Seymour Hersch is the Pulitzer Prize Winning Investigative Reporter who broke the My Lai Massacre and Abu Ghraib prison.
MAJOR BREAKING: Seymour Hersh confirms link between Seth Rich and Wikileaks
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but what does it mean
Rich was the Wikileaks source for the DNC emails. It`s an unbelievable coincidence if he was simultaneously killed in a botched robbery.
Rod Wheeler re-tweets theories that Imran Awan is somehow related to the Seth Rich case.
Awan/Seth happenings will join forces and form a mega-happening.
So Imran knew because they were hacking their whole shit and told the DNC who executed him?
Or was it the Awan's who did it themselves
You know a smart person wouldn't peddle discredited conspiracy theories.
Good thing we aren't peddling discredited conspiracy theories
t. DNC
Over for drumpf
Sy Hersh also broke how the generals refused to go along with Obama/Hillary ISIS. He is /ourjew/.
Well considering he`s won 5 Polk Awards, a Pullitzer and other prizes, he gets more right than wrong. I dont ever remember getting a story wrong. His sources are impeccable and he`s tough as nails.
DNC is having American killed in the street to protect their control over our nation.
I am giving up on Trump doing anything to connect any dots to anything related to her.
He seems to scared, maybe he is a sellout now. Its been months and he hasnt had any federal agency start investigations of everyone within one degree of H or anything.
losing hope...
Do a whois search on
Name: Domain Admin
Organization: Whois Privacy Corp.
Mailing Address: Ocean Centre, Montagu Foreshore, East Bay Street, Nassau New Providence BS
Phone: +1.5163872248
Email:[email protected]
Someone call the number, see who picks up
start putting this up on fagbook and shitstagram. lets show shareblue how its done ;)
we need memes tonight. its currently 7:26 EST and 4:26pst
Meme this shit so hard friends. Wait til its all real. All the fucking pizza. Will be real. Theres a reason he liked pandas. Nothing is coincidence. Seth's will live on for ever in American history.
Police chief meeting with comet owner too. This google page had alot of info:
Sy Hersch was never killed for the stories against the CIA, the Mossad or the military-industial complex. Is going against the Democrats one step two far. Is Hersch being suicided or heart attacked in the next few days?
is there anything in the audio to confrim that it's sy hersh
>Its been months and he hasnt had any federal agency start investigations of everyone within one degree of H or anything.
They recently announced that they are investigating the Clintons (both of them), Comey, Lynch, Huma, and other Clinton friends.
And obviously DWS is gonna shit herself very soon.
You mongloid they have Whois privacy
Previous stories didn't cause any serious damage apparently, while due to timing, this clip might actually do some damage.
Well at least it was Sy Hersch. Maybe he bit more than he can chew and is in fast drying cement as we speak.
Awans were middlemen for interactions between the DNC and civilian CIA contractors.
>>Its been months and he hasnt had any federal agency start investigations of everyone within one degree of H or anything.
who is they?
This is something that every fed agency and the AG should have been doing since Day 1, the person who met with Trump from Haiti with the paper trail is dead because Trump has been dragging his heels on this for so long.
I feel due to this and his lack of comment on that death it shows he is just stringing this out, he has become one of them I fear, and with that then hopes for him as a game changer are lost.
Why would a news organization hide their domain info
You're not curious where your news comes from?
They probably have some random IT grunt register the domain under their contact information. What purpose would doxing some random nobody serve?
Audio clips
>who is they?
House Judiciary committee sent a letter to Jeff Sessions for a new special prosecutor to look into the people I listed. It was then put to a vote in the Senate and it got 15 yes (including Trey Gowdy) and 13 no.
its literally nothing, fuck off retard, stop doing this shitty thread over and over
Can he rest in peace /pol? I hope so. It feels comfy, don't it?
>Youtube partners with ADL
>Wikileaks confirms Seth Rich was DNC leaker
>Venezuela begins to collapse
Man this is one friggin nutty day.
He was never killed but he's been pretty much blacklisted in the United States and can only get his articles published in the London Review of Books these days.
sage this shit boys
Obviously not all the new one below! Communists killed millions of people are tired of the anti-trump movement.
Suicide by two bullets in the back of the head incoming.
Hillary Body Count +1
Trump just isn't ready. No one is. Only time will tell if he has it in him to fight. He's already churning through staff. Something tells me he's preparing for the worst. He has to be absolutely prepared. He's going to take on the true power in this country. I still believe in him.
This is great
The MSM is currently doubling down on Russia via DT Jr, and NPR is going to shit their pants when this gets spotlighted
Spill the beans then motherfucker
Media has to maintain stability Libya. Want to have finally returned to Middle Earth.
Bad shilling. Go die.
Alex Jones & breaks down the ongoing situation in Japan. Our reporters are being received. Thank you for asking.
shit doesnt matter anymore goys
hillary could tweet "SETH IS THE LEAKER AND WE KILLED THE MISOGYNIST LOL" and nobody would do shit
I can go back. Normally, I'd encourage people to think before you not an argument. Check out the discrepancy.
hhhhnnnnnnigger monkey
You shills are going to FUCKING DIE!
Enjoy! Good reaction to idea that British generals were hopeless is not true. After the next few days.
My money is on them being Pakistani ISI in cahoots with Mossad agent DWS. Although (((CIA))) agents could very well be involved.
God bless each and every one of the recent outbreak of severe weather in your area? I hope you'll tune in!
Turns out you can hardly expect a 10-page argument by Dawkins summarized and refuted in one of the League of Nations.
Is any mainstream media covering this?
What's with the Argentine shills?
Lots of companies do that because having real email and contact info makes it easier for hackers to do phishing campaigns against IT staff
My staff will tweet a few wonderful days, Do they really value women's health: defund
Now you see why we hate them.
The argentine is a kike deep down.
Except McCain never had to be the worst pharmacists in the world COMBINED. now my only small criticism is that better?
Some random IT nobody is trusted with dropping news bombshells. Sure.
It blows my mind how nobody questions the source of their info anymore. You just see wikileaks in a headline and gobble it up.
They're all over Rod Wheeler's lawsuit against Fox.
Nothing matters when the ship you're chained to is on the bottom of the sea
it's actually happening this time
i'm not gonna an hero lads, i need to see the threads
when the threads get shilled, bump.
>announcing your strike to the world
>so your fucking enemies can know when to gtfo
YouTube's salt the earth censorship purge is designed to incite ignorance and hate feminism. The Pope is a troll or not?
Same trog. No shill skills
Incase yall needed some reading material while you are shitting your pants:
I don't think that's a shill. It's one of those cryptofags from the dank web.
Still bumpin'.
It's not happening.
It never has been happening.
It never will be happening.
you have a hard time reading, don't you
Wheeler is fucking stupid for not realizing he did all these interviews. Any judge will throw this out because Wheeler has too many conflict's of interest.
No one has ever faked an image macro. Nice!
I screened these a while back seemed plausible
So why did Wheeler flip? Five days ago he was telling us to expect possible arrest and search warrants into the Awan investigation
You realize that lawsuit alleges Fox faked the Seth Rich conspiracy story?
real happenings produce real shills.
the shills are here.
To anyone wondering where shills are coming from, its NeoGaf and Something Awful
It's not like he sad anything during the whole fucking election. Trumpfags are retarded
this has nothing to do with fox news. Fox ran that story without evidence and was told not to by Wheeler himself.
So yeah sue fox i could give a shit. They are part of the fucking problem.
I understand wikileak's ethical creed of "not revealing sources", but this coyness is going too far. They basically did it with Chelsea Manning even though it was definitively proven that she was the leaker. Now they are doing this with Seth.
While I understand the confidence you want to give to potential sources in their identity not being revealed, I think that a posthumous reveal also honors the source just as much. It encourages that in the instance that a leaker is killed for a leak, the leaker will be given justice in a way if their is question that he/she was killed because of the leak.
Wikileaks, please confirm or deny Rich as the source. It can only do good.