Which European country will fall first?
Which European country will fall first?
Germany because they are the niggers of Europe.
Luckily for Germany all their newly arrived engineers will be able to prop up their economy
Sweden, then France. EU falls apart after France and Britain is next if nothing changes.
Germany, its already beginning to happen.
Sweden, then Germany and UK, all reaching brazilian levels. Which is gonna be funny, we are used to that all our life, no big, but they are going to freak out, apocalyptic style.
By propping up the economy you mean lounging around on welfare and raping young girl then yes.
UK won't, its far too insulated.
LOL Europe gets a few thousand migrants and USA clowns be all like, hey you got an immigrant problem... How are those south American nations working out for you?
Their native population is one of the fastest shrinking European populations, their inflow is the biggest, and their extreme pacifism makes them unlikely to resist anything that happens to them.
Even if America we're to become 70% shitskin, we'd still be alright because of our structure. You guys have illegal words and political opinions.
Bye bye Germany
Most already have
We just have to wait for them to start burning
My prediction is that the EU will crumble destroying EU economies, forcing countries to under go politcal "revolutions" I.e, more right wing.
This lack of resources will cause people to become VERY insular and slowly turn anti-immigration and increasingly patriotic since everything they trusted (the state and the EU) wil have crumbled away and left them with hoards of niggers .
UK has not stopped the flow of non-Whites and its entire government is hostile to the native population. They will fall eventually.
>Culture has nothing to do with race
If the US and Europe falls to shitskins, then we are to be invaded by the Chinese and Russians
There is no recovery from genetic pollution
>implying things I didn't imply
>that spacing
>There is no recovery from genetic pollution
ever heard of CRISPR retard?
>Germany, its already beginning to happen.
^ this
This is why the EU is pressuring Poland to take more rapeugees.
>LOL Europe gets a few thousand migrants and USA clowns be all like, hey you got an immigrant problem... How are those south American nations working out for you?
LOL...UK dipshit thinks they've only taken in a few thousand sandniggers. Hahahahaha. I'll take SA subhumans over the absolute human waste your shithole is inviting.
No you really won't recover
With massive levels of interracial breeding the IQ of the US will fall dramatically. Your entire political and economic structure will collapse and you will be simply left to fracture, and eventually invaded.
>60% white
Probably Sweden, unfortunately. There are less than 9 million ancestral Swedes living there, so it won't take much to tip the scales.
France, Germany, UK.
Honestly, who cares? They're all going to fall. English people, German people, French people, Swedes, Irish, are all dead, and what little children there are left of these people are going to be oppressed and driven out of their lands.
Only the West of Europe will fall hard, the rest of it will stand up mighty. We already see the horizon of it. (the coalition between several Eastern Europe countries aganist agressive politics of Bruxelles).
Anyways, Europe still intentifies itself as Europe by only the West part of it, because after the fall of communism in 1989, the Eastern part of Europe (or the countries behind the iron curtain) wasn't accepted in reality.
Look at how the "iron curtain" still exists nowdays between the East and West.
It looks now it is a good thing, especially because non-chucked countries know very well what it feels like having such agressive politics (and where they are heading) like Germany, France, UK, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium.
Many from the West will try to flee to the Eastern part when the shit hits the fan, but surprise. Think of how many people from Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Bulgary were constantly mocked by the Western media and people after the communism fell and they tried to rebuild their lives in the West.
Tables will turn soon, and it won't be funny, because the Eastern part of Europe is based as fuck. The devils from the communism are still lurking the streets and the light in many people's eyes is missing. Do not try to play with what's left in the hearts of these people because you will find only the depth of darkness, emptiness and a whole new level of courage.
yeah yeah communism blah blah muh real fascis is the problem bud
but the hordes of based non-europeans flooding western europe are based right
the rapeugees seem to rape the very elderly too, their non discriminate that way. Fuck any German who is complicit to this invasion madness and may the others who despise what is happening find the strength to stand up and declare the lie of the Globalists and fight them, fight them to the death to regain their country.
% white
Let's just pretend that's accurate for a minute. With the number of shitskins you're importing, that 60% number will fall like a rock. They are out-breeding you 4-1. In just a couple generations, you'll be nothing more than United Kingdomstan. Enjoy faggots.
Sweden first, because they are cucks. Italy second, due to location. Greece is OK for the time being, because our economy sucks and immigrants don't want to stay here.
If France looses control of Calais, the doors will be open. Besides, if EU collapses economically, UK goes together, and there is already enough ghettos in there to prompt widespread and non-stop riots. Next, english and french man run to the country side of their countries or far away gated suburbs. This will be the fall of the capitals. Followed by a balkanization of the country side, for the sake of security. Just like happened to Rome. Gated communities are nothing morr than walded cities of the middle ages protecting themselves from the barbarian invaders.
Germany, with their courts over run, just a matter of time.
This is why we need an economic collapse. A big one. Chaos is desirable. The more undesirable are nations are, the more we can recruit to our side, and the easier it will be to rebuilt our nations into what they were meant to be, instead of the cancerous entities they are now.
france, its already fallen
Caliphate of Britain
>When their rescuers don't even want to breathe the same air as them
Many of those foreigners are other Europeans, it's worth mentioning. I'm not a pan-europeanist if I don't have to be, but I would take other European immigrants if it meant making sure the white birth rate remained high and the population youthful, considering that European immigrants assimilate into the host culture relatively well. I imagine the Polish population of the UK will reach 2 million before it's all said and done, and that's better than 2 million Nigerians, for example.
Greece fell back in 2009 you day-dreaming moron.
hopefully us so the bullshit is over quickly and we can start over quickly and
with racemixing, atheism, leftism and marxism being completely illegal.
Germany,France or Sweden hopefully all 3.
>those masks
Culturally ; France
Economically; Greece
yea yea muh communism bla bla bla
People went into the streets and fought the regime. We can easily do it again.
Ceaşescu Nicolae, the communist president of Romania was killed in December, 1989, for example.
We have many alive revolutionaries honored every year. Many of them are carrying gunshot wounds (one of them is my great-grandfather, which still lives to this day)
You little cunt know nothing or too less. Our youth is vigilant and alive.
And about these hordes of orcs marching towards West is occuring because the West intelectuals and politicians betrayed their own nations. They can fuck themselves now like they never did. We are giving fucks about them up to zero, because they are still blind to their own agenda and fucking over and over the people from the Eastern Europe over the Middle-East sandniggers.
Go figure !
Or live long enough to see it happening !
If Western Europe falls Eastern Europe is next. You think they'll be content with only destroying Western Europe? Just like before, you'll be invaded, but this time there will be too many for you to hold back and you will drown.
insulation isn't going to do jack shit when the enemy is already among you
30% of your youth is an official death sentence. If the English don't do something by 2020 they're death. Scotland and Wales will probably last longer
>Many of those foreigners are other Europeans
You're correct, but many is not most. There are far more non-EU immigrants being taken in by the UK. It has slowed, but the damage is done, and they aren't stopping.
>Which European country will fall first?
God please germany,God please Germany,God błagam żeby niemcy pierdolneły
pls pls pls
Not a communist, but one thing the USSR did that I approve of is keeping you Easterners separate from the decadence of the West. I mean, would the EU let any Romanian issue another Decree 770? I don't think so. Capitalism isn't your friend. Fascism, or at least nationalism, is your friend. You Romanians need to learn that before it's too late. Take it from a person living in a 40% white area of the world.
Poland in WW3
Deutschland uber alles
Any of them that speak Dutch, and aren't German, with similar Ethnic Enrichment policies as Germany.
Germany France
Netherlands Denmark
Why Russia?
>Easterners separate from the decadence of the West.
>implying commies were not pro racemixing.
Because contrary to popular believe Russia has same shit. Only in ugly poorfags version.
go on...
>If France looses control of Calais, the doors will be open
How did you figure that out? Britain is in control of the Calais end of the tunnel, not France
Get rid of Chechnya, then. And crack down on your borders. Also have more children.
men can get fined $15 in Boston for manspreading on the underground. Your yankees are ducked and cancer only spreads amerifat
I don't know the answer to that, but I look forward to seeing them realize their mistake. When their children and grandchildren are no longer safe on the streets. When they pick up a Koran out of fear. When they have to put a headscarf on their daughter. When they are unemployed and have to beg to survive because the social welfare system is utterly destroyed. When they remember their childhood and realize that their children will have nothing similar, foreign in their own lands.
Fucking retards. They deserve to die out.
wtf, I go to Boston University and I've never heard anything like that
Italy. Germany is too rich to collapse
Wew somebody doubled up their edgy pills today
Go back to cleaning carpets and shooting heroin commnigger
There is no Eastern Europe just Europe and a smelly CS:GO lobby
You stopped immigration from white EU countries, the pakis and other Commonwealth niggers are still flooding you at the usual rate
Your people raped Africa for centuries steal of her gold silver diamond lumber oil and people...IT'S TIME FOR MY PEOPLE TO RAPE KILL STEAL AND DESTROY. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED
Once Poland, Austria, Hungary, and Slovakia rightfully secede from the EU, Germany is going to crumble.
I only hope we see a diaspora of actual Germans to the US.
But you are doing all that already in Africa
Sadly this is correct.
I think we`ve crossed the point of no return. We're still living in the aftermath of our former success though, so a big part of our population can pretend that "everything is fine".
However, it is only a matter of time before our social systems will collapse now.
The state pays tremendous amounts of money for rent of foreigners and welfare. Social services are by far the biggest expense in our budget. And the amount of tax payers is constantly shrinking. Turks, arabs etc are notorious for avoiding taxation and will milk the system as good as they can. They know no loyalty but to their own family and have a complete different understanding of honor, honesty or loyalty than native germans.
This massive immigration id directly paid for by the german tax payers. Native germans also pay for it indirectly by having lower and lower wages and higher and higher rents. In places like Heidelberg (150k inhabitants - 15k "refugees", countless "migrants") it is virtually impossible to get an apartement now, since the state has given entire blocks to the "new germans" for free.
And the state propaganda tv channels label everyone a nazi who does not like that. By the way, germans have to pay a fee for the propaganda channels - even if they dont own a tv or radio.
Some people slowly change their opinion and will admit in private that they dont like being the only german on the street when they go outside.
This change is too slow, though.
It'll be the debtor nations Germany keeps having to bail out. Germany will sacrifice them eventually to the banks, and it's a cascade from there.
lol sadist
Your economy is a paper tiger. The amount of money that's spent on public shit is insane, and as your slave-like population of Germans decreases, your nation will have to introduce belt-tightening policies. I can't wait for your nation to collapse. I will love the confusion on your faces. I'll love the misery. Most of your people, I'm sorry to say, deserve nothing less than a painful, torturous death.
Counting that Sweden already fell, next in line is the UK, then France.
I'm also a believer that demographics is destiny and that graph is scary as fuck.
>Your people raped Africa for centuries steal of her gold silver diamond lumber oil and people...IT'S TIME FOR MY PEOPLE TO RAPE KILL STEAL AND DESTROY. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED
You're IQ is too low to do anything about it. Drink your 40 and snort you're blow. Just stay out of the way.
When someone does something after you explain to them why its not a good idea, after you plead, shout and cry. When they go and do it anyway without bothering to offer rebuttal, there is some satisfaction in watching yourself proven right.
Assuming Sweden hasn't already fallen, them. If things are actually like rumor has it, they don't count.
The bigger fish would rot first, one of three possibilities:
-The UK becomes a full-fledged orwellian state with an islamic twist
-France is broken from within by conflict between reality and the utterly unsustainable state structure, aided by the very real and somehow looked over elements in the army.
-Germany simply implodes and is eaten whole by the savages that roam the country while the "real" germans simply say "tja".
As a darkhorse candidate, I propose that if Catalonia were to actually secede from Spain (which they would regret the second after it happens), suddenly the 800K+ Pakis and other muslims that live there would have free reign to do what they please, and no one to stop them. Plus, there is A LOT of Saudi money arriving over there, going to very, very shady dealings.
4 already fallen UK, France, Germany, Sweden, those are gone and no more. it is difficult to tell which one was first to fall tho. those are who betrayed their people and destroyed themselves from within
Why don't they just shoot the boots while they are in the water?
Just out of curiosity, how is New Zealand doing? Have you guys had any migration issues recently?
Globalists will tell you that immigrants contribute to the economy until they are blue in the face or dead. It's absolutely shocking how people can be in such utter denial about reality until its too late. It's like they are Communists, who refuse to see the failure of their economic programs, dooming the entire nation into collapse with nothing left but ash and destruction.
We will live in a new dark age because of Globalists, and people in the future will hate Globalism far more than they will hate Communism.
They would abandon catalonia moron
The first European nation to fall will be the first European nation to rise again.
Its the same
You have to be one major delusional idiot. Illegals rioted on Lesbos, broke shops and everything and Islanders being xenophobic nuts did nothing, they just sat there and let them riot on their own island. I was always thinking they would slash their throats and throw them in the harbor, not a scratch on one illegal rioting though. I bet if that were to happen in southern italian, there would have been dead illegals floating face down all throughout the area.
>thinking germany will fall
>implying we dont use this to weaken the weak minded people and countries even more so natsoc can finally take over
Either Germany or Sweden.
When international islamism would have a ready-made spearhead into the heart of Europe?
Nope, they wouldn't.
Not by the looks of these stats. You nigs just kill one another. You see, that's the thing about intelligence. Since nigs hover around the mid 80's, they are in the "sweet spot" for criminality. I guess we're just blessed that most of you fucking muddies hate one another more than us. Thanks.
France because they already have a massive amount of nigger already
The one good thing about migrant crime is that they do it mainly to each other
Every time they chimp out they should just cordon off the area then deport the survivors
We'll survive.
>Your economy is a paper tiger.
It actually was pretty good. Unlike the UK for example, we had an industry and weren`t just a banking place or a tax haven like switzerland. Our strength was not in big corporations but in small - medium sized firms that excelled in their markets.
The generation 50+ completely fucked us now though.
This whole migrant crisis is a generational conflict to some degree. The 50+ generation fucking us over completely basically.
This is a generation that lived in unprecedented wealth, grew up with incredible opportunities who now pulls up the ladder behind them.
These guys have great salaries and social services in their jobs and were able to amass quite a lot of wealth.
These people also are the ones who benefit from the influx of migrants since this age group owns the capital and benefits from higher rents and lower wages.
And now they sell out the country for short term profits.
I think we take in about 1000 'refugees' a year, no idea where from or how real their refugee status is. I do know that one Somali woman attempted hijack on a plane with a knife 5-10 years ago.
Both the center left and center right parties have contributed to allowing wealthy Chinese and Indians as well as poor Filipinos into NZ. The wealthy ones buy up property and don't live in it, just investment basically. The poorer migrants drive down the price of labor in low wage jobs, especially in agriculture.
Auckland is our largest city. It isn't recognizable anymore. Signs in Chinese around the CBD. Turbans, burkas and so on. Basically the same problem as in Canada, Auckland is fucking swamped with foreigners.
All of our political parties will make noises about reducing immigration pre-election but post will lift it back up.
Our only hope is this man. Winston peters. A Maori - White mix. Leader of NZ first and champion of the NZ people. He usually gets 10-15%, hopefully this time he breaks 20%. He has some great quotes about what he considers an ethnic replacement program underway starting in Auckland.
tl;dr we have same problems as Canada and Aus.