World renowned investigative journalist Sy Hersh drops a fucking nuke on the DNC and MSM regarding Seth Rich in this 6 minutes of leaked audio. This is it guys and gals. DOWNLOAD THIS SHIT NOW!
Bump it up
wow its literally nothing, *yawns* welp, time to hit the sack guys, been a long and tiring day, can't wait for my head to hit that soft pillow.
nothing like a nice refreshing sleep
good night
Here have a bump. Slide threads are easy to outside when we are the shills ;p
eat my taint shareblue
This is the beginning. The Imran case needed to break to have this happen. Seymore Hersh is going to ride his plethora of awards right into the DNCs asshole and the whole world is going to get to watch.
its literally nothing, fuck off nigger.
THIS, oh my god you stupid fucks stop sliding the real shit
It is huge desu senpai
Rip Seymour Hersh, incoming suicide with 2 shots to the back of the head and a barbell to the neck
Sounds like ya'll need some gun control
You're not white you Argentinian negretto... back over the wall with you.
seth rich killed and raped a girl in 1990
that was de'seth rich
when he was 1 year old? impressive
Who and so?
>Sup Forums hates on WaPo for overuse of anonymous sources
>suddenly loves the king of the anonymous source because he says something they agree with
Really makes you think
Read any Seymour Hersh article and it's full of "an anonymous high level official told me"
Mmm this nothingburger is delicious!
He was sued by the US Government for libel and won.
Nice try, fagaroni.
>leave Sup Forums for a couple of months
>come back and see yet another lead that will (this time) prove the DNC murdered Seth Rich
It will work this time, right guys?
You realize it's extremely rare for libel cases against journalists to succeed right? The standard of evidence in libel cases against journalists is higher than in standard libel cases
Also what the fuck case are you even talking about? The only major libel case I can recall he's been involved in was with a pajeet prime minister
You have shitty hearing, then. Listen to the fucking audio.
>Seth Rich was the leaker
>He was killed in the street, two shots to the back, bruises on his face and knees
>Nothing was taken, his wallet was on him
>Police found wikileaks emails on his laptop
You are really bad at this. You did the same thing in the other thread. Whoever you work for should fire your ass. Your id fuckwad.
Do you think these niggers are just trolling, or just stupid shills?
>different flag
>same ID
>same nigger
Yeah, that's the case. He made the claim the CIA was paying the Indian PM $20,000 a year. Do some research, brainlet.
The US government didn't sue him you mong, the pajeet did
>they were briefing the President
Obama indictment confirmed
I think I'll trust the Pulitzer Prize winning revealer-of-war-crimes reporter over the DNC.
I do find it interesting that Hersh legitimately thinks Seth's murder was a botched robbery.
Hersh is claiming this is gossip. Wtf is going on
Regardless the fact that you ignore Hersh claims to have sources in just about every government and US governmental department is just funny. Anonymous sources tell me you will be logically inconsistent and say it's OK to use anonymous sources when publishing things that agree with what you believe
He also said "I have to be very careful here", and "I've learned to stay the fuck away from these people".
Anonymous sources. Fake news.
>thinks people who disagree with him are monolithic in opinion
>being this stupid
Listen to the fucking audio you twat. Jesus christ.
Nice try no one buys your bullshit to try and take attention away from the real story of Russian hacking the election
Ok shill.
where did this audio come from?
You need a painful slap
>Sup Forums BTFO
>I'm a nigger shill
Is subverting democracy worth the $15k a year you're making doing this?
Seymour is the man.
Found this in the YouTube comments section
it's not happening until something happens though
seymour hersh is renowned journalist with a proven track record. He cares about a good story and exposing the truth. CNN cares for nothing of the sort, they exist not as a news outlet for journalism, but as a political mouthpiece. So when the former cites anonymous sources, it is indeed more believable. He's criticized both republicans and democrats
Everyday my hate for fat people like you grows stronger, one day I'll go on a rampage and kill only fat white people neckbeards, you're like rats that need to be gassed.
Dude sounds woke but wants to live. lol
What is his background concerning this specific story? Has Hersh himself published any reports or stories about the Seth Rich story, or was he just repeating what he's heard from a source, but not acting upon it?
Any sauce or verifiable sources to suggest he's been looking into this heavily?
DNC will enjoy their asshole getting stretched out.
Reeeeeee everyone I don't agree with is a paid shill!
Yeah he is tap dancing around the sinkhole that is the dnc.
Brainlet got btfo
So is seymore hersh investigating this or something?
Ok tough guy. Keep sucking Ivan's dick.
All those who propagate Satan's works will suffer, user.
wtf is his problem?
I will carry your #SethRich memes & gifs to twitter.
Jesus Christ this seems like it will go NOWHERE. Yeah, SY HERSCH is respected, but what does any of this MEAN?
If nobody is being officially investigated or arrested, what the fuck good is this?
Shills out in full force! Don't they realize they just make it more obvious?
but they are you retard, Awan was just arrested fleeing the country you fuckhead
ohhhh shit
That was my question. Has reputable bona fides, but what is his link to the overall investigative reportage?
Has he published any stories on this subject? Or anyone verify that he has been working this angle for a while?
Put me in the screencap
Digits and they all hang before 2018.
Is it real this time? Was George Webb right all along? What fucking planet are we on? sheeeeesh
the pot is stirred.
DNC made Rod Wheeler frame Fox News as some type of premulgator of this "false story".
Some reasonable person will ask what this storry is about. Things need to unravel and now they attacked Fox News.
Things aren't stagnant at least like before.
And another one
DNC is trying to go on offence, instead of defence. In my opinion, that's a mistake in the long run.
Other actors will join to look into the case, like Hersh etc.
jesus nuked the dnc just like that
he has the look of a man who enjoys the smell of his own farts
I thought it was collusion? First hacking, then collusion, now hacking again? Or is it both??
Wait, so Rich leaked to Wikileaks?
Holy fuck it's in the blockchain that just so happened to fork today
His proof that he was the leaker
JUST when libs wanted to go on holidays kek
Aaron Rich, Seth Rich's BROTHER....needs to be arrested right now or taken into custody. This mother fucker is hiding info about Seth's death.
what did he mean by this?
MFW it all makes sense finally and I was right
or someone just needs to play by his rules.
you know he has correspondence with someone if he is being told to keep quiet. or he is being paid.
I took a look at the audio, and determined nothing bad happened. Now that that is over, what about Trump and Russia?
u can trump my pussya
Interesting things is WikiLeaks doing this..Imfigure it's a distraction as Assange is known to do or he's doing his best to continue his hinting etc . You never know...Maybe it keeps WikiLeaks in the news or he is serious about this..Play along at home ...
This was known when Assange mentioned him in that interview with the Dutchman.
Why do you think the MSM was trying to call in a right-wing conspiracy?
Whenever they do that it confirms the conspiracy.
It's going to happen. Did anyone just see Dana Perino just now in the Tucker time slot? They all know it's hitting soon - White House address style.
>tfw you worry Hersh may end up in a hearse because of this.
Let us pray the cunts a re brought to justice.
BUMP. This is indeed pretty big. He's saying 1) He knows that Seth Rich was in contact with Wikileaks and "gave them passwords." 2) He knows that the Russia-hacked-DNC narrative is a lie coming "from the US," via political hacks within the NSA.