>go meet white woman they said >go make lots of babies to further the white race they said
Well I fucking tried pol and it was a shit show. 3 fucking weeks of tinder swiping and not a single match. I don't drink so meeting them at clubs is not an option. I'm not some ugly fuck either at least 8/10 and if I put on any muscle whatsoever would be 10/10 blonde hair blue eyed supreme Aryan master race.
So I needed some ego boost and I knew how to find it. I switched "women" to "men and women". Swiped right on the good looking dudes and had 6 matches on second day. I'm give up and have been watching gay porn all day trying to transition. Fuck this earth fuck women and fuck you pol for suggesting the impossible.
you have to go to square dancing partys. they have them in the town square on saturdays.
John Bennett
any thing worth doing is not easy.
btw who wants a cluber or drunk for a wife?
shop in better places. Church?
besides, if it were easy every one would have done it am i rite? your ahead of the game by having a goal of where you want to be. Good luck user
Jaxon Gonzalez
>I tried >I installed an app and swiped a bit goddamn just kill yourself you subhuman insecure trash excuse of a human
Go kill yourself ASAP nerd!
Jayden Fisher
>blaming pol cos you are a gaycunt
Get fucked
Asher Green
>this keep trying user its worth it
Joseph Wright
>Be you >fails with women because secretly gay >attempts to blame pol for gayness >just admit you love cock
James Murphy
>Goes on tinder to find women >Good white women at that Nigger what are you doing.
Brandon Campbell
instead of becoming an alcoholic OP decides to become a faggot
Jeremiah Hill
having children with women who have a tinder
Oliver Sanchez
> 8/10 > 0 matches
Kek. I wonder what the real problem is.
Robert Bennett
pics or it didnt happen
Luke Martinez
Women are messed up. Sometimes if you change your profile to something more cocky, they will be interested. In your text, instead of selling yourself, try to say what YOU want and have them on the defensive, trying to prove themselves to you.
Connor Morgan
0 game
Colton Edwards
>8/10 >0 matches
Oh friend, your poor bluepilled soul. You just don't understand how bad things really are right now for you. Time to take the blackpill.
Hahaha blonde blue eyes hahahahahahah wtf is that shit? U dumb motherfucker .
Christian Cook
Trust me you don't want the women on tinder or in the clubs. Try church. You need Jesus.
Grayson Fisher
List all the things you don't want and then tell them to "swipe left". Put up adds on pof and cupid too and then see if any contact you (passive), while you fine tune your game in real life, at stores, honky-tonks, church etc
Brody Scott
>You need Jesus. Not gonna lie, Jesus does have some rocking abbs but i doubt OP will be able to breed with him.
Dominic Torres
There are no good white women, anons.
t. roastie barslut
Try asian women that havent been ruined by the jew.
Chase Nguyen
>looking for wife on tinder LEL when will cucklets learn????? You deserve to get divorced and your $$$$ taken
John Sanchez
OP, you can just transition to being gay? Wtf? Means you were gay from the start.
Jose Perry
before you go gay and get your ass raped literally, become MGTOW masterrace. I am 47 yr old mgtow and do whatever I want, live a life of unrestricted freedom, and no cares in the world regarding women. Do it faggot.
Daniel Adams
I recently ended a 2 year relationship with an abusive man. He was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and I tried very hard to get him into therapy. He never stuck with it. I'm enjoying being single and working on myself. Lately I have been chatting with guys on tinder, honestly just to practice socializing again. They flirt but I don't reciprocate. I talk about my days or interests. Talk about music or politics or whatever. Some guys leave when they realize I'm not interested in flirting but some like talking to me. If you want someone to chat with OP I wouldn't mind.
Austin Parker
catfish and desperate std ridden fat whores.
you want to find someone decent online, shell out some cash for one of those more expensive dating services. at least you'll find some honesty in your chubby roasties.
Oliver Parker
shut up you anti-white shills
Caleb Fisher
>i don't drink
look at mr. vitruous. kill yourself you cuck laden faggot
Joseph Young
Your problems have nothing to do with your looks or your game. You just don't know any women. Get involved in some shit that women do, be friendly, don't be a fag, eventually someone will be interested.
Tinder? That was your whole plan? You need to start over man you sound like a disaster.
Angel Cook
Chase Gomez
>I don't drink > at least 8/10 and if I put on any muscle > watching gay porn all day trying to transition Start drinking socialy Start building muscles Stop being a faggot
Grayson Cruz
>3 weeks
lol. try harder. you're not a chad, it's gonna take longer than that.
Ryder Miller
> tinder swiping there's your problem
meet women in real life. Tinder is for people who want stds
Nathaniel Gonzalez
> try Asian women
No race mixing please, Asians on Asians, Whites on Whites.
OP, don't give up... good women are rare but if you now where to look you'd get one. And for a start, it's NOT Tinder.
Jordan Hill
This isn't highschool bud. Drinking doesn't make you cool anymore.
Jayden Roberts
Try to take advantage of geographical arbitrage. In your home country the girls see just another boring guy, but in another country girls see an interesting foreigner.
Andrew Garcia
>actually using (((Tinder)))™ >actually being a faggot
Ryan James
>tfw dating very pretty blonde hair blue eye'd scandinavian woman >doesn't drink >likes church >wants kids >moving in together soon, maybe i'll marry her in a year >but she's a flaming liberal
Can't win em all, user. 10s don't exist m8. Just do the best you can.
Jacob Murphy
I'm a nice white person trying to help a person who sounds like they could use it. No need for that shit, you fucking faggot. I realize that you are a pathetic example of humanity. The part of humanity that nobody wants to fuck. But no need to take it out on a genuinely good person. Go express your anger about your tiny cock somewhere else. I really don't give a fuck.
you're trying to start a family using tinder? that's like trying to start an amazon competitor using wix. you're an absolute retard. if you want to meet somebody you can start a family with, become a part of your community that reflects the family values you wish to advance.