Why did Hitler invade so many countries?

Why did Hitler invade so many countries?

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To much much meth in his sytem.

to save them all from Bolshevism

Hitler was a cuck

He was abused as a child

He wanted Poland. After he invaded Poland, Britain and France declared war on him, so he had to invade France. It was only a matter of time before Russia attacked so he invaded them first.

he wuz lookin out fo his senpai

Wtf did Czech Slovakia do

This. Literally he tried to save the world. Instead now we are all slaves.

Because they were fighting to end the jew terrorist world order. Hitler united all races to fight the jew look up "MOURNING THE ANCIENT TRUTH" on Google for proof.















So he could have idiot, ignorant and naive fat slobs post their love for him on Sup Forums 70 or years later.

JIDF spotted

throw pregnant ethnic german women off staircases to their death

After the Slovakians fought for independence Czechoslovakia fell apart and Germany went in to secure their independence.
After which they held on to the pieces they got like any other nation has done. Czechoslovakia existed for like 20 years, it was an artificial country created by the Allied powers after WW1.

The centuries before that Austria ruled over it, and it simply became the same it was back then.

Why did he invade the rest of the Czech Republic and why did he take over Denmark?

Securing coastlines

Denmark is probably the worst example, they even held elections in 1934, literally nothing happened considering it lived through a war.

1943*, obviously

Ty that's new to me

Cause he had a small weenie.

Why did he want Poland? Why did he even invade Poland and get on the bad side of the allies? What the fuck did Poland even do?

He was a crazy megalomaniac who tried to conquer the world and got beat.

Means nothing to me.
Kys fag lover
God bless America for destroying your Nazi fucking country, wannabe.

So because he wanted a coastline he invaded Denmark, basically he took what he needed? What did Croatia do? Needed more coastlines for the Aryans? Sounds pretty barbaric if you ask me.

Of course, he was a fucking retard. It's no wonder he's worshipped by Sup Forums, they're all retarded.

He was also a leftie. Fucking lefties.

Britain was literally going to invade the northern countries and stop germany from traiding with them.

Poland attack him. My mother's cousins grandfather had told me why the Polish did but I forgot. He escaped the country before the poles got into Germany. The polish fought first.

He wanted to take the wh*Te subhumans

This is really basic stuff, I'd suggest watching The Greatest Story Never Told.
I don't think it's the holy grail people seem to meme it up to be, but it's good for going over basics.

Hitler wanted Danzig, an ethnic German city that was under control of the UN-precursor. The city voted for their NSDAP and was fully in support of joining Germany.
However it was an important port city for Poland, and Germany needed Poland's permission for the UN-precursor to let it be returned.
Britain gave Poland a war guarantee however, letting Poland know that if there ever was war between Poland and Germany, Britain and therefore France would step in.

Everyone at the time believed Britain and France would steamroll Germany, so Poland felt very comfortable not making deals with Germany any longer. They completely ceased negotiations, despite the German demands being pretty reasonable from an objective standpoint. It seemed like checkmate for Poland's goal of keeping Danzig out of German hands, but then Germany surprised the world by allying themselves with the Soviet Union.
They invaded Poland, admittedly Hitler hoped Britain and France bluffed, but before Britain and France delcared war Poland was given the option of agreeing to the plan Germany suggested before the war started. Poland believed the war to be impossible to win for Germany once Britain and France stepped in, and hoped to both keep Danzig away from Germany AND for some new German land after the war, so they didn't accept it.

Then Germany got the part of Poland that was agreed upon with the Soviets. There's rumours of a smaller Polish state being planned by the Germans, but dismissed by the Soviets, but it's uncertain how true that is. There were a lot of ethnic Germans living outside of the German borders in Poland at the time, so they kept that land.

Again, it's pretty standard stuff to keep on to the pieces of land you won. The British Empire never would've existed without that, nor Texas in the US

So pre-emptively to eliminate enemies Hitler tried taking over the world? Where have I heard this argument before. Oh right, every single megalomaniac idea in history

Appreciate this a ton. Also wrote the doc down. Will watch it later. Much appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to lay it out. TILing hard.

Britain had its ships going towards Norway when Germany took it.
Bit hard to deny at that point.

Churchill was known for wanting to take over neutral countries in order to have a positive strategical position.
There's no doubt he would have. It'd be ridiculous if Germany didn't secure their coastlines.