Give it to me straight Sup Forums
Does he have a chance in hell?
Give it to me straight Sup Forums
Does he have a chance in hell?
drumpf 2.0
screenshot this post you heard it here first hello r/Sup Forums
who will be his running mate the little guy from his band? joe dirt?
you don't know me
Wow you're a fucking faggot.
Yes actually. Especially if he can make his fan base a voter base. Much easier to do if you're already publicly known and liked a lot; people listen to his music quite a bit (not myself but I hear it a lot in other people's cars, radio stations, etc.). So I wouldn't say it's impossible, we may face hollywood's takeover of washington much faster than realized.
>Wow you're a fucking faggot
user, I....
he dead
He's running for Michigan Senator in the 2018 midterm election and is 4 points ahead of the Democrat incumbent
joe dirte. Add an E to make it sound cool
I hope now. Why would an entertainer be a politician? This is some cuckifornia tier bs
If he puts he's name in the hat he'll win and it'll be almost as fun as the 2016 election.
Michigander here. Hell yes. Stabenow blows.
he's beating the incumbent by 3 points and no one even knows his position on issues yet.
Michigan is going Red.
nah dog you just didn't diss joe c dafuq
kid rock would stab you for that
I like/d Kid Rock when I was a kid, I like the guy in movies he was in, I don't know his positions, all I know is that he said some bullshit about Trump. No help from me guaranteed, I was a Berninator by breed too.
Hope he wins, won't put in any work to help him though.
ah fuck now I remember
this could work honestly just bring back everyone for joe dirt 3 the election
there's no question about it whatsoever. he's already won
The dude is polling ahead of an incumbent senator in a poll that likely over samples Democrats. It's gonna be a bloodbath.
I live in Michigan. No way in hell I'm voting for Kid Rock. Voting Trump made me a little uneasy because of his WWE/Reality TV background, but this fucker's fans are the worst. Loud, obnoxious, drunk redneck shits who talk southern despite living in one of the most northern states. Wearing realtree gear when they only hunt once a year and work some shit service sector job, pimping their pickups while on disability, chopping off their mufflers so everybody hear how shit their motor is... no fucking thank you. Don't care if I have to vote for that crazy, shallow bitch Stabenow. If he ends up as the Republican canidate, I will vote against him. He has zero qualifications to be in the senate. Trump runs a multibillion dollar corporation.Trump is a loudmouth but he's a smart loudmouth. Kid Rock is just a loudmouth with no intelligence or talent to back it. Just insanely popular amongst low lifes no different than hip hop artists.
Don't get fooled. He's bait to make republicans look stupid and discredit any more outsider canidates with colorful character. He's just a garbage human being all around.
This is a legendary song though, but that doesn't excuse him for being a sellout kneewalking dick suck.
Better a loudmouth with no intelligence then an intelligent politician who will swindle you multiple times.
He's running against someone that hasn't had a real opponent in years. He'll most likely crush her unless the dems cheat really hard.. hopefully Trump cleans up the voter rolls before those elections.
Get ready for President Kid Rock in 2024.
Hollywood takeover? No no no... Hollywood is filled with faggots who don't understand the middle to lower class. Kid rock is not a random celebrity. People can relate to him unlike Hollywood individuals like Clooney.
he's pretty fucking stupid and I dont know anyone that actually likes this faggot. he's a fucking joke.
Oh you can't Google his position on things? You Can't find his quotes? Weird... it's out there.
What a fucking shill thread. Everyone can't find his easy to find quotes and position on things
>Does he have a chance in hell?
The difference between being a Senator and the President is that your character doesn't really matter when you're running for the Senate as long as you vote the right way when it comes to legislation.
Bruce Jenner supposedly might run for Senate in commiefornia, and I would vote for him assuming he would vote conservative on pieces of legislation.
>how do you do, fellow Michiganders?
I live in Michigan and I can tell you don't live in Michigan. Get fucked.
Drumpf's America is full of white trash high-school dropout rednecks who love guns and hate intellectualism, of course he'll win
get better at shilling retard
What are his positions anyway? Is he actually good?
If digis then hell confirmed.
hate (((intellectualism))) read anything libtards don't agree with
>euro flag
>I live in michigan
>posts stereotypes of rednecks
>confirmed by multiple sources to know nothing about michigan
eurofag btfo again
what did Thoth meme by this?
Is anyone still have their inner angsty teenager inside excited about having a long hair dude in Congress because fuck the Man?
Go back.
tbqh having a long haired white redneck that does rock rap in Congress would perfectly fit the clown world Weimerica is today.
Fuck off, faggot
He's better than Debbie by virtue of not being a Democrat. Stabenow paints herself as a friend of the working man yet was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and ran for elected office the moment she left college. She votes however John McCain does when it comes to war, is pro-Obamacare, and wants to censor Conservative radio talkshows.
But then, the other two people running for Republican Senate are also fairly decent and are both far more qualified for the position than Kid Rock so it's really a tossup.
>Epstein is a cutthroat selfmade businesswomen who lead Trump's Michigan campaign; she's also a Kike and her campaign solely consists of riding on Trump's coat tails
>Young Jr. is an MI Supreme Court Judge who is a right leaning libertarian and open about it; he's also a nigger and may not be enough of a boat rocker
He will win handily. It will be extremely embarrassing for his opponent. Check em
A Jew, a Nigger, and Kid Rock...
Holy fuck. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.
Kid Rock's fanbase is not now what it was in 1998. It is not a voter base. As usual, his public political positions and private economic pandering will be what earns him votes and shillbucks, respectively.
Is this the new nuclear codes pasta?
100%. Celebs always win.
>Washington is filled with faggots who don't understand the middle to lower class
I mean, Clinton was a celeb in her own right and look what happened.
It's sad because we as a state have so much potential and we just constantly get dicked over.
I hole hardedly support Kid Rock for senate.
trump was also a celeb only one could win tho
>Does he have a chance in hell?
I would give him a better chance than any other candidate.
I know. Detroit was the industrial power house of this once great nation. And now it's the butt of many jokes. I've actually been putting together a plan on how whites could retake the city. Would require people with capital to buy up all this land where houses where knocked down and nothing was put back in their place.
pic related is maybe a 15 min walk from city center
I know, I just wanted to counter signal because that's what we do here... Sorry, I'll go be a faggot somewhere else
is your state full of rural and suburban retards?
if so then yes there is a chance
What about Ted Nugent? I think he lives in Michigan.
You forgot to change your flag
There is only one way he will lose, people write in Kid Rock instead of filling in the arrow for Robert Ritchie.
The shills were ready for this guy on day one of his announcement. They're trying to kill this in its crib. Which is why you see a pretty high volume of "white trash dumb hick," "I'd never vote for him," and "muh celebrity turned politician is no good" in these threads. Shatting their pantaloons indeed.
GTFO Eurofag, the only faggots that do that are suburban retard s from Midland or fucking Detroit, just like wanna be tough faggots like yourself.
Kid Rock will win easily in Michigan. Not only is he very famous and seen as loyal to michigan, he is also very well liked and has a reputation of being a lot smarter than his public persona. SHould be a walk in the park for a kid. Not all celebrities have the right combination to be able to actually win, but kid rock is one. Time to get some trump guys together.
So true
He'd be an interesting one
He's running for Senate, user. Senators don't have running mates.
Kid sold out DTE 10 times in a row in 2015. over 150,000 potential voters bought tickets to see him live. No politician could draw a crowd like that. The base is strong.
Surely Kid Rock has some horrifying scandals in his past that will scare away the conservative Christians...
looks /comfy/ as fuck desu
I fucking hate this state, my grandpa would tell me stories of when Detroit was great. He worked for the old steel mill by the river and worked his ass off for my grandma and my mom. Then after the nigger riots things never went back to the way they were. Damn he was a good man, I miss him.
He'll win - people in Michigan love Kid Rock. He's a man of the people.
>Does he have a chance?
Michiganders who hate his music still love him for his good works around the state. If he can translate that into his message, I can assure you he will win in Michigan.
t. Made in Detroit.
kek has spoken!
they aren't riots anymore user it was a cultural rebellion
Ted nugent talked kid rock into it and mentioned he might also run, we need to apply public pressure and call him home to michigan.
It's a fucking publicity stunt. He won't get elected. He's a fucking musician...
If he does win I'll be 100 times more surprised than I was with Trump.
He'll win handily, This won't even need meme magic.
however many ultra-conservative Christians refuse to vote for kid rock because of some scandal that comes up, double the number of undecideds will vote for him because of the memes. he can't lose.
>Does he have a chance in hell?
You mean Michigan.
Of course he's going to win.
I'm an educated white trash redneck who loves guns and is smarter than you, thank you very much.
He'll win Hell, Michigan's votes 99% to 1%. Everyone in Hell is a conservative.
Damn..would bing and yes kid has already won
Kid Rick is like
the based black republican he's running against is better
t. shapiro
Yes. Has my vote.
The same people that think Chomski is Einstein and that Sowell is a house negro/whitey slave, Marcus Aurelius is a Fascist, Seneca is a Opressor
repeat with me
Immature thinking. Democratic turnout in the midterms is a fraction of what it is during general elections, making a meme candidate much more viable.
Love this song.
Please Kanye run for California senate seat! Please I beg!
lel this.
imagine if politics just becomes an arms race, in which each state elects the most pronounced celebrities to compete legislatively with each other. imagine yielding the floor, and the remaining 12 minutes of your time, to Representative Andrew W.K.
imagine him filibustering
98% of antifa members are unemployed and live with their parents.
>He's bait to make republicans look stupid
Trust me, they don't need any help with that.
Are you one of the retards that think support for Trump means this board is populated by Republicans?
Post stuff with sources, so it doesn't look like butthurt
Let me help you:
Compared to Stabmenow? He already looks like a genius.
What? People in Michigan like him a lot. It's people outside that hate him. He's been political for years and is a solid guy. He constantly puts on free shows in Michigan for everyone.
He's only musically intelligent... He's an idiot everywhere else with no understanding of business or politics and shouldn't be anywhere near the senate...
$0.05 has been deposited into your account
>hides flag
>likely an ann arbor faggot, aka lil san fran.
>he will win by 10 points.
how to win michigan
>auto jobs
>love america
>love michigan
he wins at all 3