>JW has uncovered 439 emails (so far) that Clinton did not turn over to the StateDept - showing pay-for-play & more.
How will Hillary and her shills ever recover?
>JW has uncovered 439 emails (so far) that Clinton did not turn over to the StateDept - showing pay-for-play & more.
How will Hillary and her shills ever recover?
Other urls found in this thread:
>July 14
I find judicial watch very DISRESPECTFUL.
Has no one discussed this with you yet?
did i miss something user?
>redpill me?
also, Bill Clinton is a rapist
this is really a blow to Hillary's campaign
she'll never get elected now!
She was cremated and interred at Westlake Repository, Little Chute, Wisconsin. No children. (I checked.)
are you proposing that the Hillary we see now is a clone?
... or are you infected with Jews?
Okay, I know this is an emotional moment for all of us, okay? I know that. But let's not make snap judgments, please.
So in the face of more Trump exposes, you guys conjure up more anti-Hillary crap to jerk off to?
Nobody cares about Clinton anymore except Sup Forums.
And nobody who has any influence cares about Sup Forums, as it is political suicide to do so.
Carry on though, keep wasting your time.
JW were the ones that originally found the document showing western powers and Israel creating ISIS.. Breitbart ran it and Trump tweeted it, but after that there wasn't anything else..
hopefully the right people have the info and are going to do the right thing
BREAKING: They Did It- Deleted Benghazi Emails RECOVERED!
FBI investigators recovered 30 emails from Hillary Clinton’s wiped server which discussed Benghazi, government lawyers said in federal court. The disclosure was made during a hearing before U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta in a case involving a lawsuit filed by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.
>Shareblue on suicide watch.
>Shareshills quitting left and right
>75 sheckles a week
>Having shareshill names leaked to Sup Forumsacks
Pic related.
Fuck pay for play. It's unethical and illegal but it's not moving the needle. I want wholesale destruction of the evil that is the deep state and the Democrat party.
You're wrong.
Don't even bother trolling them, they get paid by screencaping (you)'s
I use pol to score fresh boipucci
I would love to know how people got fucked up by shilling on Sup Forums. Those are the stories I want to hear.
Busy little creatures, huh?
Came to meme this, but others are on point today it seems.
I'm literally out of my chair laughing at all of the shitty tabloids Sup Forums has turned to in their darkest hours.
You mean the non-profit organization taking the US gov to court for FOIA on everything they are trying to hide from us?
KYS you shareblue kike shills
Well I'm not giving specific details, but it's happening off of Sup Forums. Their information is saved and spread through those channels. Ideas are shared there. Surprising amount of information has been gathered about their contacts.
These posts have been certified 100% based.
>liberal shariablues on suicide watch
Bullshit gib proof stormwig
i wonder (((who))) could be behind this post....
>assmad shills ITT