For anyone wondering about the shill problem
For anyone wondering about the shill problem
Other urls found in this thread:
>bumping 30 seconds after op
Kill yourself newfag
The goyim know.
Who funds these online shill operations? Genuinely curious.
Delete this
>Jewish Internet Defense Force
Is this actually a thing? ahahhahahahahhaha
Gas kike scum
Get in the oven, JIDF shill
That image is old as fuck
>inb4 JIDF
I wish I got paid for posting here
>actually believing JIDF exists
kys newfag
We need to bump this thread, brothers.
Soros will die eventually.
The American taxpayer
>0.45 shekels deposited to your account
It's just a pet theory of mine, but I think it might be the Jews
so which one of you faggots is JIDF?
Yeah they've been doing it for years, lots of info on it out there. Not just a Sup Forumsconspiracy. They have affiliations with the ADL.
I wonder how much they pay?
OP confirmed JIDF
i think that's a fake site. don't worry about it. It could be just satire or something.
soccer moms and overemotional kile yuppies with their daddy's trust fund money
>1 shekel donated to your account, goyim.
leftypol and shareblue is ones that are the kikes and the ones we should worrying about not this fake satire JIDF site witch is satire and not real.
Dump everything you have that shows what disgusting subhuman trash kikes are
>Anyone who says they are kek are people I can not trust
Can't the mods step up and do something?
lmao are you for real or trolling? If serious, you've got a nose longer than your erect dick
why?? dont listen to these people. The pic OP posted is satire and fake site to make of the jews. the real problem are shareblue and /leftypol/ threads not this.
(((mods))) topkuk
disgusting kikes
This whole thread is just a lunatic conspiracy.
I see what you did there :^)
Im not trolling. the real problems are shareblue and /leftypol/ threads. stop wasting time on this fake site. its satire
fuck you kike. I hope Pence personally holocausts you.
>whenever someone speaks against them, they accuse them of being us
>therefore, we must do the things they suspect us of doing even more
Where's the logic here? What's the endgame?
reported you
your bank account has been terminated
Even MJ knew, and they ruined him for naming the Jew
Disgusting pedophiles
bretty gud
>everyone that speaks against my baseless conspiracy theory is a shill
>quoting a drug addict fag
Ah, the good old days of /new/
Look up metzitzah b'peh if you don't already know what this disgusting practice is. These hook noses rats are monsters.
I thought the Holocaust never happened?
The taxpayer
>say kike
>even in public if I wanted
>legal impunity
Ahhhhhhhh. Feels good to be American.
>the mexishill arrives
Fuck off, have a bump OP
>cringy trip code
>kekistan flag
Underaged newfag or autistic manchild. Either way, leave this board, faggot.
Sorry JIDF it's too late.
>MFW JIDF kicks the hornets nest
lmao I'm not being paid by anyone, I'm not even jewish, I'm just calling you bitches out, y'all go in every single thread blaming the JOOS for everything wrong in the world. but that's not reality bros, the fact that y'all are a bunch of losers doesn't mean there's 6 million Jews trying to ruin your pathetic lives.
Lurk more beaner
are you guys shareblue or /leftypol/ or something?? getting mad over someone calling out a fake satire site. JIDF isn't real. There is nothing wrong with jew either. cause all you guys blame all the problems on jews.
I remember about 5 years ago some guy found ads on Malaysian craigslist looking for shills. They required 'a grasp on the English language' and 'knowledge of Israeli/Palestinian news and events'. The pay was minuscule, 5 cents per post if I recall.
If you aren't JIDF you're some of the most pathetic people who have ever disgraced this board, either way please get in the ovens
>mfw the nazis lost
'Shlomo Shillowitz Denialstein' JIDF platoon
>JIDF ? it's a lunatic conshapirocy !
>the messican
>a leaf
certified Yid-JIDF's
You fucking dumbass redditnigger
Im not JIDF im just saying its a fake site and you guys should be focusing on shareblue and /leftypol/ threads being made everyday.
>wikipedia article
Anyone can make a Wikipedia article, also all the sources are from 2008
shareblue and leftypol is here
Dude just give it up.
Go home.
Typical low energy attempt at trolling. Gas yourself beaner cryptokike
You do realize you're using the EXACT same tactics described in the OP. Get in the oven
if you are a jew you can brag about one thing at birth
getting your dicked sucked by a rabbi
shut up kike, it's hopeless , they know
>even sell their mugs
pathetic aslighting attempt by a stupid beaner kike ah hah hah
i have enjoyed watching the JIDF evolve from an ironic boogeyman to an unironic one over the last six years
>this fucking new
>it's literally always the Jews
they are actually doing the moral equivalent of making their own ovens and sewing on gold stars
yep satire alright.
that site is satire.
jews are fine
thats fake
do you know anyone can make a fake ass mug right?, you don't even need the real mug to sell it, that JIDF site (and store) are a fake meme site that some fag created to support the baseless conspiracies about Jewish shilling. and you idiots are falling for it. lmao
It wasn't a joke user. when you see someone being called a JIDF, it may be due to genuine suspicion.
this ^^^^^ its easy to fake sites and to make mugs yourself.