Boogie just got gastric bypass.
It'll probably mechanically fail the first time he over eats.
He's going to be kept for observation for one night so guess who probably has some BBC lined up for when she gets home
Boogie just got gastric bypass.
It'll probably mechanically fail the first time he over eats.
He's going to be kept for observation for one night so guess who probably has some BBC lined up for when she gets home
I dont even get his "Somebody has to pay for it" tweet... isn't he youtube-rich or something?
Realistically a lot of money probably goes to food and salves/creams/powders for his bedsores
This is funny because I was talking to a friend of mine who is a nurse last weekend. For some reason Gastric Bypass came up in conversation and she told me how miserable it is to deal with the horrible dietary restrictions. Looking forward to his whiny videos about what he can't eat.
He's going to eat what he wants regardless. I don't have much hope that the band/staples/whatever they used will hold for long.
I'm not even a fan of his, but that "tweet" that you all quote so often isn't even real. He's mentioned it. You all bitch about fake news but you fall for it yourselves baka
Digits and boogie dies this year
Didnt his wife left him? Or is that his sister
Omg is this chick in NY?
holy shit fucking cry more that a fat person is finally deciding to do something with their weight problem. You should be happy or maybe you're just a fat ass and jealous he can afford it.
Apparently if you eat more than a teaspoon of anything you end up vomiting all over yourself and everything around you. She was telling me that you eat an incredibly small portion of protein and get your vitamins through IV or nutrient shakes because you aren't even capable of digesting a pill anymore.
7 and he outlives you.
Nope, and I would have noticed you if you were having the conversation with us.
Nursing gave her a redpill, though. Kind of funny, really.
Is it wrong for me to wish something bad will happen? Like just an infection, so he'll be forced to lose weight the normal way.
his face looks shopped in
That is his wife in the photo
Clearly but have faith that maybe he will turn out to be a better person or not, who can say brother.
What kind of life do you live when you claim not to be a fan of a fat, toy-obsessed pseudo-man, yet have the inside info regarding his opinions of one tweet out of billions?
Fucking leaf.
Then she didnt leave him? Last boogie thread I visited, there was talk on how she told him that shes breaking up and he cried on stream.
I don't know that he's really a bad guy and good for him for getting surgery done.
Given how he's approached weight loss in the past though, I'm not entirely sure this will work.
>gastric bypass
Fuck off he survived.
it was fake news. Boogie visits /fit/ on a regular basis. He starts rumors about himself in order to seek attention
I'm fairly certain that the only reason this surgery works is because it makes it physically impossible to eat like a pig.
I other words, you have so little self control that you make it impossible to overeat. For the rest of your life. Or even eat normally. The end state my friend told me is that you are in a hospital dying as a skinny anorexic with tons of skin flaps and folds.
He's an over dramatic autist. They did have a fight or something and he did sperg out on stream.
But they are still together and maybe she'll actually get to see his cock for the first time ever if he loses some weight.
damn it
you are fucking retarded
Still doesn't mean she won't be split in half tonight by the black fellow
>goes back in room
>over eats
How the fuck did he get so fat in the first place? Does he have some condition or did he just eat his ass quadruple?
Boogie will commit suicide within two weeks.
He will realise that he has made a terrible mistake.
He will not be able to handle the psychological torture of not being able to eat his favourite fried-goods.
Screenshot this.
Poor leaf. Someone get the leaf bag.
You can gradually enlarge your stomach again overtime by overeating.
The other possibility is that he goes full tilt and overeats within the first month and bursts the sutures
Your mother fucked a retard.
I didn't know this. I'm going to bet on him slowly expanding his stomach.
Don't talk to him like that you faggot
K. Keep me posted.
I knew of a guy who was the size of hamhead here who had the bariatric surgery years ago. However, he had to first demonstrate his commitment and discipline by losing some weight first. He dropped 150lbs, far more than required, with diet and exercise. Post surgery he dropped another hundred pounds, and five years later he has kept it all off.
Who the fuck are these doctors that are allowing this slob with a documented online history of zero commitment to a life style of weight loss to have this surgery?
If I remove the gastric band, will he die?
You're all retarded if you think "nothing has happened" yet or if that surgeon even told any of those twats the truth. All it takes is one small nick from the surgeon to perfeorate his bowel.
From there is an abdominal infection, sepsis and death because this fat fucks kidneys couldn't handle an infection.
God damn it, he survived.
This. I can smell his cheeto grease from here. He'd be in this thread shitting it up for pity if it weren't for him being in surgery.
Are you guys five?
>who are these doctors wanting all this money from a repeat offender
Belgium is the birthplace of the original retard, homo-spasticus.
So defending people, you sad cunt.
It's really retarded to get this surgery. He'll absorb less nutrients from foods from now on.
He's not getting out for a couple of days, they cut his fat stomach open, he's not leaving that bed until it heals, he could get to his feet too fast (hah hah hah) and literally tear open and spill his guts out.
He's pretty much bed bound for a while. He won't leave the hospital until he can walk unassisted, and he's gonna be on some serious opoids for the next few days.
She's got plenty of time for BBC. She just better not leave any pools of nigger cum on the floor, he could slip and rip his sutures open.
Hook the grease IV up to his veins
I saw this guy eat a large tub of mayonnaise. I don't mean large by normal standards, I mean large by American standards.
I have no sympathy for him.
I've heard that gastric bypass patients have to crush the meds and mix them with water or juice, because they don't stay in the small pocket stomach long enough to be digested.
Also, anything that can make you burp is not allowed, like soda, or beer.
>implying she would waste any
How underwhelmed is she going to be seeing boogies dick for the first time?
Even after that fat pad goes away it probably got necrotic under there after all these years
That's what I've been told, along with not ever drinking from a straw because it introduces too much air.
Doesn't this guy weigh like 500 lbs? It seems like he's been talking about his "weight loss efforts" for years now but wouldn't you need to consume a colossal amount of junk to maintain that kind of weight?
context of video?
I dunno for sure but I heard from some anons here that people online have offered him tons of free weight loss assistance. Real life top tier personal trainers that have worked with fatties and such. He won't even try.
My 600lb Life, Assanti brothers
pure fat kino
Thank you.
Double digit and Boogie becomes gay
Boogie makes several hundred thousand dollars a year. He likely pays for your welfare you white trash cuck.
>it's not cheating since he identifies as a gay man
You guys are retarded. He got a gastric bypass, this does not mean he can over eat and eventually stretch out his stomach. It means if he over eats, he'll physically feel pain and probably vomit.
But the restrictions he's now under are going to make him miserable as fuck and if he doesn't stick to them not only will he feel this pain and vomit, but it's possible he'll simply not lose weight or regain any lost weight.
He now has basically a mostly liquid diet. He can only eat very small portions (a meal is basically one spoon full of food), he cannot snack at all and has to stick to a set meal plan, and if he does decide to eat solid food, he has to chew it very thoroughly and eat it very slowly.
This is his life from now on. He can literally never enjoy food again. But it was that or die.
its real, he made it himself as a false flag
It would be extremely painful
I legitimately cannot fathom how people can get that fat.
Apart from the obvious contradictions of your statements, that sounds like a horrible life to live overall.
Culdn't he have just stuck with the "voluntary" liquid diet he had prior to surgery?
[not that any of his recent media visually hinted that he lost any weight...]
Too bad, too bad. I look forward to shitting on its grave.
Boogie's wife is literally ugly AF.
no alpha black dude is fucking her, he's fucking some dimepiece bar star. look at her for fuck sake, i literally wouldn't fuck that chick given the opportunity.
man it's like you guys are all virgins, once you fuck a couple hotties a bitch like this isn't even on the radar