Religion is for idiots

Religion is for idiots.


Or black people

Rank states by white population, too.


Christianity is for idiots, Islam isn't.

Black population of both states has nothing to do with this?

*tips fedora*

Yes please don't go to Mississippi nothing good there

>statistics that point towards religion people being dumb is okay
>statistics that point towards blacks being inherently inferior mentally are not okay
the future is bright

Nevada ranked 49
Hawaii ranked 50

Dens of sin are ranked worst of all.


Actually started to reply.

Yeah, man! Let's blame everything on niggers. Meanwhile in the real world, states like WV and WY equal if not worse than MS.

>MA = one of the whitest states
>MS = the blackest state

You could replace MA with Kansas and despite the latter being one of the most religious, it ranks on the top 10 smartest states. Meanwhile Hawaii, the least white state, ranks #1 on the dumb state scale (yes, even higher than MS).

Checkmate, /leftypol/

The whole southeast is infested with niggers.

>best in education
So most bluepilled? Is that supposed to be a positive achievement?

I'd trust a Southerner over a over educated N.E.ner any fucking day.

>Meanwhile in the real world, states like WV and WY equal if not worse than MS.

Nice lie, SJW shitter. The only states that rank above MS are Nevada and Hawaii. WY is ranked as smarter than many states, like PA and OR.

This. Blacks are for idiots.

wrong. education is for idiots. sounds funny? no. i'm serious. it's state sponsored indoctrination and when you grow up you will find that MOST of the stuff you learned in school was patently false, terribly one-sided or of absolutely no practical use

God bless you brother.

>Education is for idiots
Big difference between women's studies and pure mathematics or mechanical engineering.

Wyoming is among the most intelligent states and WV is still slightly higher than the southern states. Fuck off back to r*ddit, you pseudo intellectual nigger.


No, they are very clearly two different points.

>blacks are more religious
more news at 11

Isnt MA where MIT and Harvard are located?
I mean its pretty Petty to use a state with some of the worlds finest universities to make this stupid point.

Yes, only a rural retard would believe in a magical fairy in the sky that even cares for him lmao

Correlation does not equal causation

What religious values do the people of Mississippi value? What is the economic structure of Mississippi? Who lives in Mississippi and what are their cultural values?

If you answer these three questions you will quickly realize why this state is backwards and is hands down the most regressive state in the nation.

>Correlation does not equal causation

Oh sure, you seem to forget that when talking about blacks and crime though

More whites in Massachusetts you fucking dipshit faggot

bullshit im from mass and our schools our shit i fucking hate it here

Now rank them according to depression.

>state filled with niggers
Reminder to all that the ANGLO is descended directly from God.

MA Christfag who got a good education at a religous school reporting in.

>least religious state
[citation needed]

Throw utah up there senpai

this fuck this god damn state

Almost like religion isn't a doctrine for the petty realm of intellectuals

Massachusetts is unreligious, muslim fundamentalists blow up people in their marathons.

You don't see shit like that in Mississippi, OP.


One is full of niggers

Really makes you [spoiler] ALLUH ACKBA- *BOOOOOM*

not surprised.
literally worse than niggers

Ok but explain Sweden

We should wall off Mississippi. And turn it into our dumping ground for criminals.

Escape from Mississippi.

There is no escape. Only private justice.

lmao Mississippi also has the most black people out of any state

No instead you just get shot in the crossfire of a gang shoot out (which happens every 3 seconds in Ole' Miss)

what do you call being smart? living in jew jork making money, no time for you, no family?

Idiocy is conflating education with intelligence.

You're not wrong. Education and belief in religion are on inverse relationships for a reason.

We didn't burn down your towns well enough apparently.

What's your point? "education" is not be-all end-all.

Education =/= Intelligence
If you look at average IQ by state, you'll see that the left-wing havens have a lower average IQ than southern states. Even Alabama has a higher average IQ than California.
Remember to sage slide threads.