and we'll do it too
Fuck the alt-right
and we'll do it too
Fuck the alt-right
War is good practice for the hard times to come, helps you get/stay in shape, and has other benefits beyond the obvious govt gibs.
T. Vetfag
>poland is invaded by germany
>allies declare war in compliance with their defensive alliance
>poland is invaded by soviet union weeks later
>allies do nothing and later agree to the soviets ruling over poland for the next half century
Ok. But what will you be fighting for? Will yoi die for Ukraine? Will you die for trans-rights? Will you die for universal healthcare? Will you die for mediocrity?
Nazis were socialists. If you put the Nazis in American political spectrum they would be on the left of conservatism. Alt-Right is cucking for liberals.
Good luck, the majority, by far, of the military and law enforcement is Republican
Republicans ≠ Nazis
For minimum wage too, any one nazi they came across. Now it's Antifa, for free.
Notice how none of these men have antifa flags. They would stop your face into the dirt before supporting a leftist insurgency. And from what I have heard they are thrilled with how Trump has been running things.
Hitler was right
t. former 11b
Too bad 20% of Sup Forums are military and 99.9% of all combat infantry hate you.
My great-grandfather flew a bomber over Germany. He no doubt killed hundreds of German soldiers, but probably not that many Nazis.
There is no alt right.
Oh my Allah that nonexistent biceps evaporated my sides.
>20% of Sup Forums are military
Speak for yourself. My granddaddy on one side served with the Italians during WWII and the otherside Spaniards supporting franco supporters
My grandparents were Wehrmacht faggot.
>Nazis were socialists
Yeah, just like how North Korea is a "democracy." It's in the name, so I guess that's what it is.
Fucking retards on this board, honestly. The same people who think the KKK, with its rural, white, protestant, confederate-flag-waving members who called themselves Democrats are in any fucking way related to modern American Democrats.
The Nazis were fascists. They were a far-right party that advocated expanding government control over people in order to "defend traditional values." The traditionalism is what makes them "right." Their willingness to destroy lives in pursuit of their traditionalism is what makes them "far right," like the blind retards on this board who can't function in public so they display their autism here in private.
You're a retard, user. Ask your party to actually write some policy that isn't based on cucking this country to the rich or appealing to 10,000 BC tribalism.
>thinking this was a bad thing
That's a conservative estimate, you must be new.
A weak muscle no matter its size, roach. Bodybuilding is does not increase chances of survival.
no it doesn't, kike-servant
kill your fucking self