You know the drill.
Hurry up before I have to leave.
At most 8 minutes between mups.
Nightly RISK
Black Power
Brown color
The South
>puppy Pack
>start southern CA
I will fuck that tight little brown ass of yours
The Fourth Reich
Darj grey
bush nation
ill do names when I have time.
I promised 8 minutes between mups.
Fill the south
expand north, spill nevada
any colour
Fill Uruguay, spill southern Brazil
God bless you for the quick mupdates
roll to fill all of alaska
OP do Palis count?
Fill Colombia
I didn't count them because bonuses the last time I hosted made the game too "easy"
You can literally pick any color you want. You're not limited.
"I'm white"
almost late. Got names in.
fill qubec, spill eastern seaboard
Keep expanding in the south
Continue filling Southern Brazil, any spill goes to Paraguay
>also plus 1 bonus
Fill Argentina
keep spreading to the east
i shall do battle with you
More Colombia, Spill to Venezuela
heres my bonus
Back to the risk containment board know as bant, we've enough fucking leftypol shit threads without this dogshit too you stupid fucking niggers.
bant is incapable of hosting risk without dice - which it doesn't have. Its not a valid containment board.
You fucking bitch ass no teeth Britbong bitch, shut the fuck up before I ram this black dick up your defenceless ass
fill the region
march on east, i must obliterate these false french invaders
same as last time
Fill southern Brazil, spill Paraguay
>+1 bonus
fill utah and arizona spills montana
Straight shot into Uruguay
What the fuck faggotCan I change my roll to defend?
Forgot ?
I assume i have Colombia right now.
Get Brazil
The map allows it. Yes.
Die brown scum
I don't know which is more pitiable, larping as a nigger or actually being one.
I hope for you, your family and the wider community that you die soon and painfully.
Fuck off anyway
i see your elephant seal and i raise you a seal pup
Expand in the south
What do we really do by hosting our shit game here?
Take up one spot for valuable """"discussion"""" threads?
Use the hide button you retard.
Stay mad you lil bitch ass white boy. I hope your faggot white ass gets mugged and then stabbed to death. Bin that knife bitch.
Like I said earlier cocksucker, we have more than enough shit threads, do the catalogue a favour and KYS.
sorry captcha
Fill up Texas
Good, keep getting Brazil
Invade the wh*te bois
Plus wan bonus nigga
Spills into the rest of America
continue east
your days are numbered green
fill the eastern seaboard
Continue the push into Fourth Reich.
We must remove the grey from our land
risk has been around a lot longer than your r_donald ass, not everything is part of some ridiculous shill plot. now how about instead of bothering a game that has been played on this board for years you actually start your own constructive thread instead of rolling around calling everything you dont understand a shill.
or better yet just off yourself and live stream it.
Unless thats shilling too
keep pushing east
>nigger posting
It's funny how you choose a black persona through which to attempt to threaten, I would guess it is you who is afraid of blacks and you are in fact just some Mexican or brown incel of some description, anyhow eat shit and die whatever shade of shit your skin is you waste of fucking space meme flag bellend.
Dumbass wh*te. Shades of blacc will color your skies
Nigga yu seein this?
hey man would you like an alliance?
It seems as if another nation has enraged me more than you being near my borders.
After this turn I'm willing a NAP until I wipe out this player.
NAP for now, dont go into the midwest.
if it lasts we ally
rees mogg
any color
no probs man, im going east same as you
Fine. We could ally even as long as I get Paraguay. Who is this other player I might ask?
good we're early
also rees can change his color since I allow any color (save for black)
Risk threads only used to appear when it was otherwise a slow news day, then the Donald crowd came in and not knowing how this site works shitted up the thread with multiple threads all day, you reddit scum are the one who participate in these gay ass threads, go fuck yourself if you think calling me a plebbitnigger is going to make me stop hating the queer threads, the best thing about bant was I didn't have to hide all the twatty risk threads anymore, KYS niggerlover
keep heading east
I call for an Alliance with Fourth Reich. We need to work together to save america from this plague.
Also fill Argentina.
What plague?
More Brazil
fill eastern seaboard
this is good, fill cuba, fill carrib, then fill south central america
The brown plague.
lol don't fuck wit a nigga like dat
Invade dumbass wh*te bois
Plus one bonus
Oh well
Invade Red's fucking ass
Rip Whitey. +1 nuke for the Nazis.
Well fuck
I'll use what I had to defend
Looking for allies
keep filling the plains/midwest region
if you care so much about the quality of this board go contribute to a discussion or make your own thread, not waste your time shitting up a game we have played here for years. Unless you truly have nothing to contribute and your false passion is a cover for the vapidity of any discussion we are misfortune enough to have you provide on this board
risk threads arent taking over the board, there are literally 2 running right now. Go shit up an actual shill thread or something
real time rolls. He had enough to just kill you.
fill normally or defend?
Anyone want to be allies?
I still gained 12 t in Argentina, we only got a 15 plus a nuke, I had no bonus so his nuke would be useless.
I only lose 3
Ill think about it. We could work together tactically unless has a better idea
>I'm a Brit in love with trump
>I haven't hiden every ptg thread since the election
>I found this place via reddit
>the volume of risk threads didn't spike massively when the Donald fags invaded
Riskposting shitstain tranny kys
i sense a great war between us and leaf+black power, are you ready ally?
If i your people let me have Brazil, south america is all yours.
My mission is to go to America
Fill Brazil
Room for one more?
French Imperial Forces
Royal Blue
That Caribbean Island chain between Haiti and S. America
I will
Fill Southern Brazil
I propose NAP with Columbia
fill to achieve bonus, i will destroy the quebecois bastards!
fill carrib
defend if attacked