How is this a general if it's #1? >Bing No a bad search engine, but from a bad company. >Yahoo Yahoo has been going downhill. >DuckDuckGo This one I don't have as much of a problem with, but it needs work.
>Firefox Firefox is made by SJWs and doesn't function very well. >Opera Also doesn't function well. >Safari Yeah, but why would I use mac? >Tor Good for its purpose but ultimately not fast enough to be used regularly.
>Yahoo Mail As I said, gone downhill. >Outlook Haven't used this, but it's Microsoft so basically worthy of boycotting. > I don't know much about this, please enlighten me.
Juan Morales
What's the firefox fork that is actually better?
Isaiah Kelly
>all these butt hurt racists how about you be a decent human being that looks at decent content, instead of a nazi, and your account wont be deleted?
Parker Long
Juan Reed
> I've used it sometimes, does it's job.
Here's from Wikipedia > features unlimited storage and attachments of up to 50 MB. In addition to the address chosen at sign-up, users can create up to nine additional aliases (for a maximum total of ten addresses, one of which the user chooses as default). All ten user email addresses deliver to the default user email in-box, so only one login is required. Users can configure their account to collect their emails from other accounts and servers. This service is still free.
Making an account is pretty easy, you don't need a phone number.
Liam Thompson
Our demands: no censorship of legal content and 2d waifus
Opt out of global data surveillance programs like PRISM, XKeyscore and Tempora. Help make mass surveillance of entire populations uneconomical! We all have a right to privacy, which you can exercise today by encrypting your communications and ending your reliance on proprietary services.
Opera, actually functions really fucking well. I've been using it for the first time since android 3.0 on desktop, and it's much better than Chrome. Built in VPN, built in Adblock, faster load times, not a memory hog. Only downside, it's debugger isn't as friendly for me as firebug.
Grayson Brooks
I think I'm the only one here who uses, only used it rarely
>No phone number >2 GB storage >10 email addresses per account (?) >Can collect emails from other accounts
I don't like Duckduckgo because it's created by a jew. I Don't trust jews.
Carson Edwards
>2017 >not using lynx >falling for the graphical jew
Gabriel Scott
Brave and Waterfox are the best browser alternatives fyi
Qwant is also a good search alternative
Aiden Peterson
It's VPN isn't a VPN. Not for real purposes, at least. They likely keep permanent logs, and they WILL give your information to law enforcement if needed. You can get adblock anywhere. As far as performance goes, tests generally result in chrome, safari, or edge being the best.
Carter Thomas
install gentoo
Liam Johnson
>chrome, safari, or edge You mean the ones we're specifically avoiding here? You mong.
Startpage needs aesthetic improvement, I like Yandex though.
Parker Williams
Just throwing it out there, but Youtube actually loses Google money as it's still not profitable. Really.
That is all.
Joshua Reyes
>Vivaldi Would anyone else be able to second Vivaldi? I already use the other browsers mentioned for different purposes, thinking of this one to gradually replace Chrome. Although I heard something mentioned a while back that the dev team were sketchy/there was something else not quite right about the browser?
Gabriel Ward
I totally agree.
Jason Long
>Sup Forums tries to boycott google >thinks a couple thousand NEETs have even the most minuscule of effects on a multi-national corporation with 60k employees and massive data infrastructure shit the white house Sup Forums petitions to protect white south africans and the one to revoke CNNs press pass didn't even pass 800 signatures. do you nu-chanology faggots actually think google gives a fuck?
Jason Mitchell
no one is out there to get you and all your effort and time is wasted
John Gonzalez
They started censoring youtube for political reasons and we need to start somewhere.
Isaiah Cooper
>bing haha >yahoo large hah >duckduckgo wannabe deep web browser >FIREFOX Stopped reading there.
Thomas Foster
>literally memed someone into presidency >can't take down a company with 1,000s of subsidiaries via attrition
Eli Jenkins
What I'm saying is as far as browsers go you are making some sort of compromise. The worst companies are able to make the best things. Applications are harder to get right than websites.
Mason Baker
>Bing >DuckDuckgo both track you try with startpage
Liam Walker
I'm looking for a fast vpn recommendation.
Henry Clark
>do you actually think google gives a fuck?
no and thats GOOD! you are missing the point. we cant change google, thats for sure. but what you can do is, stay under the radar! make profiling for (((them))) harder to impossible. use vpn/tor, different browser and noscript plugins. pgp for emails. encrypted chats and so on. tails for the full thinfoil!
Christian Williams
>DUDE WE GOT DA PRESIDENT WE ARE LE EPIC user I... plebbit, facebook, and twitter got him into presidency. Sup Forums was but a cog in the machine, not the actual motor behind it. Are you new?
Adam Diaz
>10k neets use script upload to youtube constantly ~1mB/s each >fill up 900tB each day >make another trend that spooks normies (like spritcooking) >convince them run script aswell ???? >google ded
Luis Barnes
The change can start small. There are leftists who hate Jewgle too, you know. Doesn't just have to be Sup Forums
Oliver Morgan
Noah Cook
>mfw boycotting google since 2012 >mfw using startpage way back when it was ixquick >mfw blocking every google/gstatic/analytics script/crossing except for this time GUESS WHAT i AM THINKING RIGHT NOW MISTER ERIC SCHIMIDT IT'S YOU SUCKING MY DICK
Camden Russell
>ITT hate on firefox
But why?
Josiah Torres
but how. I mean you realize the captcha that Sup Forums uses is Google right? They will jew you before you even try to jew them. Their staff is bigger than Sup Forums. They could cripple this site in a day if they found out 10k NEETs were trying to wage a cyber war against them.
Isaiah Murphy
SJW politics, generally lags behind Chrome anyway.
Carter Harris
Buy Sup Forums pass
Isaiah Rogers
Problem with half of VPNs is that they don't work at all. Many will give away your data, or keep logs. And one use is not in any way equal to another aside form the fact that you want privacy. Best site I've seen is
Ian Johnson
>adblock plus but it sucks for blocking ads (it's main purpose) compared to ublock origin
Daniel Wilson
What about old captchta
Ayden Kelly
>"select all vehicles" >click street signs >sometimes it works
Ryan Rogers
Make sure to use GnuPG with whatever email you use
Hudson Harris
You're obviously not using lynx
Xavier Evans
uBlock Origin is the best adblocker.
Samuel Bennett
>giving money to gook moot legacy = google boyo >"select all the boxes with signs" >jap street with signs everywhere >close browser
Jonathan Cox
DDG needs to be fist alternate. if you're gonna boycott jews you need to also not give powers to Microsoft and AOLol
Leo Allen
I already stopped using Google a while ago (since 2015) Everyone should do the same
Jeremiah Sanchez
>unlimited storage so it's a datamining op
Henry Ramirez
What can I use for a cell phone? Everything runs android ((((Google)))) or ((((Apple))))
I only have like 3 must have apps on my phone, but whats a good dumbphone?
Mason Walker
Carter Brown
Problem is phone service providers are terrible, too.
Eli Reyes
always winner of the "security hole of the month"!
anything will do i guess
Aiden Harris
OP, you should recommend a good video ad blocker for the people who do feel the need to visit YouTube.
Adblocker Ultimate works very well with many browsers and it's free.
Samuel Davis
what a bunch of stupid fucking cucks....
Juan Nelson
I use ublock origin. Works pretty well.
Aiden Roberts
I've been using Brave for a while now, it's a pretty good browser. Made by somebody who used to work for firefox and got kicked off the team for not being sjw enough.
Levi Wright
>This post contributed absolutely nothing
Eli Perez
free vpns arent free or vpns, they're mining the fuck out of you
Adam Johnson
How many engineers would it take/how many man hours for an open source alternative?? Anyone? I know fuck all about coding or the intracacies of search engines.
Christopher Bell
>Brave Is this good, have people tried it?
Christopher Bennett
One FireFox extension I like is Bluhell Firewall.
Sebastian Fisher
Avoiding google not to bring it down, but for the sake of AVOIDING google. It's personal. Something you do for yourself so that kikle doesn't have you under its thumb, you miserable piece of shit.
William Gomez
Duckduckgo (Here is my problem, some regional searches I only find with google) Browsers. I used Opera and Safari on my mac (I don't like safari) Mail, well I use icloud and outlook. Video Here comes the problem Phone I simply don't use android
Ryder Sanders
>StartPage the world's most sec- >enhanced by Google
Hover over and it tells you that it anonymously enters your searches into google.
Xavier Davis
Protonmail is a great encrypted e-mail I bailed on Gmail for but you don't get that much useable data before you have to pay for more. Still generally top draw on security and pissing off govt by not being subject to local laws on access and hard to hack.
Moved to startpage and stopped using social media yeaers back. Annoying blindspot is video, we really need an alternative to YT because the other two are just meh. But then the more cunty they get and more they try to censor the more likely it is a decent alternative will emerge.
You are programming the AI to spot cars and traffic signs for their self driving cars. This will replace truck and taxi drivers.
Jace Jackson
yes, controlling the cybers primary vid platform is priceless. profits don't matter here.
Easton Harris
So are iphones better than droid? Looks like we are fucked in the phone angle. Or a Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 with SailfishOS?
Caleb Taylor
Google secretly supports North Korea. They even used to black it out on google maps so you couldn't see what a shithole it was.
These people should be shot.
Hudson Sanchez
No, as products droids are better since you don't have to fuck with your phone to install apps or torrent. Smartphones in general aren't made by good companies though.
Thomas Myers
i like yandex
John Richardson
I've had DuckDuckGo as my default browser since the democratic primaries when Eric Schmidt was blatantly censoring Bernie.
Jordan James
im not going to stop using a free services that literally connects every part of my daily life just because they supports muslims and other sjw shit. grow a pair you fucking insecure loser
Jose Foster
Microsoft's new version of Internet Explorer (Microsoft Edge) is unironically pretty good.
>Good for its purpose but ultimately not fast enough to be used regularly. Become a relay and add more to the network and that solves that problem.
Angel Perry
I use Brave and like it so far.
Nathan Cook
protonmail works well.
Wyatt Walker
this is why everyone thinks white males are weak. they go on their own "boycotts" trying to take down major companies but in the end nobody gives a shit and nothing is effected.
>tfw when pol got so mad over dear white people, a quite funny film that they decided to boycott netflix but ultimately failed because it was so small.
>tfw when pol tries to boycott google even though it will do absolutely nothing