That's a big guy
Isn't she a millionaire now? And why doesn't she just move to a state that allows weed?
Hmm, always assumed she was putting on the thug act. Guess she really is a degenerate moron.
it's fucking nothing. plus she's loaded with cash now so it's not like it'll hurt her much
escorting a midget makes anybody look big in comparison
Who is this chink and why should I care?
>That's a big guy
Just imagine how far up inside her his massive cock must go.
Also, any pics of her boobs? They look enormous and lovely.
dammit leaf, you may be a cunt, but that's the first time I've seen that. have a (you)
>why doesn't she just move to a state that allows weed?
>not noticing that she is trash
>not noticing that she has a brain the size of a walnut
The creator of normie memes deserve death
She need one bullet for every jew that tried to shoehorn this meme into a show or movie
How old is this girl? Look at those fucking tits jesus christ
Think all these charges happened before her rise to fame.
Good fucking God. What the fuck are they feeding kids in America? She is 14 and has the body of a fully grown woman. She could bear fucking children RIGHT FUCKING NOW.
God I would fucking ravish her
>not noticing that even states that have medical or recreational marijuana would still charge this girl with a crime for possesing it because she's fucking 15 years old
Superior Italian genetics
who is that degenerate mestizo cunt? she deserves it.
Birth control pills have estrogen in them that increases breast size. I'm not impressed.
You know what happens when you violate probation right? They put you away for a long, long time, even longer than if they just threw you in jail for the entire term of the sentence. I've said it since this beginning this girl is trash and she has absolutely no marketable skills or quality, just a catchphrase and a bad attitude. She will have to turn to the life she lives again eventually and with that comes associating with certain characters and doing certain things that lead her to the lifestyle that gave her probation in the first place. Except after they're nice enough to give you probation and you violate it, it's jail time. This girl can not be a perfectly goody two shoes for 5 years. I think even a moving violation will break probation.
>She could bear fucking children RIGHT FUCKING NOW
Biologically speaking, 14 has always been the time to start
I cant wait until she starts doing porn.
I get it, and im saddened more people dont
That girl is clearly hispanic. Know the difference. It's the difference between an IQ of ~90 and ~106
t. redditors
she's a fucking teenager, you pedophile!
Sup Forums unironically supporting thots.
Nigger kike is that you.
I see.
>a fucking teenager,
Nice digits
He is one of those "white" cubans?
I would like nothing more than to motorboat this little slut. Those tits are fucking delicious and she's not a lardass.
>that ethnic hairstyle
Which is why I said she has the brain the size of a walnut.
Mostly true except the moving violation part. Like if she was caught stealing, more weed or a dui then ya she's major fucked
that guy saved that other guys dick
A friend of mine told me today that their 8 yo is having her period. Fucking 8!
A ponytail is ethnic?
She's jewish
kek i wish the train took off with his dick like that
Your comment fits your flag border hunter
Proof that it doesn't matter how shitty your attitude is or how hard you work. If you're hot, you get everything.
so fucking what?
She'll be fat as fuck, look at her mom, look at her jowls, her fingers, her cheeks and everything else. She'll be fat soon and will progress to fatness like That Modern Family girl that is getting dumber and fatter daily.
You fucker
if a man did this
10,000 years in jail!!!
YAY. Now we just need to get that @boonk.ig guy on probation or behind bars and we can all feel safe again.
This is shitty bread and circuses, concern yourself with celebrity gossip and use the time to read aristotle.
??? shes a mafia wog
Maybe the profit was right.
May piss be upon him.
How so?
But she isn't right now. This exact moment is the prime time to bury my face in those yabbos and shake my head like a tiger killing an antelope.
get fucked, ya cunt
jews are getting BTFO left and right lmao
14 lol
I can smell the summer on you, nigger.
push up bras should be banned
I hope you all die soon. Nothing personal.
Nobody cares.
it's not even that hard to get a weed card, what a fucking tard.
>use a fraction of her millions to move somewhere with medical
>go to doctor for back spasms
>say you don't want any meds
>go to weed doc
>you now have a card
Anybody who gets arrested for weed in this day and age is stupid as hell
Jesus, what are they putting in your food, burgers?
You hear of retards winning the lottery and then blowing it all in less than 5 years? Same thing, retards are retarded in perpetuity
hello fellow feggitor
shes like 14 can you get a card that young?
Shes not wearing a bra, brah.
>all the women being useless
>Bro comes in fast saving other bros dick
bros b4 hoes
No. Not unless cancer.
God, I would love to fuck that little whore so much. I bet that pussy tastes like caramel. Fuck.
we dont need to be smart.
>look good
>marry rich
my grandma did it,my mom did it, i'll do it. WE ALL DO IT BITCH
>anything on Sup Forums making you sad.
You have to go back.
When she says cash me outside...
>plus she's loaded with 'cash me outside'
Haha, see what the fuck I did right there? Fucking hilarious, she's the next Paris Hilton! That's hot. Feel me bros?
>5 years probation
wow it's nothing
>move to a state where weed is legal
She's 12, dumbass.
she looks negroid to me
make her pick cotton
Does she already have a show, or was she supposed to have one and now can't?
Lots of cancer on Sup Forums this evening
Actually I bet it tastes like disease and nigger cum. I would fuck her in a heartbeat, but I would not go down on this girl.
>For you
Ugly individual.
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
>Actually I bet it tastes like disease and nigger cum. I would fuck her in a heartbeat, but I would not go down on this girl.
Eh, I know you're right, but I would still lick that nasty little pussy. Maybe give her a shower first though. I'm sick, I need help.
yes, only true oldfag veterans such as myself know such subtle and classy memery
that's the point.
her tits look huge in push ups but without them she's just average
jealous? ;)
because she is like 15 and you have to be 21 to smoke legally
your nose fails you
I really wish I could see you in public, assuming you went outside. I'm sure it would be memorable.
Kinda, but I think it's pretty fucked up at the same time. Young teens try to look more mature everywhere, but I think America is the only place where your teens look that old. I've noticed it IRL too, both with foreign students and when I went to visit. I remember asking a girl that my younger cousin introduced to me what she was studying in college. I assumed she was an older friend, maybe an older sister of one her friends, something like that. She was in fucking middle school, younger than my cousin.
>Fully grown woman
Hips don't lie and hers is left wanting.
>industrial meat complex injects hormones to grow bigger breasts in chickens to increase profits
>mc D's chicken nuggets are a staple in white trash diets
the best argument AGAINST race mixing
She's gonna age like a carton of milk
If my little sister grew up to be someone like her, I'd beat the shit out her.