Tennessee cops taser white teen for 3 hours while strapped to a chair

>Tennessee cops taser white teen for 3 hours while strapped to a chair.


I thought cops where the white man's ally? Any lurking bootlickers care to chime in ?

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I wish that was you in that chair.

Torture by police is normal

Police state USA never fails to show the irony of freedom.

>B-but h-he resisted

Usually the "black argument" is used to support the police's side. I wonder how bootlickers will mentally gymasticize this one.

Are you going to defend the actions of those cops?

He wasnt complying with the order to stop yelling? Looked like revenge of sorts.

They'll claim that he was a """degenerate that deserved it"""

Bootlickers are sadomasochists that enjoy being raped by daddy government



third on the list on the day of the rope

sup kim