Move over STEM, it's STEAM now!


>the desperation of the college system only grows stronger

I am myself pursuing a degree in a STWEAAMM (science tech women's studies engineering art african american studies music and math)

that completely devalues the point of defining STEM. You may as well say "UNIVERSITY" or something. This is some greedy budgetary thing I'm sure


One of these things is not like the others.

>college degree

fuck off liberals

The term STEM wasn't coined to mean "things people like," it was referring to university degrees that actually have career prospects.

If you google this retarded initiative, it's a ploy by the Rhode Island School of Design to try and (I guess?) swindle people into employing their useless alumni.

>not MEATS

you're right, we should get rid of enginnering

i think art is useful and important, but it's not useful if you're looking to be EMPLOYED.

Add some yams to it, and it will be STEAMY!.


You have to do 3d modeling if you want to become an engineer, dumbass. It literally requires at least some artistic skill.


t. lib arts degree holder

Inb4 lawsuit

The A stands for autism.

Actually fuck the S, T, and the E as well. They are all as bad as art. Only real subject is mathematics

>The term STEM wasn't coined to mean "things people like," it was referring to university degrees that actually have career prospects.

Exactly, degrees that haven't been corrupted, sanitizes, and diminished by reducing the required level effort necessary to acquire one.

enginner here.
That's not true. We all laugh at arts people. Enginnering is all about maths and physics. I'm an interaction enginner

I just want it to stop.

as a former history major I have no way of understanding what this is supposed to accomplish.

why won't they stop dragging my major through the dirt

Art reflects who we are. STEM is what we can do.

I know a few people with arts degrees. I worry about them occasionally.


Foreign languages are the most useful of art degrees

The difference is that the engineer is skilled in art and ingenuity, as opposed to the artist, who is only skilled in art. A talent that is 85-90% of the time unmarketable in the job world.

Just admit this is some stupid hipster socialist movement to make autistic artists feel included. It's literally like letting the retard attempt a free throw at an NBA game.

>get rid of engineering
Literally everything you use or see has been designed at some point or stage by an engineer.

Hell even doctors won't be able to do their jobs without their fancy machines such as xrays, ct scans, MRIs and so on. Those things don't exactly grow on trees. They are designed and sometimes even built by engineers.

And what engineers do is turn al the theoretical things in science into practical things.

And finally, science is based in math.

Never knew what the fuck the technology part does in STEM, my guess is, it should be bundled in engineering.

As for arts, they can design the new SEM logo and get back to their full time job on the street corner begging for coins..

Social Science


>Steam degrees

I'm glad wll those years playing vidya will now pay dividends.

Oy vey yes goyim! Very progressive!

w-when are me and the other econ and business bros going to be included

we pay for all of this yet don't get any recognition

It's more like Michael Phelps handing out the medals at the special Olympics.

Daily reminder that 'art' is a hobby.

Those are called a football degrees. It's what the nigs get degrees in that are trying to get into the NFL


Careful now.



yeah, society needs engineers, just like we need garbage collectors and people to fix my toilet.

my nigger

Sleep tight.

>why won't they stop dragging my major through the dirt

The goal of STEAM is to try to elevate the Arts degrees to the level of STEM, without actually increasing the amount of effort necessary to obtain an arts degree. I have spoke to people who got arts degrees in the 60s and 70s and they always tell me that it's embarrassing how the requirements to get an Arts degree have been utterly decimated.

Yes, Gaben will save us

Art is a good addition but not the sort of modern arts I'm sure they are referring too...

T is in there because engineering is essentially Science + Technology + Math.
Technology relates to the practical aspects of the profession, inevitable even when you favor the more theoritical side of the studies. Every engi has to learn about the vocabulary and norms retarded mech eng. use

Those will be automated soon, dont worry

>1-2 courses out of 4 years of mathematics and science courses
wow, that's a lot different than majoring in art then asking for a job at a company who doesn't give a shit about your artistic talents.
People need to be realistic in the job market. If you want to be an artist then go for it, but don't expect to be hired by corporatations looking for someone to churn out some cogs.

>> .t art major who's teacher convinced him he can get a job as an engineer at the end of his 4 year useless degree becuz muh 3d models

Fuck gabe Newell

Are you this mad that my field is basically a gatekeeper to your degree?

Pretty much. No doubt STEM was far more work academically. I've always thought the point of studying arts was to become more well rounded in other areas.

I mostly did military and varsity athletics with my arts degree then got into sales. But it is a profit mill to fund the sciences I guess. Thousands of young girls burdened with student loans. Sounds like the second coming of domestication.

Good I have plenty of steambux that need gets

As an artfaggot, this just seems asinine and completely unnecessary. The last thing the useful fields of math and science need are pompous self-entitled morons trying to shove their moral high ground self-entitled self-loathing ideologies where they don't belong.

lmao do you honestly think 3d modelling is hard

They're called useless.

lel this

Your 'field'.

Don't make me laugh harder.

Back when the STEM term was first coined the technology part referred to IT guys and code monkeys/web page designers. Those jobs were pushed hard as super-careers. Of course they're mainly pajeet jobs now.

PE in architecture here.


>anything 3D belongs to art
really reaching here. Artists often have to understand how 3D works to draw/paint things the way they look in real life. That doesn't make everything involving 3D part of "art".

>not reducing the required effort level to get one
Grade inflation has reduced most BScs almost as worthless as a BA

this is literally what that is about.

90% of people (retards and faggots) go for easy degrees (arts) and can't penetrate the STEM boys club, so they figure if they add the A to STEM and call it STEAM they'll be part of that and start changing the ideology within it by brute force.

it's laughably easy now adays, majority of the courses you can just google the answers in 3 seconds, couple that with """online courses""" you can just make straight As every semester without even trying. I've literally seen people do this

I like the top right redesign myself. I'm getting sick of the blue IMO. I miss the old green and yellow.

Math is just as bad as art m8. What you gonna do with your degree? Lecture?

Desperate Art majors trying to become relevant. The only fucking way they could be relevant is by bringing back traditional art or architecture. Anything else is bullshit.

look at this fucking idiot. Why are you so stupid user? are you a butthurt arts major?

actuary, accountant, finance, computer science, lecturer isn't even a bad field either.

I'm into math actually. Just remember that when engineers like you are laughing at art majors for being stupid, that's how hard I'm laughing at all of you.

STEAM is stupid but I used to think the M was for medicine.

jocks took geology and criminal justice here

nigger alert

I'm an art major going into graphic design. That's at least a marketable art right? I mean any corporation has a graphic design department. Should I switch my major? I'm a sophmore so it's possible. I can't do math or science tho.

Not sure how it makes me a nigger to think that medicine is a rigorous and scientific field and would deserve to be respected.

Looks like the kind of logo you'd see in the kindergarten aisle when you take you kids shopping for school supplies.
What are they trying to sell, degrees or fucking Play-doh?


See: math

Low-IQ roasties can call it whatever they want, but math is math. You either have what it takes, or you don't.

Im pretty sure you have to study those subjects separately the same way math is coupled with engineering and science. Its a given. Purely studying math alone is useless

engineering is to math like sex is to masturbation

t. /sci/

i-is econ a garbage major?

is design considered art

idk maybe man, from my experience a lot of STEM degrees are interchangeable. I mean you're not gonna design bridges with a IT degree, but you can do a lot more than you think with a lot of the STEM degrees. Just depends on the company you're applying.

Graphic design leads to a career in advertising. You'll use all your knowledge to design slip smart and subliminal messages visually, but no-one will care.

Look at the big companies logos, like the electronics company LG. Their logo is actually a face. But who really cares is their parts are cheap, prone to overheat and fail after a few years because they're engineered to fail

Maybe in some sense. The accomplishments of an engineer are more tangible. But when it comes to the skill required, engineering is nothing compared to math.

I see what you did there.


>Social Science

I got my bachelor's in psychology. Literally easier than high school. Hardest class I had to take was a couple statistics classes.

>tfw I only did it so I could say I have a college degree on my applications
>tfw it worked

If I could do it over again, I'm not sure I would change anything.

but people who like maths are all creepy losers

So basically everything.

>from the creators of OWS+ and atheism+

At my college, the A stands for architecture. At least that has some sort of engineering component to it.

>from the creators of OWS+ and atheism+
Does anyone have that screencap of the artist user who carved that dragon?


I'm doing this now, able to take 14 credits during the summer because of how easy it is. Got As in the first two and on track for two more. Finished my of online course in a week and a half

I hope Valve sues the shit out of those motherfuckers.

Well I've spoken to a guy that said he basic ally wasted his time getting a degree in math the same way people waste their time with English and history because the job market for those subjects are small. Its basically a novelty degree

You can freelance on the side with graphic design as well. But from two people i know that took up graphic design themselves. Its not a very well paying job. Maybe if you can get in with a really good company. But thats a leap of faith really. Better than nothing atleast

>I can't do math or science tho
why are you even in college

>engineer is skilled in art
You're overestimating the ability of ~90% of engineers