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Posting in a master race thread.

yeah about your flag, Mohammad.

Do you at least know the rules of test cricket or play Rugby?

Present your true colours before the queen.

No, this board has been hijacked by Democrat voters in the USA.

There is no Anglo alliance, America is dead.

R.I.P in piss. And fuck you.

I slept with Mooch's wife in high school. Ask me where she likes to get pee'd on.

shall advocate a new system of government

What's going on guys?

Anglosphere does not make you Anglo, it just means your countries were defined by us

Fuck gettinf peed on do her feet smell good?

-Defeatism is a Jewish trick
-Reddit spacing
Checks out. You need to be quiet.


Sorry sir!


>south africa
not for long

The majority people in Anglospere countries are Anglo(english speaking people of Germanic ancestry)

God save the Queen


Nah fuck you

Why are we there ye cunts

>including Pap*st Ireland

Yeh no

Hello fellow Anglos. On behalf of all of us, I think we should invite our friends of different creeds and colours into our countries

Most Catholics live in cities in the North East, most in cities vote for Dems.

Should add a gravestone for Rhodesia and other African colonies :^)

We Anglos now?

>english speaking people of Germanic ancestry

Anglos are English speaking people of Anglo (or, let's face it, British) descent

Yeah but they assimilated to Anglos, its not like the Irish who continue to identify as Irish.



pick one, you have more german blood than anglo blood

New Englaner here. Reminder that us and the maritimes are the only true cultural annexes of Anglosphere on Earth. East Anglia, middlesex, and Wessex live on here.

More Mexican blood than Anglo too.
More African blood than Anglo.
The list goes on.

You need to die, chink.

my grandma is from Ireland bro, never visited it though

Why is South Africa wide eyed?

Did she move to Coatia? Nice country.

On the look out for niggers

>Did she move to Coatia? Nice country.
ye, she's from the north east of Ireland
no clue from what village or city tho


Maritime provinces succeeding when?

Fuck this chink country, we should get out while we still can

When the fuck did i say that Ireland was anglo?



..always wary

New England should merge with the maritimes and we should leave USA and canada

Canada is out for paying 10 million to a terrorist who kills Americans. Build a wall and stop all trade with Canada.

Bump for greatest ally.


Met a lot of Croatian fans at the Euros, great lads just as nuts as the Irish. You should try find out where she was from, shoould pretty easy.

And go where, exactly?

And Ireland is the land of gay Indian Irishmen

nice mate, i never met any irish people except my cousins
>You should try find out where she was from, shoould pretty easy.
i will do that for sure, making a family tree right now so ill look it up

Let it be done. Upstate NY, and parts of Ohio (Western Reserve) are Yankee clay as well.


The only thing keeping America a white majority is the 33.3 million, 10.5% of the population who are Irish. Be grateful.


Maritimer reporting in.

succeed then take the regulations off our forest and fishing industry fuck nature I want money.

Hi friends


Figured the t*rk would have shown up by now.

Not so fast, Patrick. Irish Catholics invented gibs culture, crony state McJerbs, and identity politics in America. We're cool now, but we need more acknowledgment of these facts.


Plenty of places in Ireland would help you find information, places like libraries and churches. If you have a family name or town it helps. Good luck with it anyway.

If you didn't speak English you'd be as relevant globally as Lithuania.


you mean wasp
american 'german' is essentially dutch

Fucking lel.

Can't blame the Irish for everything. Most Irish have contributed to America.



I love that old Red Ensign. Classy as fuck.



I never claimed we were some global superpower. Fuck sake we have toilets in Ireland older than Canada and they are are less full of shit than Canada.

Salut les rosbifs.

Reeeeeporting sir :D

Not blaming for everything. And Irish have pulled their weight, surely. But sometimes it's good to point out a counterpoint to the "hur dur English" thing, thats all. In the end, the English and Irish are closer to each other than just about any other two groups on earth.

america isnt part of your cucky "anglosphere.'' there should be an "amerosphere" to be honest, england is becoming irrelevant on the world stage now.

Quality bants Patrick.

>mother nation of Anglosphere.

Is granny a Catholic or a Protestant?

You on the right.

catholic ofc, i would kill myself otherwise

I know that only too well having lived in England. I have family members buried in France who gave their lives fighting for Britain. It is a strange relationship.

its sort of like brothers, in that you attack each other fiercely, but at the end of the day you get on great

That's exactly how I would descibe it.

Anglos raus!

Oh I know that feel. Look up "Curleyism". In Boston it's been a ride but time fixes most things, mostly.

English is a Germanic Language :>

>Circle jerk threads
On a scale of 1 to 10 1 being a hater of all things related to faggotry and 10 being somebody who takes it in the ass what are you.

English is the Voltron of Euro languages. A center lion of Germanic, leg lions of Latin, and arm lions of French.

I'll check it out.

Can i post too? We clean your toilets!

Protestants really do not want to live with other people. You read about how Jews claim they inherit trauma from their DNA. I can only imagine what the Protestant Germanics have inherited to want to get away from everyone, including their own kind.

Hello to you, friend.

>being this cucked

Who here /stillnotovercromwell/ ?

Cucked? How

>the queen
>pledging allegiance to a woman