Who else would literally take up arms and head to the streets if something happened to Trump?
Just another reason to die for Israel.
I would buy an expensive bottle of Scotch and celebrate - only I might be laughing too hard to drink it.
Why? What would be the point? So I have an AR-15 and 100 rounds of ammo, and I'm marching down the street ... to do what? What am I trying to accomplish, and how am I going about it?
honey pot thread . don't reply.
take up arms, against whom, The US Army?
Wyatt DeShawnberg, your people are incapable of taking up arms even though you have them.
None of you are American, not an argument kys
Why are you hiding behind a UN flag?
Actually, having read this thread again I'm virtually certain you are indeed a yank
nah I wouldn't fight for trump, maybe if rogan was killed i'd take up arms and kettle bells
>he gets murdered at episode 999
If something happened to Trump something more would be going on and I'm the more "wait and see" type with stuff like this. Would depend of the circumstances.
I think I was trolling someone in another thread and didn't change it back.
It's not illegal to talk about this you stupid fuck it's in our constitution. The government has much cleverer and evil ways of finding out who their enemies than posting on /pol. Stop being a nigger.
>implying any trump supporters will leave the basement
All the republicans they actually have guns live way out in the sticks. What are they gonna do shoot up their wal mart?
Highest probability in almost 100 years this will happen, see you out there.
Take up arms?
I would chop off both my arms for 30 mins with her
chimp outs are for niggers
>It's not illegal to talk about this you stupid fuck it's in our constitution.
It's not about illegality.
It's about providing information to satisfy threat matrices.
Why would one do that on a Somalian cat exportation trading post?
That's not how their spying works. They are more concerned about who, where, what, when.
They are not concerned with the actual content of your messages because determining what is satire and what is not is not feasible for the sheer size of data they are using.
it appears that my "when whites chimpout" meme of Nazi soldiers marching... Oh well, you get the idea.
I would celebrate if that orange rapist was taken out of office in any way possible. I so sick of our 'king of the white trash' president.
If they tried to totally screw him, impeach him based on clearly false evidence, then yes.
>They are more concerned about who, where, what, when.
More concerned with predicting it, tbqh.
haha "if" ahahahaha. do you really think Trump will be permitted to complete his term?
Without question. I even know who I would target first. I wouldn't just chimp out. I'd make a plan.
it's important to know the jew freemasons own the cops clergy courts mayors
Ok faggot, sit on your ass like a layzee pice of shit
waving guns around on random streets at best would do nothing
What if Trump died of mysterious causes like Breitbart and Scalia?
>I would call b.s. and join a militia or something.
I've already pledged my support to others.
I'm just waiting for Sath Efrika boil over
I would.
no, would be too busy shitposting on Sup Forums
Of course.
Public figures first.
You're just a sociopath looking for an excuse, then. Chug bleach.
Is this an FBI thread?
Actually never mind.
I would enjoy the happening and sleep fine knowing that ZapZap Pence is in charge.
He's basically a crisp, gaffe proof, pro free trade version of Trump.
I hope better people than me have a plan I can follow. I realized the other day I would willingly die for my country and the ideals our forefathers stood for and I would die for God, but I would rather follow someone who had a plan that could inflict real damage on the enemy and maybe have a chance to win rather than going randomly postal, which does not accomplish anything constructive.
My initial thought exactly.
But who cares.
Does he deserve it? Would he if the roles were reversed? Heel spurs. That is all
>defending an asshole or even an antichrist
I don't know why you faggots are so scared. There's nothing wrong with taking up arms if needed the 2nd amendment isn't even subtle about it.