Will it Happen?
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Of course! #calexit
pls let it
Please god.
No it's literally impossible. It will never happen.
>yfw Venezuela 2.0 soon
The Marines will annex California as soon as they secede.
They will then be a US territory and lose voting rights.
This was settled months ago
>1 in 3
You usually need 50% if not more and commiefornians already reached peak salty, so no.
Yeah 1/3 or 17% less than 50. It is not unthinkable
They need 500k signatures for it to appear on the ballet.
Need to know the demographics surrounding these numbers. The 1/3 who support it might actually represent the majority of people who would vote if this ever came to pass.
California will be the first commie country in North America
The Caribbean is technically considered North America, so the 2nd.
Pacific Union When????
Nation, not a state
California will have to leave on their own.
Some retard representing the Calexit movement got completely dismantled by Tucker Carlson asking him extremely basic questions tonight.
Can't Best korea just bomb us into New California
No. It's not within their rights and they are too weak to do it.
I really really want them to try though.
We need a civil war.
As a Californian I suspect Jefferson would happen before Calexit could even start.
I support it and I live here. But I support it only because I want to see all the fuckers here get absolutely butt blasted. I'll be comfy watching from Nevada when it goes down. IT's really the best way to purge the blue from this shithole of a state.
Please do, the US can enforce sanctions and remove Californias water supply then.
this is what it would look like
>california secedes
>immediately all of conservative inland california rises up in rebellion and forms right wing militias, since, you know, they will actually have guns
>state economy immediately collapses since its extremely indebted and has absolutely no way to support its enormous regulations and safety net, state literally could not provide its own water for how many years?
>erupts into chaos, rioting and turf wars especially between niggers and beaners
>white liberals will either get massacred or runaway to gated communities
>US army will invade and reconquer the ashes
it would be _the most_ pathetic revolution the world has ever seen. white lefties seceding from anything is fucking comical
Idk but i hope they do. Just so i can we can see troops and tanks roll down the streets of San Francisco and those fags can have their realities completely implode :D
It'll be beautiful.
Yes it will happen.
Literally no; and I would wager the people they polled were dumbass leftists who think it's a good idea.
So beautiful.
So, 70% of California.
>Captcha: "Ronda Mexico"
I won't happen but I wish it would. I'd like to see American break up into 50 nations.
More like:
>Poll reveals that 2/3 California Republicans support Calexit.
How about we take everyone who wants to leave the US and deport them to Canada or Mexico? White people to Mexico and everyone else to Canada. Canada gets that diversity they love so much. The people deported will love the welfare and free health care. Mexico gets some money and self-proclaimed skilled workers. We get rid of the shit stains and open some prime real estate back to the middle class.
One in three Californians are complete morons
This is not going to happen for one reason...
Even if 100% of California wanted to leave, the federal government wouldn't let it happen. California contains FAR to many military assets/facilities; not to mention the import/export commerce from the ports supplies the most of the western US.
Top fucking kek could you imagine? The People's Republic of California has an open door policy on immigration and just gets BTFO.
If it did happen, California would have a top 10 GDP.
Texas is tired of being overwhelmed by spics and commiefornians from that shithole.
Someone Photoshop a picture of Californian currency with pictures of stupid celebrities on it.
you already know what the demographics behind it are. Upper middle class white liberals. of the kale munching, buddy holly glasses wearing types who tell you how great communism is but can't tell you why outside of generic pro-worker arguments.
Do it faggots
i only hope that fault opens up and slides the shithole right off into the pacific before it happens. like they make the decision and vote and win for it or whatever, and 3 days before it just disappears
San Bernardino County here, let's break this bitch up and separate Commiefornia at the mountains
It will never happen. But man would i love to see it.
Until they raise corporate taxes and everyone flees. Until their massive budget deficit and debt is called in. California would self destruct overnight. They can't even afford their single payer horseshit
>Nevada lowers corporation tax and provides incentives for businesses to move
>Commiefornia crashes and burns within 5 years
what commies will say after a fail attempt ar a revolution from california
Let them do it. We don't want them. It'll cost almost nothing (silicon valley is cancer) and we can have a good laugh at the expense of beaners and libshits.
t. the rest of the US
Crazy separatists everywhere. Lets hope your new leaders are better than your old ones. They rarely are.
This scenario arouses me
I really hope so let them leave. Then we can immediately go to war ,scorched earth and reclaim.
What would a Californian military look like?
Christ out of all the times I thought I'd be decently safe here in Nevada all this bullshit had to start. I fucking hope we sooner or later set up a border patrol unit so I can shoot down some fucking fags trying to crawl into my state.
You gotta have a sponsor to be a leaf or me a doctor or someshit
I'm voting yes on this, it will be the greatest shitstorm of our lifetime and the outcome couldn't be anything but amazing. Liberals are putting literally zero thought into this madness. Best case scenario for them is that they realize leaving the US won't happen without conflict, and they look like retards for pushing the issue. Worst case scenario for them is California leaves the union, and there is immediately an uprising of armed pro-US conservatives who slaughter the traitorous secessionists in a one sided bloodbath.
They could become a nuclear state in a long weekend.
I loved killing these guys
>tfw stuck in Commiefornia
I would fully support Calexit if it ever happens before I get to leave.
Looks like my daydreams of leading federal troops through the backroads I grew up on to ambush lefties will be turning into reality
They won't be white, so I'm sure Trudeau will fast track them.
The most beautiful thing ibe ever seen!
I'll take "Things That are Okay Only if I Do It" for 1000
This topic bores me.
It's fun to think about, but they're not leaving even if 75% of Californians vote to do so.
I guarantee you most of the pro-secession votes in any referendum will be ironic, doing so only because they know it'll ultimately fail.
No. It's a fucking impossible pipe dream advocated by retards who don't understand what attempting to secede from the United States means or all the different federal benefits they'd be giving up.
You don't deserve those numbers
Yes it will happen but no it will not last long. We fought a civil war over this kind of shit.
So we enable them, exploit their stupidity and carry out at that point a very legitimate revolution. Gun hating liberals vs a militia of conservatives, how do you think that would play out?
hang the traitors high
>implying that "peak capitalism" Las Vegas will ever leave
sad tbqh
Hope so. Do it for the happenings and memes
As funny as it might be, I'd rather avoid a second civil war. Especially if it gave other countries an excuse to try and fuck with us while we're weakened.
What and pass up an opportunity to split California up into multiple states in the aftermath? Torpedoing the chances of Liberals taking back power in Washington for a long time to come?
I live I'm California, particularly the Compton/Carson area of Los Angeles county and I can safely say that if it did happen most people around here wouldn't give a fuck. Californians are so self absorbed and only see what's in the tiny little bubble of their lives. Cali is truly a great place but most residents here take it for granted and turn into self absorbed snobs who expect perfect weather and people wherever they go.
I'd fight and die for California but most people I know are shallow idiots. The racewar would truly cleanse this place and after that all that's left are the God damned liberals and leftists
Please let it fucking happen...
>commiefornia returns all federally owned equipment
>all branches of military leave
>national guard left woth nothing
>threats of (insert any foreign country here) invading cali
>we move in and reclaim the land, only after cali is left economically dead
They probably asked people from the democrat city strongholds.
Real Californians won't stand for this shit. If it actually does pass there will be hell to pay
>Commiefornia gets what he wants
>China will invade
>California secession could be a reality and it could happen in your lifetime
>at the same time, in the same universe, there's the remote chance that california will be split in two states and only one will secede
oh boy
I was thinking that if it was possible, the first thing that needs to be done is build a wall around it.
Because knowing how fucked it'll be when it collapse. The left/liberal shits will simply pack-up and head across state line, than turning those states to shit.
>lets go fuck with that country where everybody is armed, angry and trigger happy
We might suffer a bit during Civil War II but we would come out stronger after removing the libtastisized California tumor
You honestly don't think that other countries would send foreign agents into further destabilize and ideologically subvert America and coax it into wounding itself more than it already is by being in a civil war with one of its largest and most important states?
Feds/military would just take it over.
God did that
It would be over far too quickly for that to happen. The Liberal Californians who are pushing for this have no chance. They have no guns, they have turned the police forces against them, the conservatives within the state who do have guns despise being at the whim of the Bay Area and LA. It is the perfect recipe for a complete blowout.
If only there was a flag they can rally behind?
I was gonna say this, just declare war and annex it lmao, plus we'll get to kill fags.
I'm onboard as long as there is also a bit of an extermination. Maybe something like the entire population of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego as well as a few other bits here and there. They've had it coming for so long.
I may be wrong but isnt there a law that no US state can be created out of existing states making a break up of California impossible?
>playing legion
Enjoy your 5 quests you dumb edgy faggot.