Do you know why Jewish people own all the property in America?
Do you know why Jewish people own all the property in America?
115+ IQ
they worked hard and deserve it
>holy fuck captcha
They're rats.
>they worked hard and deserve it
I want this capitalist meme to die already
They don't, they mostly own the banking system, and that's enough.
>when you pretend you understand how rich people got rich when you are this fucking dumb.
its no wonder you are poor.
Hello leftypol.
sold their souls to Satan
Because nepotism truly works
where do you think lefty come from doofus?
In the capitalist system?
>Acquire means of production
>Exploit using means of production
So ez even the boss's retarded son can do it. The blue collar manual work working class plebs do all the hard work for you.
Have a mortgage?
>I mean before lefty was on 8
W-what it's just a coincidence ov Vey this is very anti-semi-
Oh, ok, yeah absolutely!.
is that why the disparity was even worse when you attempt to right this supposed "exploitation"
Because they swindled us?
They are psychological rats, indeed.
Occult rituals and subliminal programming.
literally racism.
semitism! kek!
we're stupid enough to fall for it
survival of the fittest
Let me elaborate, aside from the labor aristocrats which include niche work like the actor, twitch streamer, or artist, the only way to get well off compared to the rest of the proles in the system is to be a capitalist. There are three types of capitalist, the merchant capitalist, the banker capitalist, and the industrial capitalist. The merchant capitalist buys products low, and sells high for profit. The banker receives profit from interest on loans. The industrial capitalist, employs labor for wages to work on his private property. The current era of capitalism is marked by the emergence of the industrial capitalist while previous eras although weren't capitalist still had merchant capitalists and bankers. As you can see all these types of capitalist don't actually do anything in terms of creating wealth. They simply sit on passive income, much how a king in feudalism sat on the taxation of the serfs.
>is that why the disparity was even worse when you attempt to right this supposed "exploitation"
because they don't waste time crying for "justice" they'll use the laws in effect to their advantage.. & good for 'em..blacks need to learn this it, invest for the long term..
what the fuck are white people going to do, just cry "white genocide" probably when another group shows signs of progress
because they print their own money and are pathological in the need for sheckles.
>they don't cry for justice
>they cry for juctice, are rich, and therefore recieve justice
Crucifiction nails juice
BEcause we can? I mean, there's only so much resource on this dirt ball, since whites, blacks and yellows are too weak we'll just have to show them how it's done.
Based Ethnocentrism.
Money became fake. You pay interest for computer money. Nobody owned it nor deposited it. Rich buddies get together and be lazy failures on your dime. Capitalism literally needs inflation. This used to be usury but you know. Smart phones n sheit. World is 2,500 trillion in derivatives' debt. Thanks Bush. Let's "elect" another one
the number of the beast is six hundred and sixty six, not 6 6 6
But mostly pure coincidence
What ever you said fiend now begone ...
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
by the Divine Power of God,
cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
בשוק סמייא צווחין לעווירא סגי נהור
They're nepotistic in their wealth.
That's what happens in an altruistic multicultural society. Groups of ethnically and culturally destinict people will have in-group preferencing.
just trying to save you embarrassment from your own ignorance
be a bigger faggot, its a great look on you
i like the video because of the cartoons they used. more black people need to do this
Why do black men have such amazing dick sucking lips? Is it sexual selection to please centuries of slave masters from many different cultures?
Because greedy whites who want in on some of the action let them.
The week Jay Z released the video all America smelled to bacon.
Niggers thinking?
Like God damn they could suck a monkey through 50 ft. of rubber tubing.
Filename says it all.
Bring back the death penalty for usury.
>Do you know why Jewish people own all the property in America?
because the political establishment took a lot of bribes.
They bought it, kinda how property rights works
Majority of land in the US is illegally owned by the Federal Government.
gas yourself
she earned her right to own that land
>Acquire means of production
Then if it's that fucking easy why are you still such a fucking loser?
Pay your damn bills, Bundy.
>As you can see all these types of capitalist don't actually do anything in terms of creating wealth. They simply sit on passive income
they drive the large machines that creates that wealth, like a politician with profits as a goal.
That's the point, it's entirely based on luck. Once you've acquired private property, it's ez to make money without doing anything.
........... ok.
goyim will always hate those who are better
>בשוק סמייא צווחין לעווירא סגי נהור
in the market of blind people you call one that see little a big light.