What happened to Iran folks? There was once a time when it was comparable to European countries, and one could even consider it a first world country. I mean, before the Muslims came in.
Before Sharia Law was introduced in Iran, it seemed to have been great. What happened to the Middle East Sup Forums? What made it fall to Sharia?
Ayatollah Khomeni (probably spelled it wrong and his successor has a very similar last name as well)
and 79 was essentially a beta uprising
with that said, SAVAK (intel agency) was pretty brutal, and there was a bunch of problems suppressing communists aligned with the Soviet Union, and then communists alligned with China, and those bitter from 1953, and the old conservative islamists that had been there for hundreds of years
Caleb Flores
the uneducated villagers took power.
Jaxson Powell
They became muslim
Eli Lee
CIA happened. RIP
Kayden Young
>knowing savak but not know khomeini and khameini
Brandon Wright
1970s Iran was a cool place
Robert Diaz
kinda like you
Benjamin Thomas
Nathan Sanders
Mostly we should nationalize our oil >fug, time to overthrow the government >"hey imam, did you know that nationalization = communism = no islam" yes, no to communism, power to islam, islamic state now >wait, what, noooooo
Josiah Price
>Iran fought Saddam's army for seven+ years, losing between 200,000-600,000 men, not counting civilians >stalemated en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran–Iraq_War >US rolls over Saddam's army in 5 minutes, twice
Cameron Hernandez
CIA fucked over the one good prospect for a fair leader and installed the Shah and then the Islamic revolution happened. The end
Tyler Davis
that's aethetic as fuck dude
Elijah Ward
Without CIAniggers, Iran would be a lot different today. Islam was their thing that could band during extreme foreign pressure.
Eli Taylor
> t. mobilefaggot autist who doesn't know how to establish his point
Are you really this stupid that you don't see the distinction between the world's only superpower policing through third world regime change and a war between neighbouring, evenly matched powers? You realize Iraq began that war and ended up having to take back its own territory from Iran?
Iranian revolution occurred 1979. Iraq invades Iran 1980. Did Saddam have a time machine? How could the war cause Iran to fail to adapt to modernity and become a "rogue state" if was already lost to the west by that point, retard?
Julian Wright
It helps that Iran had a real identity and culture apart from Islam, to the extent that they often bent the rules over history to do things like make paintings with people in them.
Parker Gonzalez
Completely irrelevant. The war happened after a revolution, while the new government was purging the old generals from the Shah era. During the shah, Iran could of owned Iraq in less than a week. I remember there was a saying that went something like "If the shah wishes, he could have his dinner in Baghdad". Not only was the revolution a huge reason behind why the war went for so long, but on top of that, Saddam had the support of virtually every arab and western country.
Way to show how you know nothing about Iran.
James James
(((The Shah))) was trying to subvert the country to Western powers until based Ayatollah Khomeini take the country back and purged it of its degeneracy. Unfortunately, the US and Israel have been doing everything in their power to prevent Iran from succeeding.
Nolan Morgan
And then the US supplied Iraq with chemical weapons
Gavin Jones
it always was muslim, and it's more powerful than ever today
Chase Howard
>What happened to Iran folks? There was once a time when it was comparable to European countries, and one could even consider it a first world country. I mean, before the Muslims came in.