>800+ fucking pages
Holy shit fuck
What am I even in for?
>800+ fucking pages
Holy shit fuck
What am I even in for?
Other urls found in this thread:
Uma delicia
So far so good
>800+ fucking pages
grow up
fpbp and checked.
What I need to know is whether this is kike propaganda or a fair biography.
Estás com medo do quê? Não me digas que não leste os Maias no liceu... xD
Kershaw was knighted by the queen for writing about the 3rd reich, while Iriving was thrown in jail. That tells you everything to know about wich book to read.
Read Irving's "Hitler's War'" instead. fpp.co.uk
This is what you get from European Colonies. Neither Canadians or Australians can distinguish a Portuguese from a Brazilian.
After all, what did I expect. Their countries were made from the leftovers of Europe. xD
A glowing review by the LA times proudly stamped on the front, should've been enough to dissuade you from purchasing that (((book))).
Not really. I get what you're saying though. Having in it on the cover states the clear intention of the books and you go in redpilled from page 1.
Portuguese are literal sub humans as well as Brazilians. You are related to them and a lot of then speak your language. You both eat monkey heads.
unironically this
The ride of your life!
Aussie banter masters! Heil!
Calm down big guy, white european portugese people are alright.
Brazilians are mixed with the natives + african slave niggers
Ninguém com dignidade perde tempo com essa obra. Eu tirei 16 no exame e nunca li uma página sequer.
Ah yes, certainly the abo knows, we are all like that over here, ooga bogga.
>white european portugese people
>white people
uma delicia
>cherry-picking obvious moors
>Kershaw was knighted by the queen for writing about the 3rd reich, while Iriving was thrown in jail.
yet Alex Jones still claims the royal family are Nazis
If the author wasn't persecuted or censored because of it, then it doesn't tell the truth. See: David Irving. Greatest Story Never Told
Pic related, white portuguese.
>t. Pork n cheese man
Of course we are... That's why we were the first people to sail across the planet and were the pioneers of modern sailing. We've had our Empire for 500 years. Like all Empires it had to fall. Now all we need is for Germany to complete the process of destroying Europe so we can be free of their shackles and rebuild it.
Our country was conquered from the Muslims and they will NEVER set foot here again. Surrendering now would be surrendering our soon to be 1000 year nation. (Ok ok, we're only 874 years old.)
Only someone who's ancestors are literal rejects and criminals would make such a stupid claim like "Portuguese eat monkeys" when we are know for our seafood. That's some fucking top kek right there.
Li na boa, no Verão antes... É o que dá ser pobre e não ter tido consolas e PC's (nos anos 90).
soupa de macao uma delicia
Tiveste um bom martírio então. Agora estás na pol a contar a história. A vida muda.
The only whites here are the Eastern European minorities.
Heartly kek
I like John Toland's "Adolf Hitler". It's twice as long and I'm 1000 pages in and there's still no bias. It reads just like a story. It chronicles his entire life, plus the entire history of Germany from the 20's-1945
Nobody knows you for anything
It's amazing that someone from the US would know of it. You sir, are ok.
...And no. There's no monkey in it. "Mação" is a 2000 people village in Portugal (Ribatejo region/inland), a region knows for it's connection to bullfighting. I personally live in a fish town where [pic related] is our crown jewel.
...And also oysters and cuttlefish.
Sou português e isto é chinês pra mim.
Basicamente sim...
big if true
>even the (((review))) on the cover has the Jew brackets
>he's scared of 800+ pages
>he didn't read lengthy series with books that had 1000+ pages as a child
You're a 'Murican... You don't even know your own states in a map let alone other countries. It is YOU that doesn't know anything about other cultures. You know, at best about your own.
Quantity==/==Quality 50 shades of grey has aprox. 600 pages.
Eu gosto do tio Adolfo :3
>Ian Kershaw
A load of good goy history
Im not saying that books are quality through page number, you tardo. Im saying that literal children read books longer than the book that scares OP due to its length
>Spain, but inferior in every possible way
son inhumanos y me dan asco
Resolve-se fácil o teu problema. Uma corda e uma árvore contigo no meio.
Keep telling yourself that... Spain is also becoming a sandnigger infested shithole. Have you even been to Spain? Try going to Barcelona. The pickpocket capital of Europe.
We'll just stay here, enjoying being the 5th safest country on the planet. So much so, that both Madonna and Phil Collins are in a "war" to buy the same palace in Sintra.
I wonder why don't they go to Barcelona?
O espanhol da minha escola ia de pernas abertas contra o poste que segurava a bandeira de Portugal
>Phil Collins
I dont want spirit cookers on my country
Nem deve ser espanhol, deve ser um canibal raza azteca
You've tried to conquer us time and time again and you got your asses handed to you. So much so, that the ONLY time you actually had a grip in our country, we killed your king and hanged him in balcony in the streets of Lisbon.
Just because we're peaceful that doesn't mean we can't do war.
Calma com o andar, muito provavelmente nunca viu território espanhol.
Better spirit cookers than sandniggers. But hey! I guess you chose the ones you can mostly relate to right?
Troll de terceira categoria... Nem sequer acorda com factos históricos. xD
Por favor não postes esse macacc, fico com náuseas cada vez que vejo a cara dela
3rd, if you go by 2017 GPI
>both Madonna and Phil Collins are in a "war" to buy the same palace in Sintra.
REEEE get the fuck out of my country
Bons tempos, agora lembraste-me desse meme do poste
It's probably a Mexican anyway who cares
Why did you pick this book. Did someone recommend it to you?
Its on bargain. We are having summer sales in Portugal. Like 20 to 50% discount so OP picked it up just for kicks.
Aren't the spirit cookers the one bringing the sand niggers in?
first best
"A biography that is definitely about Hitler" - LA Times
"The definitive biography of Hitler". Dont trust google translate
Yeah you didn't invent anything that was worth noting for schools to teach. Also you had Castile babysitting you, your whole life so you could go do your own thing. Free of charge.
I'm playing SECRET HITLER instead.
Prison colony.
The next page says "DID"
Bro I fucking love Secret Hitler. I bet you are a fucking fascist aren't you? I KNOW I gave you one of each policy, and you still played orange. THIS GUY IS A FASCIST EVERYONE FUCK THIS GUY