By the way, fuck the truth.
By the way, fuck the truth.
We have the internet now, just let them do what they want. The schools are theirs and always have been.
I saw a black guy when the French were on the pier and I saw women on the Red Cross ship, serving in the galley on the Destroyers and also on the civvy boats at the end.
All in all, looked to even be slightly generous with it's diversity based on actual accounts of who served on the front lines.
Yet they still claim it isn't good enough because they want to rewrite history to mask their own failings when it mattered most.
There weren't any integrated units back then.
Having 1 Indian face would have been dumb, you'd need to hire 500 and 2,000 mules to have it make sense.
they are censoring the internet. In 50 years the allies will be all non-whites and the axis will be all white. WW2 will be remembered as the war of diversity against white people.
Your face when SJW cucks start editing Wikipedia articles thus changing history.
sad that this isn't even the first article with this agenda for this one movie.
Why was Hitler so power hungry? All he had to do is to not attack anyone and create a fucking paradise for Germans in Germany. Instead he decided to attack Poles. Why?
>Instead he decided to attack Poles. Why?
I think we have all had the urge to attack Poles at least once in our lives.
We just don't all have armies under our control.
there were non white nazis, will the next ww2 propaganda film show them?
>3 million Indians volunteered to fight for the British empire in WW2
He kinda has a point when it comes to Indians...
You niggers wouldn't give back Danzig
You promissed to defend us against Hitler. Instead you did fuck all and later sent all poles that helped you win the war to die from the hands of Soviets.
Well after Dunkirk though
Dunkirk is in fucking France.
You wouldn't give back Berlin and all other Slavic clay.
Yeah, and they fought the Japanese in Asia, not the Germans in France.
The point stands that it is very likely that there were Indians and blacks at the beaches in Dunkirk.
No. They were in Asia and Northern Africa but not in France.
>North Africa
See there you go. There were very very very very very very very few black and indian troops that not showing them is perfectly acceptable. For the African threatre or middle east? Sure, show some mixed integration.
Yeah, except for the part where Indians didn't fight in the European theater until 1944.
So nope.
Funny how the """allied""" went to war because of Poland and ended up letting the Russia take it.
If there were they'd be a negligible amount. If this were a movie about Monte Cassino or Tobruk, then the point would make sense. At Dunkirk it's just tokenism and propaganda.
There were exactly 0 Indians or blacks in the BEF formation that was evacuated from Dunkirk
>entire evacuation was rendered possible because the French rearguard held back the Germans while Brits were sitting on the beach
>Movie focuses entirely on said Brits and barely mention the French at all
>yet SJWs only complain is that the 10 or so black people that were present during that event are not on the screen
Top kek
I remember hearing there where about 400 indians at Dunkirk, compared to the hundreds of thousands of other allied soldiers
If you managed to see a single one of the fuckers theyd be over represented
Did you not read the entire 3 lines of texts? Kinda sad.
Still, I understand the outrage.
Wrong. There would be enough to have 1 or 2 as extras and not be historically wrong.
no the point does not stand...
how about we portray indians and africans in the concentration camps of germany, and as nazis to boot?
20 million chinese died in ww2 as well. The beach should have a few piles of their corpses just lying around, to make sure we're not whitewashing them out.
You fucking retard, communists in poland slaughtered christians by the tens of thousands in the danzig corridor. That's why he invaded you first. The fact that you don't know this makes you ineligiblr to even speak about Adolf, fucking lurk more faggot.
Oh and when i said slaughtered i meant ringed up in the streets and executed just because they were christians, but all Jews were spared GOYIM.
>If you managed to see a single one of the fuckers theyd be over represented
Sorta like showing British soldiers in WW2 films.
New call of duty has black women as German soldiers, so they're way ahead of you
>Movie focuses entirely on said Brits and barely mention the French at all
If you don't like it then make your own fucking movie.
I wasnt aware that China was part of the British empire.
>how about we portray indians and africans in the concentration camps of germany, and as nazis to boot?
There were none though, unlike Indians in Dunkirk.
If we are going with which tribe settled where all of Poland should be Germanic because it was before Slavs pushed east.
Here's another great white movie, isn't it great when a film comes out and its accurate to original content?
Add russian casualties too and the beach becomes impassible.
>"The Indian Army during WW2 was one of the largest Allied forces contingents which took part in the North and East African Campaign, Western Desert Campaign."
Tell me where I'm wrong.
why do they always confirm things in the title like 'why having trannys in harry potter is important', it's like they already know people are skeptical and need to be reminded right away that no this is the right thing to do
I remember seeing black french soldiers on the barricade at the start and on the pier
eastern bloc poland LOL
can you imagine the paradise of a post ww2 polish reich? the glory is too much
>Criticizing movies isnt allowed anymore, if you don't like something about a movie, just make your own
Wew lads
I wonder what Sup Forums would think of that "argument"
It renders their entire board useless lol
>The Guardian
>he still cant read the literal next sentence
Americans man...
>What is Hong Kong
And I wasn't aware the BEF had a sizeable indian contingent, but here we are, arguing for their inclusion.
(((They))) wont be happy until every account of history is portrayed by strong black lesbian muslim women.
>saving private ryan remake 2035
>two nazis are busy on the beaches of normandy shooting meth, worshipping satan whilst in the background two others are playing soccer with a dead baby
>record screech noises
>Fat sassy black women with purple hair and ear gauges wearing army fatigues burst into the room
>the strong fat postivie lesbian black women they draw thier glocks holding them sideways gangsta style and spray the room with bullets while NWAs straight outta compton plays
>the director argues it still counts as an accurate portrayal of history because the kitchen bottle washer at the cafetieria of the 101st was a fat black woman so its theoretically possible she was also a lesbian who could have hypothetically actually been there.
>Bernie sanders brain in a jar (now ruling emperor of the western socialist muslim caliphate) decrees its required viewing weekly in all schools
who tf wants to hear about how france lost another war and how they managed to postpone losing enough that all their friends who tried to help them didn't die.
Kinda offensive picture 2bh
you dared to border Germany
>Because the Frog rearguard held the Germans back
The British left their own country and were heading back, the Frogs were IN THEIR OWN country. What's your point, that the faggots could cower back into some foreign hiding hole?
I watched the movie. My heart was beating extremely hard for 90 minutes straight. You guys need to watch it instead of that excuse for a movie The Emoji Movie.
Christopher Nolan is one of the few directors I actually give a shit about. He acts like he cares.
diverse america is at war with all white germany, diverse america has always been at war with all white germany
This is the same mentality that we now see in America as our Southern history is destroyed one monument at a time. This is straight out of the communist playbook.
Nigger, there was no Communism in Poland before Soviets.
>first its 20 million Chinese soldiers
>now its Hong Kong
Its historical fact that there were Indians present at Dunkirk. I dont really understand where your going with that "logic".
>I wasnt aware that China was part of the British empire
Well then I guess you can consider this your Sup Forums educational experience of the day.
>not having tom bombadil
>why even bother
it would literally win every academy award and twitter would erupt in rage over how much time was given to the 'white savage baby eaters'
Needs more moderate orcs as part of the fellowship.
"Fighting Around the world" isn't a literal comment. There were no Indians fighting in Russia, there were no indians fighting in the Americas or southern Africa. Only in major theatres where war was waged. You're taking a figure of speech and taking it literally.
Even if you want to make the argument that Indians were fighting in Europe, Dunkirk sure as hell wasn't the height of the war.
Come the fuck on Austria.
any one actually got any pictures from dunkirk showing reams of non white faces???
Only about a third of the troops involved in the Battle of Dunkirk were French. While 400 thousand British, French and Dutch evacuated, 2 million French were fighting the Germans elsewhere in northern France.
Its called a thought terminating cliche. Its a sort of fallacy where you state your subjective opinion as objective fact.
List of a few of them
>its just a fact that.......
>and yes (insert opinion) is correct
>just deal with it!
>thats just a conspiracy!
>its just science!
Theres literally a potentially infinite amount of them. Its considered by literary types as a hallmark of totalitarian thought and attitudes. Most leftist rhetoric is riddled with them.
They were all male servants of the officers.
Ok, now that you finally read the second sentence. It is historical fact, that Indians were present at Dunkirk.
Sort of like Mexicans today.
Because he couldn't control his ego and impulses. Also, he got away with a SHOCKING amount of shenanigans, he probably couldn't have predicted consequences. I mean if rearming Rhineland and taking sudeten didn't do it why would Poland? And he correctly predicted that the west would breach their treaties and let Poland fall...
Winners right history. The losers are vilified. Such is history.
but where they soldiers?
Now look at pic related and tell me your opinion about frogs not being depicted in the movie
Aktually Mexicans in the murican army see lots of action, I know this because i have 5 uncles and 8 nephews in the muhrines and they're all killing your precious mudslimes over in the middle east.
And don't be buttflustered pajeet, it's fucking unbecoming.
On this one Polan is right. There there, little Pole. I agree that the world treated you very badly during and after WW II. It's an example of just how bankrupt US diplomatic credibility is. If I were a foreigner I would NEVER trust assurances from the west. For example, Japan and Israel are total cucks for assuming US will defend them if shtf
>Wrong. There would be enough to have 1 or 2 as extras and not be historically wrong.
And a couple of black Frenchmen appeared on the mole while they were trying to get on. So there is no problem.
No one wanted a revisionist movie desperatly trying to turn Britain's pathetic 1940 failure into a feat of bravery either, yet Nolan made it
Why don't any of these idiots understand proportionality? Whether it's women's pay, racial crime statistics, or minority representation, it's always the same thing.
I don't get your argument. No one is saying there weren't Indians in the British army, only that there were too few to make that matter.
Are you really saying that because Indians developed a large force a couple years after Dunkirk and fought mainly in the African theatre, that we need to over represent Indians in an event where they were rare?
That has nothing to do with historical accuracy, that's just whining.
> Britain's failure
The evacuation was only necessary because France collapsed in record time on their own soil almost losing the entire war from the word go.
The point is that, given that frogs had no way to win that war anymore anyway, they should have just surrendered already instead of fighting the Germans teeth and nails at Dunkirk to allow Brits to run away
France had nothing to gain from that operation (unlike Britain), yet they're the ones who did all the fighting
not even a good troll. surely if you were in command you would have known how to deal with blitzkrieg
Any sunny poo is a roody poo
>implying they already don't
>truth is offensive
Nigga pls
A lot of people are saying trump does the same thing. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it's a leftist disease.
>Only about a third of the troops involved in the Battle of Dunkirk were French.
Depends of what you call "battle", but 90% of troops involved in the combats to protect the evacuation were French
Brits, although more numerous than frogs in the pocket, just sat on the beach while the French slowed the Germans down
Here's a short documentary teaching all you need to know about the operation
>Survival is Victory
Is there a more pathetic, feelgood slogan designed to make cowards feel better about themselves? If survival is victory then the 4000 German that fought in Stalingrad and then survived 10 years in gulag to return to Germany are also victorious.
Lmao paddybro, don't you love these ones? (pic related)
there was actually a German division of Indian volunteers. indians admired the germans because of their perceived common struggle against the britbong empire
BFME2 greatness
Dude, don't try to act like Britain was beaten
You had your entire army in France in 1940, and it got defeated in less than a month
If there's one country that has no right to mock France for 1940, it's Britain
Because you too lost that battle
Because Hitler was an autismo sperglord who let those fucking retards Goering and Himmler call all the shots.
If the Nazis had practiced an ounce of restraint they would have been fucking great, but then I guess they wouldnt be Nazis. Didn't help that the British and French were turbocucks who literally bullied the czechs into surrendering to Hitler, feeding clay to an addict.
Interesting graphic. The Germans should know. I don't see how anyone with a brain can say anything besides USSR
Everyone does it on accident all the time, which is fine when they dont realise theyre doing it (its still stupid and illogical but so are most humans.) It becomes a warning sign when the bulk of a groups rhetoric is intentionally constructed of them.
The hallmark of thought terminating cliches is condensing highly complex issues down into a single statement from a specific point of view that leaves no room for debate or arguement. Instead of the merits of a viewpoint being laid out for examination and debate thought terminating cliches just blast one single viewpoint as a slogan intended to crush debate by virtue of being repeated endlessly.
What it signals is that a group is no longer inclusive or open, instead all of its desires and opinions are condenced into orthox bullet points which it demands its followers adhere to. It is no longer giving the followers an option to choose or debate. It is simply demanding compliance.
This is what we are seeing in the left as of late. You comply with the groups manifesto 100% or you get swarmed and shouted down or thrown out.
the lack of pictures of poos and nigs in europe kinda supports them not being there
the middle eastern war front in WW2 is another thing entirely but not many blacks in europe during WW2. saying they fought in WW2 then pretending it was in europe is funny. america wouldnt even let them participate in the european war for instance and only 1 group of black pilots in the war in the pacific were ever used
Germans never seem to know when to stop. It's their national flaw. I guess at some point the refugees will replace all germans and then we will be able to bomb the shit out of them withoit any guilt.
Some of those tweets are pretty funny
>contribute practically nothing to history
>why aren't there blacks and indians in history?
>build impenetrable line of fortresses
>the germans just go around it
Hey, we can't help if the french are strategically illiterate