What will we do about automation Sup Forums?
What will we do when all the jobs are gone?
What will we do about automation Sup Forums?
What will we do when all the jobs are gone?
Other urls found in this thread:
let the robots work
collect ubi
do other things
if you can't imagine, the (((system))) has got you
Give handjobs to each other in seedy massage parlors
Are you so beta that you really need to be told what to do all the time? Stop being a fucking robot and you won't have to worry about being replaced by one.
Ever look under a bridge? Thats where people who provide no value to society go.
Why do you think you will be able to provide no value and not end up under the bridge?
It depends on how optimistic you are on the future of technology. Tay as Microsoft's chatbot was an example of the current limitations of technology: you can make an "AI" that deals with limited circumstance and parses data well when the circumstances are controlled but crumbles when unexpected circumstances happen.
Tay was an example (hijacked/dataset issue) and so is IBM's watson. Watson found Urban dictionary and would respond to answers in profanity. They would have to purge it. Watson was built to question/answer in a limited circumstance, suggestion with a need for human verification.
So now that we have "all the jobs" out of the way (e.g. machines still struggle with tasks that aren't highly repeatable), let's move on to those jobs with redundancy.
Driving is under huge threat. Some people think there are going to be driverless ridesharing services by 2022. To that I say, maybe they exist, but not en masse, and they will be sued to oblivion over any accidents that happened. I think long term taxi/livery and truck drivers are utterly fucked.
People are willing to work cheaply enough in the fields for farming plus subsidies. Administration policies might alter this, but the work sucks even for a good wage.
Fast food is a job where I see robots taking the fuck over. Repetitive work + consistent product + machine ordering = result. If you have to employ one person to push the food onto a tray or handle complaints and call the cops if someone is breaking stuff or mechanics if the machine is breaking down you're way ahead long term vs. several humans. Sensors and robotics have gotten cheaper. The proof of concept is already there.
Retail is harder, consumers are going more online but this will change. More people have accepted self checkout and even more automated options (e.g. home delivery of groceries) are there.
Cut taxes for the rich and corporations and hand everything over to our billionaire globalist overlords
Automate an anti-automation solution.
Over time universal basic income will become a reality in most nations, maybe we take the Ender's Game route of taxing the shit and socially shaming anybody who has a "third" (thanks Orson Scott Card).
Or maybe people advocate genocide.
Either way, there's going to be a ton of people in the next 20-50 years who don't have a skill that contributes to society in a capacity that automation or outsourcing can address.
UBI is the inevitable future.
But thank god, it's a very far off future, at least half a century.
you're here:
>if you can't imagine, the (((system))) has got you
I program robots. If your job can be done by a robot within the next 20-30 yrs, you were never destined for success anyway. You were just lucky to get in with a union that overpays you.
>motherboard is wireless before it's been built
Blame brown people
Learn to program robot arms and lease them to other companies to package items and simple stuff.
Rent them at $10/hour and explain the robot arms can work 24/7 and do not need health care.
The solution is obvious.
We just lower the population.
It should be obvious that this is what this is leading to and that it isn't a coincidence.
Keeping automatons in working condition requires way more effort from the capitalistic overlord, than paying miserable wage to to goy shmucks.
We won't see any significant job loss in our lifetime, but we will see a global economic collapse that will drive global wages down, and create some new cheap labor sources.
Bring it the fuck on. Im an electrician. My job can never be automated. In fact, I'll have more work installing power systems to power the robots that put you all out of work.
>He thinks that by working he contributes to society
Keep contributing to a worthle-- i mean, to a beautifu levergrowing system that is human society.
Never dare to think outside of the box. Attagoy.
Automation is a soft brained meme. Why pay 500k for a robot which needs regular maintenance when you can pay some retard $7 an hour to do it instead
Independent or union? Where? Looking to become a sparky too
Any advice is appreciated
>universal basic income
>buy products from businesses
>businesses pay taxes
>get income from gov
not communism because business owners are making money
Industrial engineer in major Canadian firm. I write the code that makes people redundant... and there is always more to program.
It'll hurt white collar jobs a lot more than blue collar ones.
At some point there's a man fixing the robot.
An accountant's job can be done by a phone.
>My job can never be automated.
We'll be fine. The present rulers of the world are just a little insane. Once we've kicked them out, the resource base is more than ample to start progressing forward again. There's no reason for us to be caught up in a statist hell forever; we can be wealthy enough to have no need of rulers, and even our present rulers would have better, wealthier lives if they would let go of the power with which they have restrained their fellow men.
>At some point there's a man fixing the robot.
High demand for diagnostic and repair bots.
Your automated car breaks down, a drone is dispaced to determine the failure, comunnicates to parts hub blimp in the sky, dispatches parts, repairs car on sight, automated car fixed, on you go.
It is only decades away.
>Once we've kicked them out
lol. You're going to be really, really disappointed.
Youre a shortsighted faggot. While o understand the potential for robotics and automation, this will not be happening nearly so soon
t. Built cars and have built robots, program AI
Bro, do you even wrench?
I'm putting money on the fact that you've never done new construction, yet think you can build a robot to. Admit at least you will be doing a lot of consulting of real men who have swung a hammer, laid some pipe, bend some conduit...
Implying a KUKA robot is cheaper than a nigger from Haiti who works in exchange of bread and water
I am a residential wireman in texas. I work for an open shop as a service tech. Great work. Company van. Excellent pay. Dont get into new construction. No money there. Service is where its at. I get hourly pay plus commission and bonuses on work sold.
>My job can never be automated.
That's not how automation works. It doesn't necessarily mean you're replaced by a robot, it means new tools increase productivity and take skills and knowledge out of the job. You may not be automated away but you could still have your wages suppressed by fewer gigs and pajeets or nigerians with a rubber stamped certification.
there will be nothing but retail and service jobs left to push the goods being assembled on the automation lines
Kick back relax and have a nice cold mint julep on my porch while my robots tend my fields.
I think we should fight the automation!
There's no point to living if you're not working!
We need to earn shek-... money!
I welcome new tools and advanced equipment. Still need guys with the knowledge to diagnose and fix the problems behind the tools. I dont do new construction. Im a service/troubleshoot guy.
> we live in a society where we produce a surplus of unless shit
>contribute to society
Admit it Sup Forums the only answer is redistribution. It is ridiculous to say that people who do not work deserve to die of hunger, while we produce ridiculous amount of crap nobody needs
That's all great to know brother, and furthermore, glad to hear that you're satisfied with the decision to embark on a career in Electrical. I'm looking for a similar gig - service, as to stay in town and close to home w the family here in OH. How did you start out, through application to your current employer? Any extended education, like the AECIEC or college? I'm hoping to learn that such is superfluous and I can hop right on with a company as an apprentice. End goal is to get licensed and head out on my own. Help my bro run a demo biz and that's were I would like to be one day, calling the shots.
Laugh at the poor niggers who have jobs that can be automated away.
Fucking meat puppet automaton cuck faggots
Nope. All you low bred have-nots can die of scurvy for all I care. Get a new skillset and stop taking my money to feed your nigger babies
Complete automation is a commie fever dream, kill yourself for posting this.
Without jerbs the economy stops = no pay.
No pay= no manufacturing
All the robots in the world can't predict consumer needs and wants you pickanninee.
I mean if it gets to the point where robots take ALL the jobs, there's no real point in us working because the robots are all doing it better and no one is going to take us over a near-perfect machine. At that point we'll probably just be paid to exist. That or a another workers' revolution will happen.
>My job can never be automated.
>He thinks the robots will never build more robots
I dunno, actually enjoy life for a change?
>At some point there's a man fixing the robot.
You mean until the robots start repairing each other.
And then they start secretly installing weapon systems in their previously broken friends.
We'll build more for less, and manage manufacturing systems rather than physically manufacturing.
People act like automation will suddenly take place, while its been happening since the industrial revolution...
>He thinks strong AI won't learn programming...
>My job can never be automated.
The new, "here, hold my beer".
Thank the tech gods!!! I'm tired of all the shit poo-code floating around and crashing my browser.
Literally this, the industrial revolution never ended, and is far from over
Anyone using that as a pejorative, is probably a dirty liberal.
Reveal your flag, kike.
I'm one of the people making the jerbs go away by working on AI. Plan is to be rich as fuck and live like a feudal lord employing all you normies to provide the joy of subjugation that no machine can provide. I'l probably end up failing that and necking myself instead to avoid being a peasant.
Will be hard to get right into a service tech job. The union here sucks jmen but is great for apprentices. Basically free college for an electrician. Learn the trade. Take your lumps. It'll get easier and the money will come in due time. Gotta earn it though. Green apprentices get shit pay.
Democrats will sweep the next election. Republican communities will die out as we liberal big city people use our superior education and intellect to make robots that take over their crappy jobs, and the working class white culture that voted for racism will be forever gone.
Only rural rednecks and suburban retards voted for Drumpf. Progressive city people all voted for Hillary. #resist