What would it take to re-unify all the Christian churches?
What would it take to re-unify all the Christian churches?
All the Christians would have to want the Church to be united. I wish it would happen within my lifetime but I don't think it will.
Getting rid of all heretics and schismatics.
Destroy protestants .
a new crusade to remove muslims and jews
Literally the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
this, fools
Destroy the Vatican.
This. Operation Dog-Collar must be completed.
Russia retakes Constantinople and restores the Hagia Sophia to its pre-Islamic design, then ISIS snackbars the Pope in retribution.
Who decides that someone is a heretic or schismatic? You're sounding a lot like liberal people who want to ban "hate speech", user.
Islam is a tool of Catholicism. Mohammad was groomed and supplied by Catholic priests.
You destroy Catholicism and you destroy Islam.
Quick rundown?
You should not want unification of contradicting theologies, that's called ecumenism and it's heresy
Instead, individuals are accountable for interpreting God's word correctly for themselves, and debate should not be suppressed
Heretic, kys.
Where do you disagree with me?
Do you see how I asked you to explain yourself, instead of advocating suicide? Which of us do you think a prospective Christian will want to listen to?
I was mimicking Catholics. Woosh.
i'm thinking egyptian style reunification put the patriarchs hat inside the popes hat
freudian and stylish.
O :^)
>Secret Nazi Operation concocted by Hitler, Himmler, and Bormann
>state of emergency in Italy
>news of slaughter of the jews being fed to the Vatican
>Nazis start rounding up jews in Rome and make it a public showing in order to get Pope Pius to speak out against it and make him endanger the security of the state of emergency, giving Nazis freedom to arrest him
>Bring Pope Pius to Berlin as prisoner and execute him
is the jist
Only reason it didn't work was that Italians are shit at war and couldn't hold Italy from the allies long enough.
At least Hitler managed the destruction of Monte Cassino (the Allies were baited into destroying it but that was part of his plan).
I'm sure the RCC will eventually re-absorb the Orthodox churches (they're all the same shit anyway, just with a more "nationalistic" flavor). With Protestants it's going to be much harder; you'd have to convince ALL of them that Luther, Calvin, Wesley, etc. were wrong and that they should pray to Mary.
Christ returning
they want to unite everything, they want to unite jews muslims and Christians
it's going to happen with the antiChrist, just remember that and dont fall for the meme
Any angel who walked upon the surface of the earth could do it in a heartbeat. The zealous loyalty of the Christian faiths could be there for the taking by the first wingaling to show up wanting it.
That kind of thinking gave us over 9000 different denominations and sects.
There are a lot of people who believe that Jesus Christ can appear at any time that will fall for unification meme. I blame the Catholic Church for misleading these people. youtube.com
non-catholics to stop being so retarded
They aren't supposed to be united. Each nation and region is supposed to have its own church.
holy shit it's happening, be ready people
Because that worked so well for Mid-East Christians and Protestant Europe.
Der hello. Revelations 12. 9/23/17. World War Three.
Matthew 24King James Version (KJV)
24 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.
2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Where do you pull that number from, and why do you consider more groups a bad thing?
Working just fine for Orthodox.
wtf I love Papists now
In contrast, the number of Jewish and Muslim divisions can be counted with one hand.
NICEA III is in 2025. That legitimately might.
>what would it take for all churches to unify under paganism
kek, kys catholicuck.
other religious leaders acknowledge the one true champion of christian faith
Soon brother soon.
What's your point? Decentralized Christianity is still better.
>What would it take to re-unify all the Christian churches?
the antichrist
Catholics stop being MASSIVE cucks and protestants stop the fag-acceptance.
The Orthodox and Catholics will porbably reunite within the next century,the only reason they havent is because the Moscow patriarchate enjoys being the de facto head of orthodoxy and is buttblasted at Constantinople trying to lead again, so they just oppose any shift from the status quo.
I could see a reunification of said church with anglicanism and lutheranism, but after that itd be stretching
Non-Jew worshiping thread!
More denominations of Christianity create more unique cultures. I'm okay with southern baptists in the south, their towns are comfy, so are the few Puritans that live in New England. Mormonism in Utah is also good. Lutheran/methodist sects in the northern states around Illinois are good. Catholicism in California and New England, etc.
stop idoltry. Ye shall worship no God before Me."
That would make sense, if they united in the US, they would strongly lean towards liberalism.
what if Jesus is black when he returns?
Mormons are as close to Christianity as Muslims are. Do not lump them in with Christians.
>Who decides that someone is a heretic or schismatic?
Blood. Lots of blood.
>The Orthodox and Catholics will porbably reunite within the next century
Lol. The Eastern Orthodox haven't even fully united with the Oriental Orthodox. Your optimism borders on absurdity.
It would take a massive crisis/divine intervention.
Oh so we're going to use the infallible word of God that is the Bible to decide. That's all I've ever wanted. T_T
An alien base in antarctica
Get the rope, my boys.
less pedophilia and more gandalf beards
Don't let the name fool you, there is a far bigger split between Oriental "Orthodoxy" and Orthodoxy than between Orthodoxy and Catholicism. Oriental Orthodoxy split off from Chalcedonian Christianity (Orthodoxy/Catholicism united) over Christs Nature- for the record if you want some genuine autism google that debate. The main reason for the Catholic Orthodox split in 1054 was political, over the Papacy wanting dominance over the other 4 patriarchs as well as the Caesaropapism of the Byzantine Emperors. All it takes is a succession of more "consensus" minded Popes a la Francis to make the entire debate pretty moot
>And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (Revelation 13:8, KJV)
When you kill the leftist Godless ((((pope francis))))
About North America
The conversation was stilted, as one might expect with the struggle for the possessed person’s soul, but the gist was that Plinio was randomly “breaking people's computers so that they can’t go on the internet” and that he is changing the climate and was “therefore the author of the climate change, and the increase of heat. It is Plinio who does everything,” according to the devil as channeled through the exorcist. Then, the devil predicts that a meteorite will crash into the Atlantic ocean. “North America will disappear,” he warns.
About (((Pope Francis)))
The devil then turns to the fate of Pope Francis, which Tornielli was able to transcribe and translate from the somewhat distorted video. “The Vatican? It's mine, mine!” the devil says to the exorcist, according to Tornielli’s transcript. “The pope does whatever I want, he's stupid! He obeys me in everything. He is my glory, he is willing to do everything for me. He serves me.”
Then the devil, again as channeled by the exorcist for the Heralds of the Gospel, predicts that the pope will perish, not during a voyage, but at the Vatican. “The pope will die falling,” the exorcist’s transcript says quite clearly.
The Catholic Church will have a major role in the end times to say the least. Second Inquisition.
I'm informed regarding the mono/dyophysitism issue. There's been substantial progress of late in reconciling the two positions and many now believe it to be a semantic issue. From what I understand there is also some degree of intercommunion now between the Antiochian and Syriac Churches. But no one realistically thinks that there is going to be an actual reconciliation anytime soon. You're also papering over the dogmatic developments within Catholicism that effectively make reconciliation with Orthodoxy impossible, namely those of Vatican I.
Puritanism ceased to exist 300 years ago. Most of their descendants (United Church of Christ, Presbyterians, etc.) are liberal as fuck.
Absolutely subversive. Someone post the pic so I can save it.
The Papacy would have to be rendered inert and eliminated entirely. Catholics won't do this because they like worshiping the great harlot of Revelation.
Read chapters 1, 4 and 5 of the last book of the Bible, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ." Physical description included. What color is "like burnished bronze?" What color is "like lightning?"
(Of course the the whole last book, it is a hoot.)
Islam killing millions of us
they were never united you fucktard
I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be NO DIVISIONS among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.
Corinthians 1:10
What would it take to re-unify all the Koreas?
this, unironically
Second coming
Undercover Jesuits detected.
The second coming of Christ might help a bit, but I doubt even that would unite or set the church back on the right path.
They are above Jesus now days.
re-unification would take over a century
a functional alliance could be established with the right people in place and the right circumstances
Christianity is rather unified at the moment regarding hard beliefs due to the softening of most sects of Christianity. Obviously they will continue to say their interpretation is correct over others.