How To End American Gun Violence

I support all the amendments that Americans enjoy, but some are long overdue for a serious overhaul. I would like to specifically discuss how to effectively change the 2nd Amendment.

The 2nd amendment should be changed to specifically say which arms Americans have a right to bear. There are no reasons for ordinary citizens to own assault weapons or weapons with a clip size larger than 10 bullets. 10 bullets should be more than enough for hunting or self defense purposes. You do not need a gun for anything else.

I would like to see the second amendment specify a minimum age for gun ownership. Something in the range of 25-30. Guns are deadly tools and only a fully mature adult should have access to them. Most mass shooters are in their early 20s. We would be able to prevent a lot of gun crime with a minimum age for gun ownership.

Add something to the second amendment that gives the government the right to repossess anyone's firearm for any reason. It is the government's job to look out for our best interest, and it would be a lot easier if they had the ability to take guns away from potentially dangerous people.

Again, I am a 2nd amendment supporter but I think it is long overdue for some changes to account for it being 2017 and not 1791 anymore

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Nobody cares about you opinion of America, leaf.
You really are a bunch of spoiled bastards up there.


Molon labe

same leaf, same pasta, every day
report and sage


>clip size larger than 10 bullets

Don't worry, no American uses anything that uses clips to begin with.


How are you supposed to fight a tyrannical government with a 10 bullet clip?

The second amendment isnt about hunting or self defense. Its about overthrowing a corrupt state, something that is looking more and more necessary with each passing day.

Kys leaf


Good luck with that. I will laugh as their AR15 bullets bounce off the militaries M1 Tanks.

not until the 1st amendment is updated to fix what I don't like at the moment.

I mean, if we're gonna fuck up America we can at least do it in numerical order.

>not loading your m14 as the manual intended with 10 round stripper clips when you shot half of the mag empty

absolutely rebellious

you spam this every day. saged and reported


Fuck you faggot leaf. TRY to take my stockpile.

What makes you think we would even entertain the opinion of someone who doesn't live here?

>10 bullets
I count 11 gangsters. Nice b8, leaf.

>30 years old to own a gun
After I've already bought a town home in the country, after moving out from the city where I most needed a gun to defend myself? Nice b8, leaf.

>Muh early 20s shooters
A plurality of drivers responsible for accidents are in their early 20s. Nice b8, leaf; I bet you'd raise the driving age to 30 as well.

>Government looking out for anyone but themselves
Nice b8, leaf. BTW, got some beachfront property in Montana to sell ya'.

...Also, we need guns to carry out the day of the rake. Just saying.

At some point you have to get out of the tank, then it's our tank asshole.

Chew soap and die, leaf. There are no exceptions to the second amendment.

end yankees first

>What is bombs?


I'm sure this point has been made but the problem is that the people who will follow any changes to the laws, and who hold the second amendment so dear are not in fact the ones committing the vast majority of gun crime.

Even I know this and I'm a leaf

Former NRA member here, not gonna lie it's hilarious watching the 2A crash and burn but seriously we can't let people have guns.

remove niggers. /thread

Get rid of niggers.

You doing this so the British will come back for us. We're not falling for it leaf.

Fuck you, leaf.

Get rid of Democrats.

Look, same retarded OP as last time. Fuck off cunt you don't have a 2nd amendment.

stop replying to this fucking thread every god damn day you morons

Midrange kek

>blacks not allowed to own guns
>American gun crime drops to Norway levels

Problem solved dog fucker.


Don't worry OP, I keep all of my guns under control. They are very well behaved, but do get into fights every now and then (I keep NATO and Warsaw Pact weapons together. Naughty me)

Kill all the niggers.
That will fix it.
The leading cause of crime anywhere is niggers.

How to End Canadian Leaf Shitposting

I do. My .45 acp revolver uses moonclips.

Yes , gun is only for police and government.

Like my country

You fuck up when the first and last sentence of your post wasn't "ban niggers".

More like:
>blacks sent back to africa
>American gun crime drops to Norgay levels
Blacks are already not allowed to own guns as felons are barred from ownership. So to circumvent this, send them back to africa with a "severance package"

>tfw sending in the cylinder of my .357 to get machined out for moonclips soon

Fuck off skrull shill
The way to end gun violence is to have a culture where people can shoot back in self defence with impunity and destroy black thug culture

If those two things happen you will see a rediculously sharp decline in gun related violence the likes which you have never seen before on this earth.

>The military is going to send tanks down the streets of urban areas
>People are going to try and fight pitched battles rather than hit and run tactics.
Tanks are as useless as drones against an insurgency because of all the collateral damage. A revolution would not be open conflicts, it would be a guerilla war

Thank you for pointing that out North Korea...
Btw, Kim called and left a message...your execution is scheduled for noon...don't be late!!!

Fuck off.

7 year olds in the US are more capable of defending themselves and family in emergencies than cucks like you. People like you who want to shit on US tradition and liberty should be permanently banned from entering the United States.

mup beep get a load of these guys!!


You can kill tanks with holes and mines.

You avoid them until you kill a patrol or raid an ammo dump. Most likely they wont try to blow up cities and urban areas.

who made these kinda of paintings anyway, if this was a pre-cnn world surely liberals of Jacksons time didn't have any reason to try to tug on the feeling of susceptible citizens, right?

>making this thread again

Just kill yourself.


Get rid of liberals.
(start with the leafs)

I'm a conservative

>(((mainstream media))) bluepilled
Two of those faces committed crimes over 20 years ago. How is it these recent non-white faces aren't etched into your brain? I know why.






fuck off leaf.. nobody cares.


>still doesn't understand the meaning of the 2nd amendment over halfway through 2017
you're really hopeless
fuck off commie scum

a fucking leaf.
in you go!


>How are you supposed to fight a tyrannical government with a 10 bullet clip?
by weaponizing memes



>Good luck with that.
>I will laugh as the Viet Cong 's AK-47 bullets bounce off the military's tanks

Your opinion doesn't warrent any kind of reasonable response, so instead I'll just say this:
We own you.
You think you're a sovereign nation, but you're not. You exist at our pleasure. The instant we decide you have something we want enough that we have to take it, Canada ceases to exist.
You enjoy your socialist petri dish in utter international safety only because your owner has the greatest military force in history.



Nigger and Spic violence is the real problem. They're hunting us.

How public perception is skewed even further against whites due to police reporting.



not this shit again from probably the same cuck fuck sage report.



Counter offer: You get what you can legislate and litigate, we get the same.

Your side lost your leverage when we won the states, you lost the war when we took Heller.

This pic's stats mostly likely include "white hispanics" as whites and still the disparity is this bad.

Slide thread. This exact same bullshit surfaced a couple of days ago.

Same wording.

Saged, reported and hidden.

This is one of the arguments that never made sense to me.

Explain to me how one man with an assault rifle could possibly stand a chance against say for example, a SEAL Team? Drones?

The US military is the most powerful in the world. If they wanna take out some of their citizens (god forbid), there is no stopping them. The government will win.

I don't care if you have an army of citizen militas who are all armed with assault rifles. They still couldn't possibly win a battle against the US military and their technology.

Obviously I hope a situation like this never happens but if it did, it's going to be a fucking bloodbath.

>not saging your post


all those weapons and only a single decent one, the FN... prove me wrong

>implying I give two tugs of a dead dog's dick about Sup Forums cleanliness

I've decided to redpill any braindead anti-gun leftists that might be lurking (of all races). Redpilled blacks (high IQs) understand all this and speak out.

Look at any conflict the US military has been involved in that involves gorilla warfare or citizens fighting back.

We've been in the middle east for 40 fucking years and haven't done anything except kill Osama.

Try and take them, I have no qualms killing leftists. As far as I'm concerned it should be legal to hunt liberals down in their homes.

>gorilla warfare

Please kill yourself.



Ha fag hope you get raped

now now, lets not be the bad guys, liberals should be safe in thier homes, it should only be lawful to kill them if they have left thier property

Adding to this thought...

The 2nd amendment gives US citizens a false sense of control. It's fucking pointless to even try to fight a war against our own government. The amendment is outdated and needs to be updated for 2017 and beyond.

Getting a gun license should be at least as hard as getting a drivers license. Require a certain amount of training, hours logged at gun safety classes or the shooting range. The same way kids are required to get a certain amount of hours practicing their driving skills with an adult in the car.

Restrictions on ammunition, not the weapons themselves.

Don't be dumb there's less gun violence in America then in Norway. Consider also Canada own predicament we have extremely strict gun laws to the point that a restricted(handgun) can only be used at a federally registered gun range, but also you cant even posses what civilians call as sultry weapons....

What's this all gun homicide is done in urban areas with handguns and the rest are with long gun negligence such as suicide or unintended discharge, Sure looks to be going well.

Final point America is one of, if not, the only countries that has given its civilians the right to bear arms against its own governemnt. The price to pay for that freedom is limitless... and it should stay this way if only for that very fact that it is one of the only countries I'm the world that this is exists.


you dont need more than 7 rounds to rape a constitution

also saged