What do you think the next American civil war will look like and what will the teams be?
Civil War
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there won't be one. just distrust, dislike and muddling.
liberals don't like guns so it would be over in less than 30 seconds
I've come to the conclusion that it won't even happen. Progressives who oppose the system can't do shit when the police and military are Pro-conservative. If there was a conservative revolution on the other hand, it would likely turn into a military coup and progressives would probably turn into terrorists and start suicide bombing.
Left Alliance vs Government vs 卐Right Alliance卐
Damn, I had a hammer and sickle symbol around the left alliance and a star of david around the government(like I have the swastika around "right alliance") but Sup Forums doesn't recognize the star of david and hammer and sickle. Sad!
The whole country versus you.
Resist the wedges the shills are driving. If we can stand together against the cabal we'll see them all executed for their crimes.
Farmers stop sending food to urbanite scum.
We win.
Post maps
I wonder what roles Canada and Mexico would play...
California and NYC would starve off within a month. They're gunless and too busy shoving HR pills down their gullets to do shit about it.
> It is exactly what is currently happening.
> it is currently happening.
Trump is going for the soft military coup of congress. It is the only way to MAGA.
The President cannot drain the swamp or bring about law and order if his own party colludes with the opposition to undermine his policies.
The only way to drain the swamp is to dissolve the obstructions.
What do I win?
Cities vs rural.
a (you)
You can call it a civil war but it will be a slaughter
>day one
cities decide they will be independent, police, fire, all the wealthy, half the working class whites and military all leave for the countryside. Leftist territory consists of the California coast and small urban center separated by hundreds or thousands of miles of right controlled territory. Within a day food is gone from the stores.
Week 1
The military easily takes DC, for the right, since its almost entirely right leaning. Several months of chaos will be in store due to DC insiders and deep staters needing to be rooted out and waging urban terrorism in DC/Baltimore/northern Virginia.
Meanwhile in the cities food and water are already stretched, Gas is gone, medicine running low, some cities are already overrun by crime with no police, hundreds killed in gang violence as strong men fight for control. Many white lefties are killed or wounded being mistaken for the enemy. Some cities already surrendered, some already taken back by local reservist forces.
>Month one
All the cities that are willing to give up peacefully have done so, sympathy from red america is allowing a little food/water/power/ etc through to help the people in besieged cities. Hundreds are killed and wounded in sporadic fighting at the battle lines. People who arent that convicted to the lefty cause defect. Buildup around the pockets of resistance begins.
3 months
After three months only the most die hard centers of resistance hold out, Seattle, San Francisco, LA, NY, Boston. Cities are plagued by crime and infighting, in an effort to avoid conflict red America decides to starve them out, no food, water, medicine, electricity, sewer, or communications in or out. People defect in mass due to starvation. At this point even some places you would expect to fight to the bitter end would collapse and surrender.
There will never be another civil war. Any serious civil unrest would be crushed immediately
Better than nothing
You're a fucking idiot
Possibly the saddest picture ever. Life's a bitch.
This is so many types of retardation
>Within the first 6 months
Between months 3-6 the last of the resistance will not give up. This numbers maybe a few million total concentrated in 1-5 urban centers that haven't already surrender or been won back. Thousands a day flee the cities as internal persecution claims more lives than the sieges ever could. The humane thing to do is invade. Forces move in, heavy urban conflict will last several weeks to a few months with sporadic terrorist attacks, hold outs and guerrilla campaigns lingering on for months to come.
The left side is absolutely destroyed.
>1 year
After one year the last of any guerrilla insurgents, are ruthlessly taken out. Laws are being passed in congress to prevent Marxist/progressive thought from taking hold again (to much anger of the libertarian wing of politics). Organizers and many democratic politicians seen as egging the war on will be prosecuted for sedition and treason, the trials will last years.
IF anyone like Expects a different outcome they are fooling themselves.
At best its a shorter conflict and the left has less resolve, this is literally the worst case. Several hundred thousand will die, millions temporarily displaced, economic depression for several years, loss of liberty and the ultimate victory of the far right all but assured.
DESU ill take that if we can purge the left.
great analysis, lets not forget as well in the general military and reserves and national guard are made up of mostly conservatives.
>Colorado outer territories
skins v skins
Balkan america Now? This is my prediction for a future balkanized america many years after most of the fighting is over and borders stable.
Maybe like 2080 or so.
Only people in cities with guns nigmares... whites become red-pilled?
> The military easily takes DC, for the right, since its almost entirely right leaning
DC is like, Africa 2.0
What the hell are you talking about?
California has a lot of farming, assuming in this scenario the Jefferson Plan doesn't play out. NY on the other hand...
But the military isnt, in any civil war over politics the Army will basically be de facto Republican control.
They would secure the capitol instantly but the people there would resist heavily for most of the war.
Most of the central valley is conservative, only the extreme coast of Cali is liberal.
We know niggers have no trigger discipline, they will run out of ammunition quickly.
I know you guys have never been here, and that's fine, but you need to trust me that Illinois is a red state. I know it's nearly impossible to believe based on a lot of things.
I mean, pic related. It's a bit hard to explain.
California has more guns than any other state and also grows more food than any other state. Realistically the next civil war would look like this
>Anti-government lunatics and sjw feelwarriors and Texas possibly Florida vs bootlicking cucks
all you have to say is "Chicago" and we would understand user
Not really hard to explain, the only whites that stay in Chicago and completely cultist ideologues. I mean who could see what they see constantly and still think POC are just like us
It's going to end up being the south versus eveyone fucking else. Whites are slowly going to Dixie and make up a high majority of the communities That map is a perfect example of the tactics used by those leftish socialists. Flood the inner cities with welfare and immigrants and illegals and control the state
Trump just barely got here in time
Never realized how much of an obstacle those mountains would be to settlers.
Donner, party of eight?
>California has a lot of farming
You cannot feed the entire population of that state from what farming there is.
They mostly grow value-added commodities like nuts and fruits (i mean the edible kinds not liberals and queers).
Grapes, alfalfa, and almonds aren't going to go a long ways towards feeding a population of roughly 40 million.
I doubt the legal gun owners and farmers are largely democrat
> entire west coast leaves
> most of New England leaves
> NY, NJ, Delaware and the greater Philly area leave
> some majority black/latino areas leave too
> rightists don't give a fuck because "lmao fuckin cultural marxist SJWs, we'll be better off without them"
> The flyover states become even more of a third world country than usual because they can't parasite off of blue states anymore and have to pay for their own shit with their own taxes
> Christian Sharia is the law of the land
> Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are gutted by (((cuckservatives)))
> Everyone lives in abject poverty
See that's where you're wrong, too. I mean, you're right that they're cultist idealogues, but you're wrong that they don't see this stuff constantly. They never see it. All the violence and bullshit is literally congregated in particular small communities in the city. Chicago is one of the most segregated cities in the world. These people literally never see each other. The one side never sees the violence and is nearly completely safe and in beautiful neighborhoods (by city standards).
Northern California has almost all of the farms in the state, and it is mostly conservative. Personally I doubt they would supply southern California.
>California has more guns than any other state
All of which is in the governments hands.
>and also grows more food than any other state.
Nope, most food by value, not even close when it comes to staple food production.
You've thought about this a lot it seams. When do you think it'll happen?
You are a fool if you think the American left would do anything other than die en mass in a civil war
I'm trying to have a reasonable and realistic discussion about this but your memeing is getting in the way. California grows a whole lotta shit, easily feeds itself. Literally feeds itself and plenty of other states right now.
Not really but you would be a fool to believe that means they're white nationalist alt Reich supporters and will bring the day of the rope with them.
Here's a guy who looked at Facebook shit to find out how Americans connect with each other.
Hopefully it doesn't.
Even thought he right would win, and I would be objectively happy about that, it would be the end of our free society. OR whatever is left of it.
It will be just like the Balkan wars large tribes beating on each other trying to get more territory and resources
Cities vs rurals.
The minorities will butt fuck you and your wife at the same time. The sissy white people aint gonna do shit, or get arrested.
Guns owned by the people. I know you don't want to believe it but it's true. Texas is second with Florida third.
California still grows more food than any other state. Hate to break the truth to you. Combining all the corn states together obviously not. This whole thread is sounding like some anime fantasy you guys jerk over about. I want to see some real well thought out statements not some shit riddled with memes.
You too are also a fool if you believe anything is that easy.
Neoliberia is a cock
>civil war
We're not talking stand your ground here, we're talking legal RWDS. Motivated white people are pretty good at genocide.
>implying the police force isn't mostly white
>implying the military isn't mostly white
those minorities are going to be butt fucked by the police instead
West Kentucky will reign for 10000 years
I just want SOMETHING to happen. It's way passed the time of hitting the restart button on this country. Turn off the power and let's get this shit started already!
"Republic of Latin America"
It won't happen
I hope it ends up looking like East of West.
>implying I didnt watch a video of three white cops tasering a bound and gagged white man, about 3 hours ago.
>implying white people dont account for the largest voting base on the left.
There choice would be to side with fellow whites they find distasteful or die for the motley crew of gays, trans, blacks, and muslems who will surely bond together into a formidable fighting force.
New England Fag here
All the working class ( gun owners ) in CT and Mass would fight for America
Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine have a strong percentage of Gadsen flag types
>Trump wins reelection.
>Antifa gains support and calls for resistance.
>Antifa mobs begin targeting suburban areas indiscriminately.
>Antifa gets caught up in the moment and declares war against anyone who they perceive to be fascists.
>Militia groups get fed up and completely massacre Antifa, because Antifa doesn't believe in guns.
>Antifa plays victim and labels militia groups as terrorists.
>Media pushes anti gun agenda nonstop.
>Trump gets cucked because Fox News told him that guns are bad.
>Trump orders military to confiscate all "assault weapons".
>This is where the real civil war begins.
>Suburban and Rural retards outnumber the US Military 10 to 1.
>Still gets wrecked because the government has tanks and apache helicopters.
>Guns confiscated.
>Constitution shredded.
>Totalitarian Governmental Nanny State Established.
>Sup Forums shut down.
>Antifa wins.
I do hope it happens. I understand the implications, but with the state of the world today, we need a country like your pic here
A police state isn't necessarily bad, as long as it really does have the people interests.
The third Reich as example.
can confirm
do you think the police force of cambridge is going to stay there and protect all the communists from the roving gangs of nigs coming across the longfellow, or be in the suburbs looking after their families.
>it's either this or that
If only the world were so simple good thing it's not and your day of the rope disguised as a glorious uprising is nothing more than a shitpost. Please put some real thought into it.
>California grows a whole lotta shit, easily feeds itself. Literally feeds itself and plenty of other states right now.
I'm not surprised in the least that you're this fucking stupid coming from the public education system.
California imports most of it's food because they don't grow nearly enough staple crops to feed their population.
You're to stone fuck retarded to understand the difference between a staple food crop and a value added one.
Also, where do you think you'll be getting all that fertalizer your state is dependent one once you quit the union?
Protip: all of it comes from Florida, and is imported via the gulf of Mexico. Any other state could easily destroy the two major ports that commiefornia relies on to import all of it's phosphorus from and no less then 70% of your crops would be gone in less then one year.
I guess it all depends on whose side the government takes. Any rebel force wont have access to drones, heavy weaponry,etc. At the moment of truth, does the army follow their commanders' orders or turn on them? History has examples of both.
you are an idiot
This does not refute what I said. Use your 3 brain cells and maybe you can muster out enough cognition to understand that.
>California has more guns than any other state
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha -- you can't even legally own firearms with more than 10 rounds while Walmarts in FL were selling AR15s. Time for you to come back to reality
I don't stand with this spic invested shithole. Sink this ship and lets balkanize
It won't happen because leftists prefer oppression.
no clue wtf is going on in central america or what the reasoning is behind that but I can get behind that North America
It will almost be a race war but it will be like the first civil war in that the northerners and southerners disagree on a key issue and point of contention. People are self-segregating today and the longer it goes on the more that land borders will delineate ideology. This is the instant civil war recipe, just add anger.
And then we build the all-white Amerikaner Free State.
Oh sorry I questioned your superior IQ. I just wanted to let you know none of that is true. California grows a shit ton of rice, beans, wheat. Cattle, chickens. You really think it's just activated almonds out there? Again sorry if im questioning your superior private education.
Reality is calling you bud
>le farmer meme
Most of the country's food comes from large commercial farms that depend on government subsidies.
I fucking gave you the outcome of the 2016 election. Most white people voted for Trump. Use actual facts instead of insults.
So much Kek in one image XD!
The salt lake and Great Lake union killed me. Literally based an alliance off of having lakes.
>California grows a shit ton of rice, beans, wheat
Not enough to feed it's population kiddo.
Also, less then 20% of people in California own guns, the lowest percentage in the entire western half of the union.
Northern Quebec and Ontario would be part of "Canada", most of the Quebecois separatists live towards the south.
Large commercial farms which are inside cities and staffed by niggers? Because if not, what does it matter.
California is also needs energy from other states. I could be wrong but I don't think they produce enough to sustain themselves.
Owned and operated by conservative white males
It's clear you did not read the article you grabbed that pic from. Read closer -- those numbers are estimated/hypothetical numbers based on population.
“We cannot tolerate this any longer,” said the former CIA Director at the head of the table. “We have to forcibly retake the government from Donald Trump. It is the only way save our democracy.”
His audience nodded solemnly. The men and women gathered at that secret February meeting on the top floor of 241 West 41st Street, the New York Times building, were Democrat politicians, media figures, retired and active members of the federal security bureaucracy, and several Establishment Republicans, and they were at wit’s end. There simply was no other choice. Donald Trump must be replaced, and it no longer mattered how. This meeting was the genesis of the bloody coup of April 2018.
Out of power, with #TheResistance fading, the ruling class elitists dislodged from their sinecures by the arrival of Donald Trump and his populist followers in 2016 were desperate. There was no guarantee they would retake power in 2020, or even 2024, were Ivanka to run. Their Trump/Russia fiasco had crashed and burned. They had created the pseudo-scandal to convince the electorate that Trump and Putin had been tongue-kissing during the election and, instead, it backfired on the Democrats by revealing their Fusion GPS/FSB shenanigans. Worse, somewhere in a DOJ safe house, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was trying to keep out of prison by spilling her guts to Jeff Sessions’ investigators.
This farmland is highly dependent on water imports from the Colorado River and Oregon. If the rebels can't maintain control of Oregon and Arizona AND maintain air superiority, California would be the first state to capitulate to the Union. They'd be the Tennessee of CWII.
It had been all the mandarins could do to suppress that scandal, though in the uncontrolled media – and in Trump’s accursed tweets – Democratic corruption was still under a spotlight. After Trump went on the internet (since no network but Fox would show his speech) to explain that he was firing Robert Mueller for his massive conflicts of interest and his inability to run a professional, leak-free organization, nothing happened. The media railed, Capitol Hill was in an uproar, but the people understood that having the accuser’s best buddy lead the investigation makes it a sham, and Trump’s numbers didn’t budge. In fact, polls for Trump-allied primary candidates rose. Future Michigan Senator Kid Rock was even acting like a real candidate, releasing a position paper on tariff policy –“My position is standing up for America first and not bending over for these damn foreigners! Word.”
The Democrats were stalled and powerless as General John Kelly’s focused and disciplined White House staff, in conjunction with the cunning and vindictive Mitch McConnell (who relieved Schumer-ally John McCain of his beloved Armed Services Committee chairmanship “reluctantly, so my good friend John can focus on his health and his family”), began pushing through appointments, filling empty court seats, and notching legislative wins. The media’s credibility was in free fall – CNN’s ratings dipped below those of Love, American Style reruns on the That 70s Channel network. And the GOP Establishment, frozen out of government jobs and abandoned by donors, was in a panic. “You should see how many empty cabins we have on the Weekly Standard Does Scandinavia cruise!” whimpered one disgruntled conservative publisher.
If Nevada cut off the water, they'd be fucked.