Fuck you Sup Forums I came here a year ago and now I literally can't use any other social media or forum without getting triggered. I fucking came here just as a joke to see edgy memes, but kept assuring myself "its just satire don't worry." I fucking thought you all were joking, and were left wing too. But now you've cucked me into the red pills.
I've been completely spoiled by the complete lack of censorship on Sup Forums and I've examined ideas I never have before. I'm able to THINK freely, and say anything I want. Beyond the shitposting, REAL conversation happens here, that has no merit to ego or virtue signaling. I just CANT go back to places that have 5000 different rules on how you are supposed to talk and what you can say. I've even deleted all my other social media accounts and Reddit because I can't take the censorship. Everytime I go to the sites I used to like, I just am flooded by their retardation, bias, and libcuck mentalities. Now i'm overdosed on fucking red pills, and I'm literally watching far-right videos and unironically considering myself a fascist. ONE YEAR AGO I WAS A BERNIE SANDERS SUPPORTER, DRUG USING DEGENERATE WANTING RACE-MIXING AND SAYING ALL COPS ARE EVIL AND THAT AMERICA IS EVIL.
I think back on how indoctrinated I was in college, and the shit I believed and I hate everything that I was. 95% of everything I enjoyed, I now hate. Do you know what its like to hate the vast majority of what you enjoyed your whole life? Do you know what its like to HATE your friends? I feel like an empty Golem now because of you all. I'm liberated, but obliterated at the same time, and I don't think I can ever fix myself from the far-right, ego destroying, misanthrope social recluse you made me become.
I live and work in Silicon Valley. I have to pretend to be something I am not. 24/7/365
This is my only outlet. Everywhere else I have to pretend to hate Trump. To pretend to be a huge democrat. If I didn't do this I would be fired. There are ZERO libertarian / republican / conservatives where I work. ZIP. ZERO. NADA.
If they are they have gone underground like me. Those that were fired said or did things that were deemed "unacceptable" by my boss and she is always looking for someone who may say or do something she doesn't like.
Considering I know of the "black list" of people whose names are passed around out here on the "DO NOT HIRE" list the danger is real when dealing with these evil progressives.
My manager started screaming when she saw a corvette with a Trump sticker. I wasn't in the car with the "cool kids" that go to lunch together but apparently she nearly caused an accident with her screeching. It scared the driver. She wanted to get out of the vehicle and tear the sticker off his car but he got on the freeway and vanished.
This is the level of insanity I work with. It is not healthy.
Yes. Yes we are.
48 years old here.
Brody Torres
ah the days before >reddit spacing
Levi Turner
You better mash that muhfuckin like button like you smashing Beyonce pussy nigguh!
Carson Miller
Man, isn't saying and thinking whatever you want great? Best feeling in the world. Wouldn't it be great if there was some place in the world where everybody could do just that and like the society or whatever was built on that ideal? Like they had it in their constitution or whatever.
Anthony Edwards
you have to go back.
Brandon Johnson
>look at me, I'm a little princess that gets influenced by things and I can't control my thoughts, emotions and actions I hate people like you. How can you not have any ability to control this shit? You fucking pathetic ball-less, loser, beta snowflake. Neck yourself.
Gabriel Green
>TFW you walk in on your Dad watching some modern sitcom and start mentally listing off all the agendas being pushed >TFW you can't stop yourself from noticing them.
The show was presenting open relationships as a normal thing that lots of young people do. I have no mouth and I must scream
David Ortiz
nigger nigger nigger nigger yeah I guess OP whatever i'm going to go jack off to anime girls now
Adrian Evans
For me it's made talmudvision insufferable. I can't stop seeing the narrative. It's everywhere. glad to have you on board. I'd like more people to come here. It'll happen to them too
Colton Butler
You realize 99% of everyone on here were just like you? Why do people post this shit and think they're special that ONLY THEY feel this way? It's the entire situation. Once you know the truth the world is shown for what it is. Now it's your job to figure out how to navigate within it. The veil is gone and yah it's a fucking disaster/shitshow out there. Use what you know and figure out how to make a life away from your shitty friends and shield yourself from the onslaught of mind-control propaganda. It feels shitty at first but you get stronger.
Carter Nelson
You sir, are a fucking pussy.
Jace Evans
>imagine being blind your entire life or even worse, being woke from day 1
Leo Murphy
Same here. We need a secret handshake or something...
Brayden Murphy
The horrible truth is that Sup Forums is the sunlight that strips bear the niceties and assumptions of civilization.
Once I accepted that civilization is the story of Fascism everything made sense.
Don't pay your respects to empire;imperial soldiers kick you out of your home. Resist and they will kill you.
Today "respects" comes in standard units called currency.
Mason Morgan
You don't get it, man. SV is unhinged. Lynch mob level.
Connor Rivera
I hate it too... I hate myself now. I used to love myself and my life and now I hate my former degenerate self. Even though I never have and never do any harm to others I still hate myself so much that I am in a spiraling depression. Fuck you /pol indeed.
Camden Myers
Strongly agree
Nathaniel Long
Aaron Harris
taking the red pill has consequences learn to use you knowledge as a useful tool, not everybody deserves your honesty it's a privilege for the few one you trust.
Dude, it's just a website. Seek professional help.
Hudson Nguyen
> not realizing Sup Forums is a satire board
Christian Green
>I just CANT go back to places that have 5000 different rules on how you are supposed to talk This is why I've only ever liked this part of the internet. The only place I'd ever had to moderate my speech before was school and I hated it. Really pissed me off when the same expectations were there in college. Usually the same people who are retarded liberal faggots are the same people who can't handle ANY harsh words. Nothing but pathetic little cowards.
Parker Martinez
a "secret handshake"
Kayden Myers
>Pol is hurt box is this why Turks are censured?
Colton Cox
for me it has made college insuferable, I have to pretend to be a liberal 24/7, I have this dream of mine were I will arive at uni in a SS uniform cloaked in a confederate flag and put some Johnny Rebel in a speaker and sing along
Justin Ortiz
>Do you know what its like to hate the vast majority of what you enjoyed your whole life? Yes actually.
Cameron Fisher
Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen!
Justin Bailey
Hey OP You're lookin really good..
Matthew Rivera
32 year old government employee here. You cant begin to fathom what working for the government in Canada is like. All my bosses are unwed, overweight socialists that unironically hate men. When I'm in a meeting I have to interject when Im positive I'm not cutting anyone off or fucking "mansplaining".
The future looks bright, however, as most of these illogical monsters are aging and not reproducing. Good luck in Cali user.
Austin Lee
It's more the information, the facts of what really happened in history. I thought we were progressing to a bright "one love" future until I found out just who the (((revolutionaries))) really were. There's no going back.
Gavin Morris
not its because youre a bunch of dirty cockroaches
Adrian Gonzalez
>tfw all my best bros are woke as fuck At least i dont have to hide my power level for my true friends. Thank fuck for that. But most youth here has right wing views. So i dont hide my powerlevel at uni either.
Must suck living in that liberal hellhole called america.
Logan Kelly
Aiden Lee
Start a Silicon Valley MAGA Meetup, asshole.
Stop letting the dems win the culture war in one of the most important cities in America.
Jonathan Perez
Beats being you.
Logan Reed
You're welcome fgt
Jacob Hall
>I don't think I can ever fix myself. You are now fixed user. Nobody said the redpill was easy, but in the end its better. (((They))) need fixed.
Asher King
Hi neighbor. We all put on those "thin blue line" stickers because we dont want our cars destroyed. Isnt it great knowing you cant have anything even remotely fashy? Even esoteric? Because anyone that recognizes it is more likely to be an enemy than a friend, and the system here will lock you up if you so much as think about bleeding on them.
Xavier Fisher
Welcome to the club faggot.
Evan Wilson
Alexander Wilson
Everytime i see those fucking warriors flags i want to do the same with swastikas.
Brody Fisher
You stuipid niggerfaggot you don't "fix" yourself after you've gotten to this point.
You rebuild.
William Smith
The only things I can stand to watch are local 5 o'clock news and jeapordy.
>tfw have the viewing habits of someone four decades older
Hudson White
>Rebuild You rebuild but you go ghost at the same time. Start going ghost and the right people will take notice and guide you the rest of the way.
Isaiah Richardson
Tell me that's a joke. I love comedy and wanted to watch some shows but that shit is unacceptable.
Michael Gutierrez
Fuck that was funny, taking into account the flag.
Caleb Murphy
>came here just as a joke It's your fault that you are a gullible inbred faggot. Quit blaming others for your weak impressionable low IQ mind. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility for yourself.
Evan Campbell
Welcome to the family, boy.
Landon Young
How many layers of ghost are you on, anons?
Michael Jenkins
lol what is this shit from?
Anthony Evans
>coming to Sup Forums >gets triggered by other social media what the fuck. Sup Forums is supposed to strip away everything, you should never get triggered anymore.
Camden Cox
Same. Since redpilling i have dropped all degenerate activities, realized what a fatass i was and started lifting, dressing better, eating better. In 12 months i have lost 80 pounds while pushing my bench from 145 to 255. I feel great every morning, ready for another day to see how long it takes for the kikes to piss me off.
Nathaniel Parker
>There are ZERO libertarian / republican / conservatives where I work. ZIP. ZERO. NADA user have you considered that it only seems that way because libertarian / republican / conservatives who work there are a bunch of pussies like you?
Alexander Rodriguez
Good job, how much do you weigh now?
Xavier Martin
Ecclesiastes 1:18. For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.
Carter Davis
>I am showing you the BASEDness and the redpiiling and you bloody not leaving now because the free speech is here but bastard guys will shut down the Sup Forums one of the days and then we gonna be the sad.
Connor Baker
Went on a first date last Saturday. >user: "Holocaust is a hoax" >laughs pretending is a joke >QT: "So, user, what is the best government for you?" >user: "Fascism". >laughs pretending it is a joke again >she isn't laughing. We are seeing each other again Friday.
Lucas Kelly
haha very the yes
Brandon Sullivan
Ah man I love these threads. >I'm liberated, but obliterated at the same time, and I don't think I can ever fix myself from the far-right, ego destroying, misanthrope social recluse you made me become. great line
Gonna cap this OP and post it for the next guy
Blake Cruz
Could you rephrase please? What are you saying?
Jason Hernandez
nice digits and good idea resistance fighters needed in Sillycon Valley
Zachary Ortiz
>believing the womb-end can be redpilled Lurk more, faggot.
Eli Jones
Not my fault retard
Samuel Thomas
You are a retard cuck
Liam Nguyen
You know the meme is good when you can't tell if its real or not lol
dis a gud 1
Juan Clark
I'm amazed at how well you manage to insult yourself while simultaneously flaunt how "smart" you are.
Here's the real redpill. You're still an idiot. You've just found an echo chamber that tells you that you aren't.
Easton Parker
>tfw when Sup Forums power IRL could lead to ironically picking up more pussy.
Cooper Martinez
The first date is probably a bad time to show your powerlevel user
Noah Jackson
Came for the memes and stayed for the pills
Adrian Nguyen
Trying to be the second and fourth atm.
There is nothing like knowing the truth. This is what it does. It turns you ugly because it's all you can do in an ugly world. The content are only content because they don't know what reality is or how cruelly impartial or unfair it can be. I would love to believe that race doesn't matter, that the world has any chance of being a happy hugbox. My faith in humanity turned to a faith in Christ because of this place. I recently had a discussion about this with my family, and I told them that "progression" may give us a brief moment of happiness as a people, but that it will make things worse in the end. I asked, what is wrong with preserving the long term future at the expense of an indulgent tomorrow? And my brother-in-law told me that Hitler thought the same thing. Figures.
Benjamin Baker
What the fuck is that randomness?
Jaxson Morales
Cooper Rivera
>comfortably numb?
Xavier Baker
good now you can focus on removing all nonwhites from existence
Thomas James
Pol isn't an echo chamber because of angsty faggotas like (you)