What does Sup Forums think about Kathy Griffin
What does Sup Forums think about Kathy Griffin
Jogs my nog
Not going to lie I'd pee in her mouth.
me too user. me too
Okay, here it comes!
My father's head! Noooooooooooooooo!
Open up, you piss-guzzling canuck.
I liked her in (((Seinfeld)))
>decide to rewatch some old Drew Carey Who's line is it Anyway on the youtubes
>She shows up
I had completely forgotten about her guest appearances. Never remembered her name before, used to only recall her as "that really short redhead woman with the nice hair." Man, have times changed.
more effort please. saged
Scott Adams is really losing weight.
Another one bites the dust
So, she doesn't like Trump. Neither do I, and neither do most comedians, especially older cucky ones. That's fine, and I think it's fine that she took this pic.
The only thing that pisses me off is she actually apologized and cried and whined about the backlash instead of being based and letting mads be mads. Not that I would really expect her to be based. She's an old, dumb bitch cuck. I'm just saying, the only part I would ask her to work on is the ending.
her future look
Trump could cut off her actual head, wave it in front of the camera.... And get away with it.
It was a test to see how the American public would handle a Trump assassination.
Unironically like her standup. I thought that photo was in poor taste but she shoulda stuck by it and put up with the consequences, rather than blaming everyone else.
Creepy as shit without her hair. Looks like she belongs tending the vault at Gringott's.
>gets photo with trumps head
>mfw i'm edgy n sheet
>oh wait i'm getting backlash
>"actually guys i went too far i'm sorry"
fucking kek, spineless bitch, if you're going to be that edgy you dont pussy out.
A fucking nobody who wasn't overly funny/entertaining back when she was apparently funny/entertaining...
And she's a fucking joo, so back into the oven she goes...
>>"actually guys i went too far i'm sorry"
>implying she pussied out
She blamed Trump you minty fresh faggot.
She was an unknown nobody until she pulled the publicity stunt with Trumps head. I wasn't offended nor did I care about the severed head but it wasn't even funny. It was just dumb and didn't really make sense. It made me almost feel bad for her. She tries so hard her whole life to be funny and relevant but she has never been either. It also made her look like ISIS.
Look at her face.
Old, gross, signs of horror, invalid, stupidity, desperation, etc.
Just a total train wreck. I can't imagine what it would be like to be famous then forgotten and be so desperate to be relevant again while completely failing at it.
kathy did say "he broke me"
Hello Rato. Why are you so bald?
Fuck off Ted.