How does this make you feel Sup Forums?

>Be me
>27-years-old Algerian born and raised in Canada
>Skipped two grades in elementary school because i was smarter than the Canadians
>Have a masters in electrical engineering at the best university in Canada.
>Working as a consultant at an IT company
>10/10 super fit Canadian fiancé
>Busting huge loads into her womb every night trying to get her pregnant
>Our goal is to have 2 multiracial children before we turn 30

How does this make you feel Sup Forums? Does this trigger you? My parents are from North Africa, yet i am 100 times more successful in life than you are. When will you realize that i am the future and that you are obsolete.

>how does this make you feel

like with all shill threads, reddit faggot being reddit faggot

I am cool with this. Slip her one from me. Fuck polfags. 50 years from now and they will not exist.

feels like sage

>successful people
>browsing Sup Forums

Something isn't adding up here

>2 kids
your not aiming high enough

Algeria doesn't exist it is a French creation.

Your country needs you - go make Algeria great. Also, find an Algerian and make great Algerian babies.

> best university in Canada

we have community colleges too

feels made up. Feels like I always remember to sage.

Eternal leaf

stories that never happened the thread saged

I'm fine with this, I bleached a North African myself. Your kids will be white Muslims, the future of the west.

I only have the girl part missing(plus not North African). I guess I have two more years..

shill thread sage slide

>How does this make you feel
I know it's just LARPing. The best way to get back at shitskins is to go on missionary trips where you give the mudblud women the missionary.

>spreading Aryan seed all over the Middle East and North Africa

3/10 face though. I hope you are handsome. And not too critical. Upgrade?

>10/10 gf
>muh college is gonna help me survive coming apocalypse

In this thread OP posts a girl who rejected him in the hopes that pol harasses her.

You are a traitor to your own race.

Saw the flag and decided it wasn't even worth reading.

North Africans aren't even niggers.

keep triggering those nazis bro

i remember you, you've posted this thread before with the same stupid shit, as if you're some special nigger that therefore invalidates all logic

anyways the answer is that no one gives a shit about your personal success, we care about your retarded cousins, who compose the vast majority of your country, immigrating here.



Presuming you're not larping,
>successful intelligent person having children
cry me a fucking river

yeah, but you are a dunecoon.

so the only true white GOD has already punished you.

You are successful at adapting to Canadian society. Idgaf what race you are, congrats on living the Canadian dream.

Race isn't an issue if you adapt to the culture.

>mfw it comes out blacked

its not safe to touch them they have aids and shit

>No ring
>Try Harder

Nice twice sequential repeating of digits.

Also, any pics of her boobs? They look like they'd be surprisingly large.

You're just going to end up being shot and killed by one of us anyway, sad!

Honestly OP?
Post like yours make me feel like I failed in repelling you from my homeland and it makes me feel like I need to step up my racism ten fold.
Is that what you were going for?

7/10 at best that will look like a wild hildabeast, considering she mixes she's guaranteed to have fucked lots of BBC in her "wild" 18-22 college years (probably at least a dozen black homeboys), your inferiour inbred genetics will result in hideaous mentally ill terrorist jihadis, you can't even fucking spell properly and IT in Canada pays $70K at most


Fuck you nigger

happy for you desu, fuck racists

100×0=0 my dude

Thank you.

>trying to get her pregnant
Nice beta

>Race isn't an issue if you adapt to the culture.
it really is tho.

but beta bux mr engineer here will have a couple of italian looking children then get divorced and have to pay alimony while whore ex wife goes black. she'll probably tell everyone he beat her and they will beleive cus he's from muzzie country

>he can find photos of anonymouse grils on facebook

you're like some kind of genius, sandnig

pic related: my fiance

Doing God's work user taking these wacky undesirable white women out of the genepool.

Jokes on you, liberal white women are the most annoying people in the world

You better pray that Sharia law is imposed ahead of schedule, otherwise you're signing up for the worst hell you can imagine

Yep. You won't exist either. In the unlikely event that you get daughters and grand-daughters, they might still be around though. Yummy

>How does this make you feel Sup Forums? Does this trigger you? My parents are from North Africa, yet i am 100 times more successful in life than you are. When will you realize that i am the future and that you are obsolete.

you fucking idiot. Canada has some of the strictest immigration laws in the Western world. They specifically ONLY take in the best people from the 3rd world.

You are NOT representative of your people. You parents are the rare NON-FAILURE members of your old shit society. Canada is HARVESTING YOU. You could be in your homeland, making things better for your people. Instead, you are here, on Sup Forums, bragging about your servitude to global capital.

Get a fucking grip, you retard. Here's your future: race-mixing yourself entirely away into a white gene pool, vanishing from earth. Your culture vaporized, and your people suffering in the 3rd world. LOL. And that's be best outcome. Since you're a brown guy, you'll have trouble finding women. And since you're Westernized, you might have 1 or zero kids anyways. Genes = erased. Yeah, fuck whitey!


>my name means that all of my claims are true
it doesn't the fact that I've impregnated all the women in your family, you can have our trash women which to you are obviously 10/10s, Alergian women are basically niggers.


Yea well I'm not a nigger

And nothing of value was lost

how fucking retarded do you have to be to bump a thread like this?

fucking embarassing

typing sage in the options field prevents a thread bump just so you know

Half of my family are self made millionaires. Success makes you an dickhead. Just know if that gravy train stopped how quickly your loyal woman would abandon you.

>posting both your name and insurance number on Sup Forums
kek you're really fucking stupid aren't you


You're doing God's work. :-)


This thread again ? For such a succcesful sandnigger, you sure have a lot of time to spare shitposting here.
Pic related is OP's grandmother, offering the legendary algerian hospitality to french troopers.

Hey man I have 2000 IQ. You don't know who you are dealing with here.

Buddy you wouldn't be shitposting on Sup Forums if any of that was real :)

C'est la première fois que je poste ce topic.
D'ailleurs, venant d'un Français, c'est tout simplemant pathétique.
Dois-je te rappeler que mes semblables colonisent ton pays?

Saged and reported

>Be me
(Be typical shitskin desperately flooding into a white country while having an undeserved superior complex about the shithole I just fled)

>27-years-old Algerian born and raised in Canada
(Ugly balding sandnigger roach who falsified documents to get into a white country for gibs because I am subhuman filth)

>Skipped two grades in elementary school because i was smarter than the Canadians
(Kicked out of grade school because I was a "15 year old refugee" who couldn't speech english but had a beard and tried grooming the 8 year old girls to be my bride)

>Have a masters in electrical engineering at the best university in Canada.
(Loitered around UofT campus for a while before campus security kicked me off for being suspicious)

>Working as a consultant at an IT company
(Sit in my government funded gibs housing shitposting in between my Ontario Works cheques)

>10/10 super fit Canadian fiancé
(Sent random girls "bb wana fuck show milk" messages on facebook until they blocked me)

>Busting huge loads into her womb every night trying to get her pregnant
(Lose my erection halfway through masturbating to my favourite goat pictures)

>Our goal is to have 2 multiracial children before we turn 30
(Oh Allah I wish I was white Oh Allah my women are so hairy and ugly Oh Allah I wish I was white)

you are a black frog


Ah i'm so triggered!

...and then I remember i'm half white, reminder that your son will probably be more racist than you had the balls to be.


Man I'd pump that full of cum too.

Pics or it didn't happen leaf.

>born and raised in Canada
>smart and hard working
>not giving a fuck about islam
>white wife, prolly giving her a good life cause your well paid job
>only planning to have 2 kids by now

Where's the problem? I think Sup Forums is more concerned about other kind of immigrants.

>Be Ahmed
>27-years-old Lybian born and raised in Canada
>left school in 6th grade
>spends all day talking to some bearded faggot at mosque
>working from time to time as halal butcher in some muslim grocery mart
>?/10 fiancé as he makes her dress like a dark ghost
>Busting huge loads into every woman he desires to rape
>Goal is having 15 children before he turns 28

>Busting huge loads into her womb every night trying to get her pregnant

What seems to be the problem?

OP, if you have an MS in electrical engineering, you will know the answer to this question: would you use a resistor, capacitor, diode or logic gate in series with a data line to limit current for lazy level translations? Why?

Je te connais crisse de connais, t'es le loser qui n'était même pas capable de passer le cours de courant continu sans tricher.

T'es juste un tabarnak de LARPer.

In english, shitskin, don't you dare speaking the language of your masters.
As for the rest of you degenerated kin, I hardly think that being enclosed in rotting and decaying suburbs, while living of the scraps od the Republic could be said as being colonization.
Colonization is more like when the French came to that shithole you call your homeland, and made you their bitches.


You mean fiancée

Also wait until after marriage

you're gonna have to bury those kids, user


>i am 100 times more successful in life than you are
>yeah, I'm fucking better than you okay, much better than you, you are garbage - Ana Kasparian

that's the marxist sentiment right there, so much for their fake political sentiments.


As soon as I saw the picture I already knew this was a multi-cultural Larp shit poster. Daily occurrence, same approach, different picture.

You are only successful because you used the race card to rape the system. If she is a nigger fucker than she deserves to die as well.

All I have to say is I've been doing that for 12 yrs now and eventually you fuck her despite she's fat now, 3 kids later.
Your education is bullshit and everyone knows it who's worked in a corporation long enough.
There's literally hundreds of thousands of T.Be You.
I'm one of them. So fuck off.

I bet you're muslim. I hate you . If I marry a white man, I am disowned from my family. I bet you're living the dream fucking white women while I have to choose between marrying a nice catholic boy and never speaking to my family again. You should've married an Algerian woman and preserved your culture and heritage but you idiots always go for the white women while I'm currently suffering under these old fucking traditions. God, I hate Islam.

ever notice when white chicks fuck black dudes they get darker.

haha et les doubles confirment que c'est la vérité.

Your sons and daughters will go in the woodchipper.

Sup Forums I found the full picture of his ID card lol

You are probably fresh out of the boat and can't get any pussy
Keep dreaming tho

OP is a dumb fag, not an engineer. I scanned the barcode to get his Numero d'assurance maladie. Kid is 16 years old, born in 2001 and first 3 letters of last name "Bou"

>Cum in your women so often
>She's still not pregnant.

Yeah I got something to tell you bro, your about as fruitful as a rock

Algerian ain't black.

Holy shit, you're such a faggot that you had to make a larping thread. Anecdotal evidence. Congratulations, you're better than most niggers. "One of the good ones" as my grandfather would say. But you still have that nigger arrogance that makes you think a thread about you on a politics and news board is worthy of any space here. Fuck off. Just a friendly reminder your parents are disappointed you didn't marry a cousin or some roving barbariannette from a tribe that has been at war with your families since the sticks and stones days of war. Approximately since the 1970's in Algeria's case.
I apologize gentlemen, reminder that not all leafs are faggots but a significant percentage of the faggots here are leafs. It's an unfortunate stereotype, but I'm bothered by the leaf faggots who made it this way and make me aspire to be better, not everyone else who simply notice a pattern and acted accordingly.
Really, western niggers can take a few lessons from that.

Damn straight, put en in feet first


6/10 at best


>How does this make you feel Sup Forums?
It makes me feel that OP is a fagoot.

I'm happy for you Mohammad, my brother

J'ai lcoeur qui leve decalice asti dneg des sab
Anyway si ca pete tu va faire quoi a -50^

looks like a man. probably handles you like one, too.

Hahaha makes me feel like this is fake and gay, and op is a colossal faggot.