Ww3 is on the horizon, the scuba diver incident is key.
What we know so far:
Ww3 is on the horizon, the scuba diver incident is key.
What we know so far:
>edition cnn com/2017/08/01/politics/lindsey-graham-north-korea-donald-trump-white-house/index.html
China loves peace, but is ready.
what do we know about the scuba steves
In peace times only the corrupt prevail
and in war only the rich who make weapons and resources necesarry for the war to go on prevail
In fact nevermind they only get even richer
NK planteda bomb at navy nase using scuba agent?
Last i checked ww1 and 2 everyone was poor
last i checked the 2nd world war pulled the USA out of economic crisis and created the estate of Israel
You mean put them in a great depression like the rest pf the world
Come back with actual indicators, god this shit is tiring.
Dude, have you ever heard about the Wallstreet crash? well then you should know that USA pulled out of that disaster by selling necesities for the war to Britain and France.
I only know general history and it says after both world wars every cunt felt the crash
So what will the war be about? Honestly.
USA, Russia and China all sucks up to Israel. Is it just the "it has to happen because it's already planned" scenario or what?
Could have been a scouting mission...
Could also be a pretext to false flag!
Well, the USA would always like to take NK but realistically it's going to be China who ends up taking it, which IMO is why there has been improved relations between the two lately, maybe a deal? If any war does start with NK the first thing they will do is fire all of their old artillery that is pointing at Seoul though.
In any case I don't buy NK being a real threat all of a sudden.
well then, let me give you a little hint.
Every single major war has been and will be (becouse it is necesary for the war effort) to have people providing resources from outside, this people normally are other countries, however this can also be banks handing out loans.
Now let's go to the most important point, do you know who are the people conscripted in the war?
Let me tell you right now, it's not the sons of the rich manufacturers, it's the dirty poor people, the working class and the lower class.
In war the estate gets rid of all of it's useless people, for example unemployed people via conscription, they are normally the first to go, since they provide nothing of benefit for the estate they will provide their lives in battle
While the poor man's son fights every day to survive in a muddy trench the manufacturer sits on his comfortable chair sipping champagne while producing all of the weapons, ammunitions and vehicles that the poor man's son will die fighting with
If a war is coming its coming next month
I really, really, really like this image.
I do too :)
Get in her faggots
omg an autonomous country test fired a missile and nobody was injured what are we going to do?!?!
Nuke them to ashes
:^( this is very serious!
i cant really figure out the entire cause of this, i dont know if its the jews or the muslims. Its frustrating as fuck. It all comes down to ayys, the muslim brother hood, and jews someone should dig into the rabbit hole ive had enough.