Why are mexicans such crybabies over dumb shit when they have tons of real problems?
A hat in a video game, really?
Mexicans why is your politics so pathetic?
Why are mexicans such crybabies over dumb shit when they have tons of real problems?
A hat in a video game, really?
Mexicans why is your politics so pathetic?
Wasn't there a huge mashup of mexicans saying they loved the hat
Me cago en México
atentamente: todo el mundo
Do these spics think that the sombrero and mustache were some sort of asstec feather dress or something? Italians were wearing that shit before American Indians could even grow mustaches. Same with the ukulele and Roman Catholicism. They are the one's who appropriated it from REAL Latins.
Obviously chicanos and not actual mexicans.
Mexicans don't care. I think it's hiarious that the whole character is based on Italian stereotypes but that doesn't matter.
Reminder that any and all liberal outrage demanding removal of this and that in video games are people that don't even play video games.
Mexicans probably like Muchacho Mario, white college snowflakes and jews are probably the only critics
It's good, now kids won't think of mexico culture. We can cleanse shitskin culture from all media while saying it's protecting them. The japs can just have all jap characters
Because if they bitched about their own problems their government would literally murder them. So they whine about shit white people do instead.
Hillary would have banned the game for racism. I'm said that under trump these racist game developers thought this was okay.
Mexicans are barely human like blacks.
t. Bar Sinson
American politics usually is a mess.
there was but watch Sup Forums rush to jump to the 'crybaby messicans' conclusion
they have to be protected, this game could have hurt their feelings and we know mexicans are sensitive. As white people we have to take care of these types of people. They can't think for themselves like we can.
no one in mexico gives a single shit about this, it's probably the white sjw types are the ones that wanted to get rid of it
It's probably nothing that Sup Forums's got their panties in a knot about. Knowing how advertising works, they probably realized advertising just to spics with the cover wouldn't work, and they needed a broader mario to sell. Has nothing to do with PC culture
It was done by white libtards
>implying its not white libtards who force shit like this
Educate yourself on why this is bad. It leads to violence against Mexicans and under Trump the threat is very high.
In short: Cultural appropriation is when somebody adopts aspects of a culture that’s not their own.
But that’s only the most basic definition.
A deeper understanding of cultural appropriation also refers to a particular power dynamic in which members of a dominant culture take elements from a culture of people who have been systematically oppressed by that dominant group.
That’s why cultural appropriation is not the same as cultural exchange, when people share mutually with each other – because cultural exchange lacks that systemic power dynamic.
But I'm Mexican and I loved the hat. Why the fuck is Nintendo caving so easily?
It's part of the colonization dummy.
Or did you not know Latin America was culturally enriched by the Spanish?
The spics liked it. It's the white SJWs that was screaming and bitching about it.
The best thing companies can do is just ignore whiners like this.
Their boycott is meaningless. The people constantly being offended by things don't impact a product's bottom line because they don't even support things which outright pander to them, if they did the new Ghostbusters would have been a hit. Best thing a company can do is just refuse to comment. It'll be a few day of rage articles in garbage like Huffington and Washinton Post and then they'll find something else to be outraged by and forget all about it.
Fuck, I hate leftist crybabies.