I promise you that if we go down any country that supported it would catch one as well, which is why these nukes secure our existence.
Good job user for defending my future home.
How do you feel about constantly being blamed by bitter losers for all of societies problems?
because im a lower class than your so called boogiemen, my parents were farmers and soldiers, so were my grandparents, you're asking me question I dont know how to answer to because these are individual jews in America, I cant represent them like I represent my country.
Leftist Globalist Jews hate far right ethnostate Israeli Jews.
Lurk more.
what the fuck is this
I call modern anti-semitism, we're called the worlds 1st human right violators even though China or North Korea or literally any other muslim country does much worse stuff
Krav maga is what comes to my head when I imagine what midgets performing martial arts would look like. With such a little momentum on every strike you must be really strong to actually be effective... I just think that an accurate impact on a critical zone like the nasal bone will do the job instead of light kicking 5 times in the inner leg or the back. Also lacks the use of knees and elbows my semitic warrior.
which is why it works best for riot cops
Do you not both worship YHWH? Do you not both follow the Torah, the Septuagint, and the Talmud? Do you not both keep the Covenant, believe the Temple is sacred, and want to see G-d's paradise ushered in on Earth for a thousand years? So how do you say you're different when you're not?
That's one of their games. At the end of the day they go to each other's Seders.
No where in my religion it says you should destroy the west but okay, I dont know whats their agenda or why they are doing this, if every jew knew dont you think it was leaked already?
also I dont and many jews also dont follow the Talmud
I dont really have a way to prove it, want a picture of my boonie hat?
>in a patrol day in the middle of the summer
Checked the temperature. It's like 29 degrees. If that bothers you go back to Norilsk.
Are you declaring that Israel is a nuclear power?
It is leaked already, slomo. We have the Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion. We have the words of Barbara Spencer.
We can even read in the Talmud where it says that Jesus Christ is boiling in a vat of his own semen, and every gentile who reads your book must be put to death.
So we do know about it, and your self serving denials are all the more suspicious given that we know the truth. See, you're the exact sort of jew that makes me wish the arabs actually would destroy israel. You take from us, give nothing back to us, and then act dumb when we point out how bad you are for us. If you would at least admit your evil we could get somewhere.
29 with full uniforms + vest + helmet + anti-stabbing vest + there are no winds whatsoever to cool you down.
its a nightmare especially with a headache.
When will you expand your borders? Israel is too small. You also need more natural resources.
Why do you think everyone lies about the holohoax?
you said that the agenda is somewhere in the religion.
yet again the talmud was written by old racist rabbis 1000 years ago, no one practice 100% of the talmud because it would imply you should go out and murder gay people.
Yes most definitely, it secures our existence more than anything.
Okay okay was just messing with you
Fun fact: my grandfather went to a party and saw Sharon and Eban in person
>long live the UVF
yeah I'm glad we refused to house jewish child refugees during WWII and sent Germany a letter of condolence after hitler died.
Do you think the Jews realized the Germany is richest country in Europe and by making up a lie like the holohoax they can guilttrip normal Germans into paying for the IDF?
Your own government has never confirmed this.
It must be, or else jews have instinctive memory like a sea turtle. Driven to destroy nations by born in instinct.
Anyway, you should go out and murder gays. They are not people. It is good for society.
as soon as we elect a different goverment, and get a goverment that cares less about what foreign countries has to say.
which kinda of lies?
That the holohoax happened
Tell us about your countries nuclear program
>Germany is richest country in Europe
Kek no, nigger
As far as Republicans vs loyalists I really don't give a shit about your petty squabbles. As far as who Irish Republicans have allied themselves with, yeah, fuck you Irish, long live the UVF.
>That the holohoax happened
You're implying your so called hoax is fake. Which it is and you'll never get the irony, moron.
>normal Germans
What the fuck does that even mean anymore?
>sinn fein party is marxist SJW palestine-lovers
>actual IRA was not marxist or palestine-lovers
I like to call you Americans the bastard nation, because you don't know who your fathers were. No history. No culture. No genetics or common ancestry.
Try harder, also give us back our Nazi gold.
If I remove your little beanie-thing will you die?
The Israeli government has never confirmed the existence of an Israeli nuclear program. This guy just did about 10 minutes ago though.
China is richer than Japan
Oh boy, you're stupid. Wealth in terms of economic output is measured by per capita, brainlet
glad you grandpa met based Sharon, was it at switzerland?
Never liked you too, the IRA is a terrorist organization that supports a terrorist organization :')
ill be honest with you that back in the day we were in desperate times and had to exploit it which lead me to believe it was probably around 3-4 millions, if we didnt need the money we'd just tell you to fuck off for national pride.
because we dont want the world to believe we're fashy enough to use them, but incase that we're invaded and lost we'd definitly use them.
200+ nukes ready and counting, every civie knows it and im not even operating near the nuclear reactor so I dont know more than a civie about it.
When you gets more land, why not force convert or incentivize conversion for arab population?
>if we didnt need the money we'd just tell you to fuck off for national pride.
How long is your nose Shlomo?
we never officially confirmed it like we've never confirmed the assassination of abu-jihad, everyone know it was us but we would never confirm it to avoid more shit in the UN.
Forgot to green text first line
WHo care about ghose imaginary things?
how much do you hate the Tavor?
What is Macau? Right you are shifting the conversation away from the Nazi gold you stole from us.
How long is your nose Shlomo?
Because they would never agree to convert, also they would exploit it to get gunrights and shoot up jews.
How long is your nose Shlomo?
Kinda like an accelerated version of Ireland, right? Whoever was before the Celts, the Celts, the Norse, the Danes, the Scots, the English, whatever wogs the English brought with them, and a fuckton of niggers in Limerick. Also actual IRA had about 14 members. Keep trying to distance yourself from the muslim loving provos while defending them at the same time
4th of July party at the US embassy (he was a US national) in Tel Aviv. I still got the original invitation but not on me right now. Also got the diary but it seems like he didn't meet in person only saw from a distance
alot, its trash like the rest of the bullpups, we should start using the galil ace already.
thank god they gave me an m16.
Why not just reprogram there brains to make em agree
Euro mutt here
>you've clearly never been to the south
So you don't even know how long your nose is Shlomo?
I'm sorry to tell you this, but nobody gives a fuck what Germans say
>but nobody gives a fuck what Germans say
You give enough of a fuck to give a reply.
its schlomo faggot...as in Solomon?
not as much as you would expect I assure you.
woah thats awesome actually, what did he had to do in that party though?