What were they fighting for?
Other urls found in this thread:
The kikes
international banks
the hope that your 5 year old one day can get a sex change
The dismantle of their nations, and the implementation of cultural marxist morality and ideology on the entire west.
The world would be in better terms, ideologically, if the nazis fought the american democracy on intellectual grounds, instead of sticking with cancerous communism and cultural marxism.
They fought so they could genocide white people so those devils will no longer be able to start anymore World Wars.
Its true
They got meme'd on
Equality for all human beings
America was controlled by a socialist (FDR) fighting another socialist (Hitler).
They were fighting for England which was run by a Conservative (winston churchill). Overall winston churchill was the problem during that time.
Not this.... Not this.
>this is gonna be a really cool intro to a game one day
>all socialism is the same
kindly fuck off, commie
It can't be that tight. I feel more free than that.
I don't
but then I'm yuropoor.
The American empire.
Hail cobra!
Literally this.
You are used to much tighter pants than americans
For the jews.
i agree, that is why we should have fire bombed England.
Christ man. Sorry to hear that. If you're White, come to Pennsylvania when you can.
Ok, now lets try to get an answer from someone who's not a complete retard.
Sexy traps, The only thing left fighting for.
We were mainly in the war because of Japan, the only reason Germany got it too was because allied pacts.
The right to bully Germans and ruin their dreams.
that sure would be going through my mind. plus the souls of a million soldiers before coursing through my veins t b h f a m
Maybe you lads would prefer life as a caged rat.
>mfw my ID is my name
Futanari doujinshi.
Wrong. Germany was obligated to declare war on any nation that initiated war with Japan. They weren't obligated to declare war on anyone Japan declared war on.
Daily reminder that Hitler didn't have to declare war on America. He did it because
1. He was borderline retarded
2. He considered you a "mongrel race"
Enjoy your blind wank thread
And why do you think that is? That they had to declare war on someone starting war with Japan?
Could it be,
>because they were allies
Just use your damn brain for a second Paddy
There used to be a time when righteous men would stand up for what they believe in and go do something about it instead of complaining on some board on an anime furry website. These men ran through flying lead for what they believed in; freedom, to free the oppressed. Sadly oppressed these days means just being a whiny little bitch.
Someone's got to do something about that dog
>He considered you a "mongrel race"
The bantz about the USA being blacked started in the late 19th century. You can see it in some propaganda posters.
For you to live in peace.
not too late
Gay marriage
To get home alive.
The interests of egotists and psychopaths.
lol this
so many fpbps today wow
to restore freedom and justice to europe
For the existence of LGBT, feminism and european trucks of peace.
>We were mainly in the war because of Japan, the only reason Germany got it too was because allied pacts.
>because allied pacts
Name a single pact that compelled Germany to join in Japan's aggression against the USA. Or just confess that you would rather move the goalposts than admit you were wrong.
It was purely a defensive pact, similar to the one that the EU maintains, yet did they follow Britain into Iraq? No, because they weren't obliged to.
Face it friend, Hitler just didn't like your kind.
Your Daddy would think you an ill bred mongrel dog.
They had literally no idea what they were fighting they were just blindly doing what they were told
This isn't peace faggot.
The right of their grand daughters to get BLACKED
The only thing worth dying for
Do you really need a reason to kill fascist scum
Against you, you fucking nazi scum.
>America was controlled by a socialist (FDR) fighting another socialist (Hitler).
"As a National Socialist, how would you define the difference between a National Socialist and a Communist?"
>What were they fighting for?
The Rebellion.
Trap qt's
Niggers were more of a French """army"""" thing, Jamal.
Ironically they usually fought under a white flag.
Holy shit are you fucking with me?
You just typed it out yourself.
>It was purely a defensive pact, similar to the one that the EU maintains, yet did they follow Britain into Iraq? No, because they weren't obliged to.
>P A C T
Am I having a stroke?
You're fucking with me.
Adolf Hitler 1933: We Want Nothing But Peace!
Adolf Hitler: A Last Appeal to Reason
Adolf Hitler: Man of Peace?
Adolf Hitler: Response to Churchill's Push for War
Adolf Hitler's Struggle for Peace
Adolf Hitler Wanted Peace and an Alliance with England
Hitler's Appeal for Peace and Call to Reason to Prevent World War II in 1939
What the World Rejected: Hitler's Peace Offers 1933-1939
How World War II Came About
The Jewish Hand in the World Wars
The Jews Declared War - Against Germany!
Judea Declares War on Germany
Important Quotations for a Better Understanding of World War II
The Myth of German Culpability
President Roosevelt's Campaign to Incite War in Europe: The Secret Polish Documents - Mark Weber
Roosevelt's Campaign to Incite War in Europe
Stalin's Secret War Plans
There Was No Need for World War II
The Zionist Jewish Role in Causing World War II
When the holocaust museum opened here in Canada, they took all the local school kids, or course. The news interviewed some, and my Dad was watching the news. They asked one little girl why Canada fought WWII. She said, 'to save the Jewish people'. My Dad, a WWII buff, said that wasn't why we fought WWII. I responded that the 'little girl was right, Dad.'
The fog to clear.
>The kikes
To maintain the interests of the American empire, which included its imperial interest in Asia (hence the provocation of and fight with Japan) and the well being of its major allies and trade partners in Europe: France and Britain.
No need for conspiracy theories or Nazi propaganda to know that this is the truth. You can come to this conclusion by reading the official sources on the period.
The Luftwaffe did if you have enough synapses to remember what happened to Coventry.
Bluntly, a new world order based upon the domination of the US dollar as the world reserve currency. Ruling caste would be an Anglo-Zionist liberal elite, and a Jewish-Soviet elite, the latter of which was aborted after Stalin's post-war anti-Jewish purges and trials.
See: Breton Woods Conference, Prague Trials
god why do people keep attempting to push this stuff if they can't spell for shit
this, murdoch murdoch had a good episode but it got taken down
They believed they were fighting a world evil, a foreign power that sought their destruction and everything they held dear. That's why even as a NatSoc, I don't hold any ill feelings towards the soldiers who served on the Allied side of the war. What they really fought for was international finance (Jewry), usury, and the suppression of the greatest threat to Marxist Communism the world has ever seen.
They were fighting to maintain the power of the US government. They were all fucking cucks, and most of them were German, or Irish, so they were fighting their families and their blood, to help their enemies, in a war which had nothing to do with America.
They were fucking cucks and retarded.
They were their to destroy the weeaboos
Because if they didn't, a pretty girl would give them a white feather and they'd feel embarassed.